Ep. 47 | 🍿Comment Chaos: Sex, Sperm, and the Absurdity of Forced Birth Narratives
Welcome back your bloody legends. Welcome to another episode today. We're going to go through a couple of comments. This will be a quickie. I say that every week and it ends up being an hour long. That's an exaggeration, but. We'll do this quickly. I actually want to go to Instagram. So I recently did an episode
and it was the one that I did when I came back from Melbourne, when I had studied spinal energetics in Melbourne, in Victoria, which is on the east coast of Australia. I live in the west coast in Perth and the episode was episode 44. Where the hell have I been spinal energetics, Melbourne. And what's next?
It was like a big catch up. Episode. And in that I was obviously explaining about what spinal energetics is and how I've studied it. And I did a, a short clip that went into all the different platforms. It's all about, you don't need healing. Like. Let me make that bloody clean. You do not need healing.
There is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. Even if you feel like life is extremely painful for you right now, even if you're in the depths of. Pain and suffering and whatever it might be, you don't need [00:01:00] someone to come and heal you. And I made that stent pretty clear, right? And I'm about to read something off of my website.
I've been updating all of my website copy as I am. You know about to launch spinal energetic sessions to the general public, as opposed to just, behind closed doors with friends and family and in practice mode. And I'm so excited to bring it to you. And so I've been updating my website copy, and I've been really deliberately speaking to you. And what I mean by that.
And I'm about to read it comment, but what I mean by that is this podcast controversial as fuck attracts absolute legends. I say that all the time, I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass. If you're not Australian, that's saying. It might mean something completely different in a different amount of the world, but I'm not just sucking up to you.
I'm not just trying to like brown nose you. I don't know what all the, or there's probably a million different ways of saying that I'm not. Trying to just make you feel good. Genuinely this podcast attracts mother-beeping legends. I say it all the time. The type that are big questioners [00:02:00] big deep thinkers. They like to go beneath surface level and question all of the systems and the structures and authorities and the status quo and the powers that be and like, hang on.
Why is this enforce or why is this rule in place or why is this mandate in place or. Why do we have to do X, Y, Z Y what's underneath it or? Okay. You're telling me this as an authority figure. Do I trust you? What's your lifestyle? Like, We go deeper than what is just on surface level.
And with that, we can also oppose. Especially if you've listened to the last episode where I talked about the outlaw archetype or the rebel archetype, the revolutionist, we can have that archetype within us where it's like, Don't tell us what to do, type thing that can have a awesome side to it, but can also have a shadow side. And with that can also come the thought of
don't tell me that I need fixing or don't tell me that there's something wrong with me.
And then I'm this broken little bird that needs saving. This is why I have had an issue for a very long time with the term [00:03:00] healer. So obviously I'm in the self healing services realm. I said this before. I won't belabor the point, but I've studied root cause therapy.
I'm still studying embodied processing, which has started a year ago. I'm doing that one a lot slower. I've studied spinal energetics. I've studied energy medicine through some absolute legends from resonate that I've had on this podcast as well. So I love self healing modalities that are very alternative and very different to mainstream rather than just band-aiding things I love getting to the root cause. Because when you're actually able to get to the root cause, whatever the issue was, it was presenting itself naturally usually goes away because the root cause was addressed.
Whereas normally with mainstream and obviously mainstream has its place. Whether that be medication, which I am not pursuing by the way it saves lives. Absolutely. If you need to be on medication for a period in your life, whatever, go for it. I'm not putting that down. I want to make that clear. But, there are certain things in mainstream that are just band-aiding, they're not actually able to get to the root [00:04:00] cause.
So this is why I'm drawn to self healing, modalities and healing modalities. But I'm not drawn to the term healer. And the reason is I've made this clear before, but it is like a hierarchy thing. I think that if I was to say, I am your healer, it sounds like I'm calling myself. Jesus. That's just how I feel. It sounds like I am Petter stalling myself.
