Ep. 48 | 🍿Comment Chaos: Masturbation, Morality, and the Madness of Modern Opinions


Hey legends. Welcome back to another episode. I believe you'll be listening to this on Christmas Eve or after. So. If I've got my dates, correct. Merry Christmas, you bloody legend. No for real Merry Christmas. I hope you have an awesome Christmas period time with your family. I hope it's a nice time of year for you and not the opposite, because I know that this time of year can also really suck for some people, but sending all the love in the world.

And thank you so much for being such a legend and listening to this podcast. So Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to one and two, all into many, whatever that saying is, all right, this episode is not your usual Tuesday drop. This is a comment chaos one. I just wanted to do something different instead of going deep into some big topic, right on Christmas Eve.

Like I don't think anyone's got the time or space for that on Christmas Eve. But let's do a comment chaos one, because we've had some really funny comments and some good comments come through from my last episode and from different episodes. So this would be a real mixed bag and I'll try and make it as quick as possible for you. The last episode that we [00:01:00] released was a common chaos episode and it was titled sex sperm and the absurdity of forced birth narratives.

And that was where I went through a whole bunch of comments, especially on Tik TOK in particular, God Tik TOK is. Hilarious. It really brings out interesting human beings. I find Tik TOK is I'm still not quite sure how F how I feel about Tik TOK. Like I've said, I love podcasting. So I love the podcasting platforms.

I love YouTube because I love. Long form content and visual content. But I do like tick-tock as well. Just. People just don't get context on short clips that I share there so often it's just the most hilarious comments. But anyway, one of the comments that came through that we now have a response to, um, one of the comments that I mentioned in the last episode was. And I won't go into it all again.

We've heard this a million times, but. How a guy on YouTube who's a legend had, you know, commented on an abortion episode that I did and where he explained that. One of the [00:02:00] things amongst men that he speaks to is that if they're the type that would want to keep their baby, like for instance, they're in a loving relationship, I'm paraphrasing a loving relationship with a woman.

Uh, they would want to ensure that that woman is not going to have an abortion. Obviously, if they're going to want it to keep their child, therefore they're the type of men that say. That they choose to not date women that are outwardly pro-choice purely because they're the type that are going to want to keep their baby in the future.

Right. Which is listen. Even if you don't agree, even if you think pro-choice is the way to go, it doesn't matter how you look at it. Surely any human being could understand that stance. Right? I know this is a juicy topic in the Christmas period, but let's go there. Surely, most people could understand that, that if a man is going to want to keep his baby, because it is also his. That in order for him to be able to ensure that that is going to happen.

He's going to make sure that the woman he's dating or married to. Is not like massively pro choice where she may decide, oh, actually I don't want it. Now I'm going to have an abortion. Right. It [00:03:00] makes sense. One of the comments that came through on Tik TOK was where a woman had said, well, basically again, I'm paraphrasing. So I don't have to bring it up, but basically something along the lines of, well, I hope that these men that think this way are also not masturbating because they're killing off a lot of potential life there. Like tongue in cheek is the way I took it, but I mean, she may be serious.

I don't know. She's probably highly serious. But I want to read out a comment. So I'm just bringing it up on my screen here. So James pad pad get 8, 6, 6, 0. He's been a legend before who has commented on other episodes. Hello James. If you're watching this. Another person that just has really thought provoking stuff to say.

I always appreciate when people take the time out of their day to actually write something that is thought provoking and something that's like, you know, they've thought about it. They didn't just. write. Something like, oh, you're stupid wanker at me. I appreciate you, James. He said in response to how I discussed that in the episode, no saying that [00:04:00] swimmers are life and men should be shamed for masturbating would be the same as shaming, a woman for menstruating. This is a good point. These two things are necessary to create life, but separately, they are just tools for lack of a better term. When people say life begins at conception.

I always thought that meant fertilization. By the way that's also, and I made it clear in that episode. That's also my, my, my understanding of it as well. And then he said, She's received his genetic code and the process of making a new human has begun. That is life to me. Anyway, because once I had read that Tik TOK comment out loud, I said, you know, Even though I don't agree with what she said that chick on TikTok

she's raised a good point of, okay, well what does everyone think? When does life begin? Because I mean, essentially everything is life, right? So. Yeah, technically, I mean, you could say that there is a life in sperm and there is a life in menstruation blood. Right? You could say that everything is consciousness.

As far as [00:05:00] I understand. Uh, rock is consciousness. A plant is consciousness. I'm consciousness. This desk is consciousness that I have in front of me, right. Everything's consciousness. But when it comes to the topic of abortion, at what point, and this is the question I raised, at what point does it become a human life?