And I'm saying there's something wrong with you that you need me to fix you. There's something wrong with you that you need me to come and heal that you are broken. That you're defunct, that there's. Something wrong with you. And I don't like that narrative. I oppose it very strongly, which is why I don't personally used a word. Healing when it or healer, I should say when it comes to what my. Title is I don't have a title. I'm just a chick.
God, I was about to say I'm just a chick with a Dick. That's like, I think that's off a movie. I'm definitely not a chick with a Dick. Let me just make that clear. I am a female with female anatomy. I do not have a Dick. God, that just popped in my head. I have the most intrusive thoughts. Sometimes I [00:05:00] should not speak out loud. What I was saying is I'm just everyday chick that has been through my own stuff in life that has, got my own. Stuff within myself that. Doesn't need healing.
It doesn't need fixing. It just needs my love. And I love when someone can help to hold space for that to naturally carry my body, which is what drew me to spinal energetics. But anyway, one of the clips was about how we don't need rescuing. And I loved one of the comments which actually came from Instagram.
Claire, Nettley, I want to give a shout out, sorry if I'm pronouncing your last name wrong, by the way, Nettley, Nettley, Nettley. Like nettle. T I believe. She said I've met many, a healer that is highly dysfunctional looking forward to listening. And I said, oh, a hundred percent good point. Sometimes being a healer is really bypassing our own work too.
And she goes, yup. Great comment. Some people that call themselves healers can be the most dysfunctional out there. And I'm not putting down you. If you use the term healer, let me make that clear. I'm not putting you down. [00:06:00] It just doesn't work for me. That doesn't mean that I think there's something when we do, if you use it. But I would be. I do have issue with someone using it.
If they are using the term healer as a way to bypass their own shit that they're not facing. Cause that can be what it is. It's often. Uh, numbing thing and they don't realize it. It's unconscious to them where for instance, They have a lot of their own internal staff that they're not facing a lot of shadows that they've repressed, for example.
And instead of facing it and sitting with it and accepting those parts of themselves or working on the parts of themselves that. May need addressing, instead, they can often do a million different certificates. Call themselves a healer. Because it makes them feel better about themselves and it bypasses having to do their own work.
And that's what the I'm paraphrasing here, but that's what I got from Claire's message. Claire's comment was yeah, many, a healer can be highly dysfunctional. And so when I do see someone use the word healer, but [00:07:00] they own their bullshit and they own their staff. I'm like, go, you go for it. Use whatever term you want.
I don't give a damn it's when it's used as like a hierarchy thing. I bloody despise it. I really don't like it.
I just really believe very strongly in that concept of. Don't look at ourselves as some broken little birds, even if we feel it, even if we're going through some of the hardest, most painful times in our life. And we do feel broken at times. But we're not, we don't need parts of us to be put back together often.
What has actually happened is. We. Have mentally fixed things, right? Maybe we've reconciled mentally. With things that have happened in our life or, certain life experiences, maybe it is traumatic things. Maybe it's really painful things. Maybe it's grief. Loss grief and loss, a huge, like people really carry a lot of grief loss and shame is a big one as well.
And maybe mentally we've reconciled those things and we're like, we're all good. But the body keeps score and the [00:08:00] body is holding onto those tension patterns. And yeah, I just want to make it clear that if you feel that way in your life, especially as we're coming up to the end of this year, this can be. A big polar opposite time of year for people.
It can either be so exciting and everything is great. And life is like big kumbaya. Or it can feel very hard and very painful. And maybe you're coming up to the end of the year where everything just feels very heavy and it's like, your whole world feels like it's crumbling down at once. It's going to be emotional.
I want to let you know I'm right there with you. Like genuinely I'm right there with you. And sometimes life can feel very painful. Very fucking painful. But I want to let you know, and I want to remind you things can turn around very quickly and you don't need someone to come and sort you out. Sometimes it just helps for somebody to hold space for you to allow your body to do that by itself.