Is it at fertilization? And like James has said here, he always thought That life begins at conception meant fertilization. So she's received the man's genetic code and the process of making a new human has begun. And that to him is life. And look, that is the way that I understand it as well. So, yeah, I don't think that there's anything wrong with a man masturbating.

That that means that he is now killing babies.

I think that's a stretch. Not that the woman on Tik TOK said that, but you get what? I mean? She said that's, that's killing off potential life. And. Well, I think the keyword there is potential. She does have a point, but no. I don't agree with shaming, a man for masturbating. Just the same way. I don't agree with shaming, a woman for masturbating.

I don't think that that is the same as having an [00:06:00] abortion. I think they're quite different. But I love discussing it. I love how nuanced. This topic is, and it's not just black and white. And people have also pointed that out to me, messages it's not black and white. It's really not to some people it may be, but it's very hard to look at the topic of abortion. As black and white. And there's so many different ways of looking at it.

And this is why I always like to remind people when I discuss this topic in particular or any topic, but this one in particular, I'm not bringing shame with it. I'm really not, no matter what choices you've made in your life. If I was you, I would've made the same choices, no matter which way you look at this conversation, because if I was you, I'd been living your exact life, making your exact same decisions and vice versa.

And I think that that breaks down shame and that breaks down judgment. And that helps with understanding. By the way, if you're watching this on YouTube and you're seeing my, where mustache would be, I don't have a bloody mustache. I just can't. I don't know what this area is [00:07:00] called between your mouth and your nose. I'm sweating.

Like, I don't know what right now. So I'm just going to use my phone to turn my air con on in this room. It is like 30 something degrees, 30 degrees Celsius. I'm in Australia right now. So it's like probably 36 degrees or something. It's stinking hot. And I'm sweating. So yeah, air cons on now. All right.

Let's look at the next comment.

Oh, God, this was funny. So on one of the episodes that I did, it was viewer reactions to abortion, hookup, culture, and responsibility. Someone wrote, is this a normal amount of right. Saying for even an Aussie. Because you now are saying right. A lot. I said, ha ha. I would say I'm up there in the top percentile, right? I'm going to be so aware of it now, too.

And they did a smile face. Uh, look, I do say it a lot. It's one of my filler words, you know how people say, um, AR and. By the way I'd probably say all of them too. Mine is right. And the other one [00:08:00] is.

Oh, I forgot what it is.

I think it's something like, you know, I don't know, oh, it'll come to me. But anyway, I say, right? A lot at the end of the sentence. I'm like, right. Right. So now I'm so bloody aware of it. So thank you so much for telling me that F F B. Uh, K for four K D P oh God. That is a long username. Thanks for pointing it out though.

Not, I guess. Now I'm so aware of it all the bloody time you have ruined that word for me.

Alright, next one. I had a very short clip go to the different platforms. I'm on YouTube at the moment, by the way. I don't know if I've already said that, but I'm reading comments from YouTube. So I had a short clip go out.

That was why. I am not judgemental is a red flag and it was about how look we're all judgmental again. When people watch this clip, they don't have full context because it came from obviously a long form podcast episode where I was explaining that. Yes, we're all judgmental. Yes. We all have intrusive thoughts.

That is normal. But what we then would benefit from is [00:09:00] going underneath those judgements and being like, what is it about myself? That I'm projecting onto that individual or what is it about myself that I'm not accepting that I'm like pushing down into the depths of the shadows of my soul, because I don't accept it and I'm projecting it on the other person. Right.

And, oh God, I just said, right. I'm going to say this so much. I'm so aware of it now.

Right. But we all judge and I want to normalize the fact that we all judge, but that is not me giving a permission slip to just be an utter wanker all the time. Right. So people don't have context. Oh my God. I'm so aware of saying that word now. But anyway, someone had written. I absolutely judged people.

And I'm aware, not a single human being on earth is nonjudgmental. Imagine how dangerous and yes, cause there's that point. Great point. It actually can be dangerous to not judge. Think of it this way. You're at a supermarket now let's wherever you're at in a shopping mall or shopping center. You've got a young child with you that you're protecting.

And there's [00:10:00] someone near you that is very, very dodgy looking that looks like an absolute creep that is acting like an absolute creep. That is trying to get as close to your child as possible. And your entire Intuition and just mom or dad or whoever you are kind of senses are going off and being like alert, alert, alert. If we're non-judgemental we would be shoving that down and being like, no, everything's fine. We're not going to judge that individual. Because I don't have the full story. I'm not going to judge them. When in fact, we actually do need to judge in that instance and be like, listen, yes.