And the, I just wanted to read that comment out by Claire. I thought that was brilliant. That there is many a [00:09:00] healer that is highly dysfunctional and often the more dysfunctional that they are, the more they try to hide it and act like they're perfect. Whereas the ones that. Don't act like they're perfect and don't act like they have their shit all together. I think the ones that are representing that term healer a lot better, to be honest. Again, it's not for me.
I don't use that word, but each to their own.
And I just want to pop over to YouTube really quickly. So just to check some of the comments there. One of them was from the cult spotlight, the Potter's house, Christian fellowship. So you remember ages ago? I did an episode that was all about the cult to the Potter's house, because that was what I was raised in until I was a part of that fellowship and tell us, mid twenties.
So. C F M expose, which is Christian fellowship ministries, which is what the Potter's house Colt is under. That's one of the titles. They've put great video. Love to see fellow X members speak out. So yeah, CFM exposed. I would say their entire I'm guessing I haven't looked their entire [00:10:00] YouTube channel is probably around exposing the Potter's house.
So there's a lot of ex members that have been through a lot of stuff. That's for sure.
Let's pop over to take talk quickly. Actually, I have not been on Tik TOK for so long. I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not a huge Tik TOK fan. I was for awhile, but YouTube definitely. Stole my heart. My love. I'm a big YouTube fan. I just love being able to put long form content, which is why I love podcasting and why I love YouTube. But let's just see if we've had any recent comments that I've missed.
Kelvin message me for quick help, Kevin.
I feel like you're a scam.
So when I did the abortion video, so obviously one of the clips that came up was about how men don't actually have legal recourse. If they're, let's say a man is in relationship with a woman and the woman falls pregnant, the man wants to keep the baby, the woman doesn't, the woman has an abortion.
The man doesn't have any legal recourse. He doesn't get a say in it. And I was saying, I can imagine that would be really hard and very painful and very challenging if he would like to keep his baby, but the [00:11:00] woman doesn't and it's taken from him, obviously that would be. Very painful. And Maria has said, or have a vasectomy.
Yeah. And look. The thing is though Maria, and look, thank you for your comment, but I just want to point something out. Vasectomy means that then you can't have children. This is in the opposite. This is saying a man wants to be able to keep his baby, but can't because the woman is a boarding it. And I was seeing that it would be very painful for a man to have his child essentially taken from him. Yeah.
So vasectomy wouldn't actually help in that situation. Cause that's the opposite of what he's wanting. He's wanting to keep the baby in that hypothetical scenario. And then Casey has said, I mean, at least her description on men is accurate.
Not sure what she means there.
BTB a four for four. So that's good. Those men would not be a good match for those women. As they have opposing views about a woman's bodily, autonomy, and likely many other values. [00:12:00] Because I was saying that I was reading out. Uh, guy's comment from YouTube, how he was saying that. The general consensus among some men that he's spoken to is that if they're the type that would want it to keep a child, like keep a baby, if their girlfriend was to fall pregnant and they would have to make sure that they don't date women that are pro-choice because otherwise they know that there's a chance.
And look, it makes sense as a chance that they may not be able to keep their baby if it, if they girlfriend decided no. So, they're selective on making sure that they're not dating pro-choice women and look, it makes sense, even if you don't agree, it does make sense. Right? To this person saying that's good.
Those men would not be a good match for those women. As they have opposing views about a woman's bodily, autonomy, and likely many other values.
Glackstein said a lot of people approve life until it happens to them low, you are a hundred per hundred and 10% correct. In your statement, it's never been about life.
It's about control.
Someone else has said, come on now, there's a lot of men out [00:13:00] there trying to get rid of their girlfriends or their wives, babies. They don't want any more kids. This is a mute argument. Nope. I'm not saying the opposite of that by the way. Yes. A thousand percent, there are a lot of men out there who would tell their girlfriends or their wives.
No, I don't want this baby a thousand percent. That was not. Just so you know, that was not actually what the topic was about. We were discussing specifically the men that would want to keep the baby and the girl wouldn't want to keep the baby right. So, I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong. I'm just saying it's redundant when it comes to the actual topic that we were discussing. Sheila, I have always believed what she says.