I don't know the full story. And they may actually be okay, but just because I don't know yet, I'm going to protect my child and I'm going to make sure that they don't go near my child. Right. That is one way of being like, yes, It's okay to judge. As an ex-police officer, I had to be judgmental. If I wasn't judgmental to some degree, I wouldn't be safe.

I don't know what weapons people are carrying. I don't know what their intentions are. I had to judge them without having full context. [00:11:00] yet. And more often than not, my judgements were right. Sometimes they will wrong, but you don't know in the moment. So there are judgments that come up that keep us safe.

I thought that was a really, really good point. If everybody acts like we're nonjudgmental all the time and pretend we're not and shoves our judgements down. In a non-healthy way. It actually can be very dangerous. But obviously full context. I always say go underneath those judgments. So, because some judgments are important to keep us safe and for security reasons, other judgments ask just being an asshole.

So. There is a difference. And it's about learning that difference and about seeing where we are just being assholes and where we are just projecting onto another human being. So someone else has written. So it's interesting how people can listen to the exact same like 30 second clip and come up with different things.

 So now someone else has written sounds like an asshole justifying asshole behavior. Especially the thing about the mask in the car. Yeah. No thanks. So I've said sounds like judgment. [00:12:00] There is it not P S this is a very short clip from a longer podcast episode. So remember, you don't have full context.

This episode was about how we all have judgments and intrusive thoughts.

But what is underneath them? What projections are we placing on to others? What shadows are within ourselves that we aren't accepting that then we are placing onto others. So I just wanted to bring a little bit of context to this individual. Because look, they have a point. There is, well, there's probably more than two.

There's two ways of looking at this right now that I'm going to elaborate on. One is their point of view. You just being an asshole. So if I say, listen, we're all judgmental. Every single one of us had judgmental. Someone could listen to that and say, look, you are an asshole that is justifying asshole behavior. And that is one way of looking at it.

And I'm not saying they're wrong because here's the thing. If in that clip, If I wasn't able to bring the context, I could be saying, where are assholes? Therefore, B I mean, where or judgmental, therefore be [00:13:00] judgmental, go to town. Let yourself be a complete initial Winker in the world that wouldn't be helpful. Right. I'm not saying we're all judgemental.

Therefore just let that inner judgment just go rampant and be horrible to human beings. No I'm saying except the fact that we're judgmental stop, pretending that we're not except that part, but realize the intrusive thoughts. Aren't just. I asked all the time, not every single thought that comes into us, into our minds. Is true is real or is even us.

Right. So then it's like go underneath it. So that's one way this person could be like, yeah, she is an asshole. Which is a judgment hilarious. There's R this is the irony is not lost on me here. This person is judging me. The we are all judgemental. Right. But that doesn't mean that is a permission slip to now go and be an asshole all over the world. I'm saying except that part of yourself, but then go underneath it.

Right. Two different ways of looking at it. But yeah, the irony was not lost on me that I'm [00:14:00] saying we're all judgmental, but go underneath it. Right. And this person is like, sounds like an asshole justifying asshole behavior. No. Thanks. That's a judgment. I do not realize that you've literally making my point, that we all judge. Because that individual, if you really read into what they're saying, that individual is pedis, tooling themself and saying. Yeah, this is how I read it.

Anyway, I'm up here. And this holy person that says we're all judgmental is down here. She's a judgemental asshole, which I'm not right. I'm not that I have a, my morals are more superior. My worldview or my, my beliefs are more superior. So I'm up here in this. Holy person is down here. I'm not an asshole.

She is. That is a judgment. This is literally my point. You have made my point. We are all judged mental. Therefore we can all be assholes. We can, but go underneath that. Then still on YouTube there. I had a short clip that was about opinions on pronoun usage. Again, they don't have full [00:15:00] context, was a short clip about how I said I don't agree with. Forcing the use of pronouns in schools on social media. In workplaces, for instance. Right. I don't agree with forcing it.

If someone decides they want to put pronouns up on, let's say their social media accounts, they totally can. Yes. I'm going to have a judgment and think that there are people pleaser, right. I'm going to, that is how I view it, but that's okay. My opinion really shouldn't matter to them. It's really none of their business, but their point, like for their sake, I'm sure people don't give a damn what I think about them.