Someone who oh, wow.
There was a whole heap that were actually hidden. That reviewed. Someone said, oh, no, men aren't allowed to use women as incubators, poor men. Nobody's saying that dickhead. Be nice wholly. Nobody's saying that they're using the woman as an incubator. We're talking about specifically a loving relationship. A couple [00:14:00] that want to have children, but if the woman decides actually I don't want this baby at this point in my life, but the man does.
And so they're going back on their word, essentially, that. Yeah, it would be painful for the men. I'm not talking about men using women as incubators.
Someone else has said the best of men want to impregnate, not pre-create remember lions kill their young, why should they have rights? God I tell you about Tik TOK really brings out some interesting people. No one men need to be held responsible for the decision to sleep with anyone, make better choices, men.
That's what we're saying. Fuck me. That's what we're saying. We're saying men make the choices to like, oh God, let me just reiterate. This came from a comment on YouTube where a man said in the relation to the topic of abortion. And he said, I am not, I'm paraphrasing. I'm not putting down women who are pro-choice.
That's not what this is. He's just saying that is a general consensus amongst men, that he knows [00:15:00] that they don't tend to date women that are pro-choice. If they're the type of men themselves, they're in a loving relationship with their partner. That they would want, the men themselves would want to keep the baby, but the woman wouldn't, that would be very hard for them.
So they choose to not date women. That are outwardly pro choice. That's what we're saying. So, yeah, they are being responsible for their decision. Someone else are those men who are so concerned about women not wanting to carry their child abstaining from masturbation. That's a lot of potential life.
They're just throwing away there. Oh, fuck me.
Actually that's an interesting point.
Approved by Gaza is this person's name? That's a good point. This is something actually that came up in a voice note with someone on Instagram recently, who was saying what age? Of the [00:16:00] fetus or baby in the womb. It does consciousness come into play. That is a really good point, actually. I'll read this again.
Are those men who are so concerned about women not wanting to carry their child abstaining from masturbation? That's a lot of potential life. They're just throwing away their. I think the key term there is potential life. I don't think we see. The seaman.
The seaman as being life, it's potential life, but one it's once it's actually fertilize in the woman's body, I do believe that then it is. Love. I mean, it's all life. Oh, God, this is a good point. It is all life. But you know, I don't see seaman as they're just killing off their babies.
The same as like a woman having an abortion at, let's say 24 weeks. Like these are two different things. I don't see that the same. He could use a condom. If he's concerned. I know enough women who had babies by men who abandoned them both. We're not saying that doesn't happen. That's not, that's not this, what this was about when it comes to reproduction, women should always center themselves.
Yes, of [00:17:00] course. They could use a condom if they're concerned, but condoms don't always work. Well, some of my friends have fallen pregnant because. That didn't work also the pull-out method. Oh my God. That does not always work. Can I just one of my friends. Whereas using the pull-out method with their husband and she fell pregnant.
So just so you know these aren't always. The case.
All right. Good comments guys. I'm going to leave it there anyway. Some good points. Hey, let me raise some questions for you. Do you think. That.
The little swimmers in semen is that life. I mean, it is life. It's something that is living, but is that considered consciousness? Technically. Yeah, I guess it is. So like, if, I mean, cause everything's consciousness, a rock has consciousness. Ah, tree's consciousness where consciousness, everything is consciousness at the end of the day.
So. If a man is masturbating, is he killing off his potential child? Interesting. Interesting thing. Or is it [00:18:00] once it's actually fertilized with the egg inside the woman in the womb? Is that when it's considered a living, being a human, does it go from being just consciousness to being a God? There's this where my brain, my brain is gone off like a rocker right now.
Does it go from just being consciousness to now, once it's fertilizing the egg inside the woman that now it is also a human life.
Great question.