Right. So. I don't agree with forcing them, but I think people have a right to use them, but someone has written, I. In little inverted commerce pronoun in brackets. Don't agree with pronoun usage, full stop. If you don't like pronouns, great avoid every single language. They all use pronouns. So I've wrote cheers for your input, but I've got to assume you didn't listen.

I never said I don't agree with pronoun usage or that I don't like [00:16:00] pronouns. I said, I don't agree with forced pronoun usage in schools, workplaces on social media, et cetera. I assume you're intelligent and know which ones I'm referring to. I can see there was a key word there of forced, but she's for your comment. And that's my point. Because this is something I've seen multiple times on social media, whether it's to me or to other people, when people say, I don't agree with forcing pronouns, or I'm not going to put pronouns up on my social media and all that kind of stuff.

One of the things you hear people say to very smart RC kind of way normally is, well, don't use any pronouns because pronouns aren't just, you know, She. I can't even think what they are. She her, he, him Z. there's so many now it's not just that, like, there are so many pronouns in, in all different languages, right?

And so they say, okay, if you don't like pronouns, then don't use them. Like, don't use all of the pronouns in the English language or in whatever language. And they look, they're being smart arses. So this is why I said, I assume you're [00:17:00] intelligent. And you know which ones I'm referring to. Obviously I'm referring to the gender ones, right?

The ones where people are saying, Hey, Sure. I'm a woman, but I'm pretending I'm a man. So I'm going to put him in my boat. That's what I'm referring to. So that's why I said the keyword was forced. Do what you want, put whatever pronouns you want on. But I don't agree with forcing it in schools, workplaces and on social media, et cetera.

All right, we're going to pop over to tic talk and I'm actually confused because the why I am not judgemental is a red flag.

Clip has actually. Apparently violated the community guidelines on Tik TOK, and it's been removed for hateful behavior. I'm guessing someone reported that. Cause I've literally. Have no idea why. This is one of the things we take talk, you can have things remove for these two ubiquitous things. But then things that I would've thought were going to be way more controversial.

I left up. It's just [00:18:00] confuses the crap out of me.

Now, one of the clips was about how I don't agree with celebrating abortion or just the whole idea of like abortion parties or, yeah, it came from a podcast episode where I was explaining about how, you know, in America, in particular, there is like a bit of a culture of celebrating abortions, no matter which way you look at abortions, whether you a pro-life pro-choice. I personally think that nobody should be celebrating abortion, right.

Even if you think it's the right choice for you, absolutely make whatever decisions you want to make in life. I just don't agree with celebrating it or way like women are riding it all over their bodies and, or, you know, you'd see clips online of people saying, oh, When Kamala Harris gets into office, I'm going to have 25 abortions.

That's my life goal. And sure. There may be jokey and it's just like, why do you need to celebrate it? I just, I don't agree with that. So on ticked up, we've got a couple of comments. Rainy Bruce has said, now I'm going to have a party when I [00:19:00] kill off flies. Because in the clip, I was saying, how look, I don't even celebrate.

It's not like I'm going to go and have a party. If I kill a fly, like I even feel bad about that. Let alone an abortion. Right. So I was saying. I was, you know, it was probably a stupid thing to relate to, but it was just off the top of my head. So he's saying, well, maybe it's a cheek. I'm going to go have a party when I kill the flies.

That's quite funny. And then Ken can has said, so don't have an abortion party. Is someone forcing you to have an abortion party? I said her heart. No, it's from a long form podcast episode where I respond to viewers comments. I'm not having a party.

Oh my God, this is funny. So on that same, not forcing pronouns video clip. This one obviously went to Tik TOK instead of YouTube. Cute or violent has said, I decided your name is Greg. They're talking to me by the way, you will now be going by Greg from here on out. Thanks for playing. So then she comes, responded to, to that person.

Kelly has said, okay, Nigel, thanks for playing. So they've given that person a new name of [00:20:00] Nigel and then cute or violent has come back again. Hey, Greg's the one who said he didn't want to respect pronouns. Don't make that my problem, Steve. I love people's sense of humor. That's funny. I actually liked that.

Gary has said every word you said is true.

Someone else has said minor. I me mine. Now, here we go. We've got three comments that need to be reviewed. Let's see what they are.

Ken can. Okay. Ken, she's the one that commented on the abortion. One. Seems like you're fine with pronouns. Just not interested in respecting people for who they know themselves to be. Mm. Probably. If I'm honest. Because. Yeah, I do. I'm not going to lie. I, I do think that it's unhealthy. For someone to be born a male. And then say, oh, actually I'm a female.

And think that that actually be the case. I don't think that's healthy. They can say that. [00:21:00] Absolutely. But I'm not going to deny what my eyes see. I'm not I'm I just refuse. And maybe this comes from. Uh, very controlling upbringing in a very religious. Colt. Right that I will no longer deny what my heart is telling me and what my soul is telling me is truth.

Like when it comes to truth, I'm not going to be told. And yet this I'm okay. If this means that I'm seen as very disrespectful. I'm genuinely okay with that. I'm not going to be told. That a biological man is now actually a woman just because he says, so I'm. You can say that to me. And that's fine. I'll respect your freedom of choice to make decisions for yourself. But I will not say that that is truth.

I will not say that that is actually the case. So if that means that I'm not respecting the person in your opinion, that's okay. I'm okay with that. To me, I'm actually. Being disrespectful by going along with it [00:22:00] for them. Because I think that that is. Delusion personally. I, and look, I know to some people, this will seem as harsh, but I genuinely think it is delusion for me to just go along with something that is genuinely not true.

Like it's not true. It's not based in reality. It's based in fantasy or it's based in trauma. And. Yeah, that's my stance on it.

Someone else has said no such thing as pronouns F that BS. There are actually pronouns. And he's part of language. But, yeah, that's okay. I understand what they're trying to say. They also likely don't agree with forcing. Pronounce.

So then. I forgot about these clips. Then I had a clip that went to all the different platforms. Again, I'm on Tik TOK. Where I was kind of poking fun a bit at how, when I was raised, how we were taught that the age of understanding and the age of accountability, like if you're religious is like, say 13 or whatever it is, that the way we were taught was that if you were to pass away under the age of 13, [00:23:00] that you would go straight to heaven.

Whereas if you pass away over 13, but you haven't said the sinner's prayer, like all of that stuff, then you will go straight to hell. And so. I was kind of relaying it back to the topic of abortion. But anyway, we don't have to go into that. Now. This was just me kind of being like it's, it's strange.

Cause like if you were to pass away a day over 13 and you hadn't said as soon as prayer where you didn't believe what your parents have taught you, then yeah. You go straight to hell. It's just to me, it's very absurd. Anyway, someone has said no infants who die unbaptized do not go to heaven because the original sin, they were conceived in, prevents them from experiencing the beautiful vision. They also do not go to hell. So this person who is saying that. This is what I mean. It depends on who teaches you, what church you go to, what the pastor priest or minister says. Everyone across the world has a different view on this.

This is why I think it is [00:24:00] absurd. So I was taught that if you were to pass away under the age of accountability, let's say it's 13. You go straight to heaven. This person is saying, no, you don't, you don't actually go to heaven, but you also don't go to hell or with a crap. Do you go. So I said says, who makes this up?

It changes depending on who you speak to, by the way. And then you said, no, it doesn't change. Protestants. Give them multiple private interpretations of scripture because they lack a teaching magisterium. I didn't even know that word. Someone else has said, you thought you made a good point here. You failed.

I said, ha thank you for your profound input. The name is Sosa. So thank you. Sosa for your input. I so appreciate you. I failed. Your opinion. So sorry to disappoint you. Look, I disappoint people on the daily. When they have expectations of me that I have no desire to meet like zero desire to meet your expectations in life. Trust me.

Let's pop over to [00:25:00] Instagram. I don't know if there's much there to be honest. I've been putting more time lately into my Holly wild Instagram account, because I'm going to be using that for services. And I've been a bit of a slacker on the controversial as fuck Instagram account. I don't think we have recent comments on there to really go through. Nope. Let's leave it there.

Anyway, it's the Christmas period. You guys just want to get Jolie. And fat eating and all the yummy Christmas food and maybe a little bit tipsy and. Look, no matter where you are in the world, I hope you have an incredible Christmas. A piece of me would love to be in snow right now. And the reason why I say that is because it's so fricking hot here in Perth, Western Australia right now.

I love summer. In fact, after recording this, I'm about to go put my bathers on and go straight to the beach. I just want to lay on the sand in the sun covered in sunblock. Don't worry. I use a nice natural sunblock because remember I got burned a couple of weeks ago. Not doing that again. Not doing that again, but anyway, Merry Christmas, you bloody [00:26:00] legends, your filthy animal.

If you've watched home alone, Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal. I hope you have an epic week and we'll chat again soon. I love your guts as always by.



Ep. 49 | Freedom or Fear Porn? How ‘Truth Seekers’ Became the New Cult


Ep. 47 | 🍿Comment Chaos: Sex, Sperm, and the Absurdity of Forced Birth Narratives