I personally, just off the top of my head. Don't think that a man is just killing off his babies. If he masturbates and ejaculates, I don't, I don't, I don't believe that. I think that once it's fertilized, is that the right word? I'm not with biology. Once it's actually, I guess, fertilized with the egg in the womb inside a woman's uterus, wherever it goes. Got a new to research human biology.
I think that that is when it becomes a human life. But I don't actually know. I don't actually know. Interesting questions. What are your takes on this guys? As we lead up to the beautiful Christmas [00:19:00] spirit. What are your takes is a man who masturbates and ejaculates killing off his babies. Is it. I don't think so, but let me know what you think. What's another question I could ask you.
And also if a man in a relationship with a woman once to keep the baby and the woman doesn't. Is he just using the woman as an incubator? I disagree. No, I don't personally, I don't think so. I'd love to know your thoughts on that. If a man. I would really want to keep a baby. If he fell pregnant with let's say his girlfriend or wife and the woman didn't should he have just used a condom?
Oh, man, there's actually more.
What in the world is this comment? Transvestic gated. Hang on. Let me bring. I just saw something funny.
Oh, God, this one's brilliant. Go. You're about to be trans Vesta gated. Why do all conservative women look like this? Laughing my ass off. So there's me. Oh, I'm wearing the same top. Hey, there's me. If you're watching this on [00:20:00] YouTube and this individual, I can't make this shit up. See the second from the top there. Girl.
You're about to be trans Vesta gated. What the fuck does that mean? Why do all conservative women look like this? Laughing my ass off. I'm actually not a conservative. I'm actually not. But interesting. What's Trane's best to gated. Seed no pro-choice woman would want to be with a forced birth at any, you know, what's fucking fascinating to me. if a woman decides to have an abortion, she's considered pro-choice.
If a man decides that he would like to keep their baby, he's considered a forced birther, isn't it interesting. The language that we use between men and women, I find that very, very fascinating. So, as she said, no, pro-choice woman would want to be with a forced birth anyways. So as usual men are pretending the friend zone exists when they're actually just not truthful about morals to keep women [00:21:00] around. Do you God.
Someone else has said, maybe if she doesn't want a child, she shouldn't have sex.
I actually don't agree with that. That I know that's a very conservative way of thinking about things. I actually don't agree about that. I don't think that sex is just for procreation. I don't, I think sex is one of the highest and most pleasurable things on the planet and should not be shamed and should not be ridiculed and only be viewed as something. To just procreate.
I don't think. that if you're having sex outside, just wanting to have children at that means there's something wrong with you. Sex is meant to be enjoyed. I personally, this is just me personally. Love the idea of sex in an intimate relationship. I'm not into one nightstands. That's just me personally, but that's because I have to highly respect a man. We'll have some level of trust there first to be able to open myself up sexually to him and then, oh God, yeah, let's go for it.
But like, Not just with a random, that's just me [00:22:00] personally, though. I'm not into shaming people about sex. I want to make that clear. So, no, I don't think that if a woman doesn't want to have a child, she shouldn't be having sex. Like. Think about in a marriage, let's say between a man and a woman. And let's say they've already had the kids that they want.
So does that mean they shouldn't have sex for the rest of their lives? Like that's insane and absurd. I don't, that's not my stance. I don't support that. I appreciate your comment. Dreamer is their title. Maybe if she doesn't want a child you shouldn't have sex. I don't agree. I think, I don't think that's helpful. I think that's just shaming human beings and making sex seem like it's just a methodical thing.
It's not sex. bloody oath I love sex. Sex is like incredible. I don't think it's just a procreate. I've made that clear. Anyhow, lots of questions there. Do you think sex is only there to procreate? Do you think that if a man wants to keep his child, that he's considered to be a, Forced birther.
Do you think that
if a man ejaculates from masturbating that he's killing off his [00:23:00] babies. What an interesting conversation leading up to the festive season. I love you guts as always, please let me know your answers to these questions. I am deeply
questioning my life. I love you. Have a good week. Bye.