Ep. 60 | 🍿Comment Chaos: Fat, Fit, and Furious, How Free Speech Became a Hate Crime


60. CC

Speaker: [00:00:00] Welcome back, legend. Welcome to another comment chaos episode. Let's jump right into it. This is not on any particular topic. This is just recent comments that I've either already responded to, or not yet. We're going to start with YouTube. Actually, this is a good one to start with.  I would love your opinion on this.

Someone has written, in my opinion, you don't need an intro, especially a long one. And this was on a longer episode. So rather than the short clips, this was a full length episode. If you're on YouTube, you'll know what I mean. I have an intro. I bloody love my intro. This was my response. Cheers. I appreciate your feedback.

Might be a little self indulgent of me there because that song goes off, but I see your point. I'd love to know your thoughts actually. If you are watching a longer episode or a longer video, whatever you're watching on YouTube, not just my content, someone else's content. Do you like having an intro or do you prefer the person to just get straight into the episode?

Don't need an intro. Or if [00:01:00] they have an intro, do you like it to be like five seconds long? Cause mine I think is about 30 seconds long. They really have a good point because to be honest, most people would probably skip through that anyway. So the self indulgent part is two facets to that. One, I love the video.

I actually love it. I think it's so cool. I had someone create it. I didn't create it myself. Two, the song goes off and people have commented before how much they love the song because it's just like, I don't know. It just goes off. So let me know your thoughts on that. I would love to know because I'm considering not even having an intro anymore and just getting straight into the episodes on YouTube.

But then I'm going to miss my intro you guys One of the fat shaming videos one of the clips someone has written when did fat shaming ever stop your premise is wrong as fat Shaming has never stopped in the past 50 years of my lifetime. Maybe your experience is different now again This was from a short clip that was titled from fat shaming to glorifying obesity with a question mark It wasn't a [00:02:00] statement.

It was a question. So I have written back to them. It was actually a question, but yes, I agree. Fat shaming is still around for sure. But also, obesity glorification is too. Cheers for your input. They haven't said anything, anything further. This is the thing. I'm not suggesting that there's no fat shaming going on in the world.

Of course there is. Absolutely there is. But there's also obesity glorification. And so, you know, my discussion of it is to say, let's not go into either. Let's not glorify obesity whilst also not fat shaming somebody. So yeah, I've got to remind myself if people don't see the full episode or if they don't listen to the full episode, they may think that I'm suggesting there's no fat shaming in the world.

There will always be fat shaming in the world. But what I consider, and this is another point, what I consider to be fat shaming is probably very different to what someone else considers. Fat shaming. Someone might listen to that full length episode that I did and say that I was fat shaming. And I would say, well, no, I'm not.

I'm not [00:03:00] shaming somebody because they're fat, but I'm saying, do something about your weight, man. If you are obese, you literally are signaling to the world that you have completely given up on yourself. You are signaling to the world that you don't give a shit about yourself. That is what your body is telling the world.

Of course, nuance, there can be medical issues, but that's like 1%, like, come on, that's not everybody. And that's why I also say I applaud the legends who are obese, but are actually doing something about it. Like I am your biggest number one cheerleader. I will be till the end of time. And I know people listen to this podcast will be the same or people watching this on YouTube.

We applaud those who actually go and turn their life around like biggest cheerleader. So what I say might to some people sound like fat shaming to me. It's not, so it's all about. How we take things another one,  and I'm not going to read it all because it's a very long comment, but someone said, I think there's a mentally difference between, I think, I mean, there's a mental difference between obese and anorexic.

They are the opposite. [00:04:00] You look very fit and quite muscular. So I suppose you have met bodybuilders. Thank you. Uh, anorexic people are like bodybuilders are mentally. If you call them freaks and unhealthy, they take it as compliments. That is true, and it gets them motivated to push even harder. While if you say the same thing to obese people, you hurt their feelings and make them sad or angry.

And for some reason, it is totally accepted to be cruel to skinny people. And to be honest, it's about women. Mostly in both cases, men don't care as much about their looks. Yes or no. I think it's both men and women. And there's more to this comment. If you want to read it, you'll have to go onto the YouTube to read it.

I don't want to make this too long and read everyone's full comments, but they've raised a point that it is quite common in society that it is okay to shame someone who is anorexic or to shame someone who. You know, is bulimic type of thing, right, where they're just constantly vomiting up their food after they've eaten because they have a shocking view of themselves and it's not necessarily based in reality or that's their way of trying to take control of the situation.

This is me saying this. This is not what this person has said, right? But that it's almost deemed as it's okay though to do that, but if you have the same sort of Opinions [00:05:00] about someone who is obese. Well, then you're shaming. So they don't see it as shaming when you're mocking someone who's anorexic, but they seem to see it as shaming if it's done about someone that's obese.

They've raised a really good point there. Of course, that's not everyone. That's not everyone's experiences. This is just some of the things that are out there. Now in one of the clips, I'm still on YouTube, one of the clips about criticizing Israel isn't anti semitism. Someone has written,  I've got a friend who supports everything Israel does, but he doesn't like Soros. I'm guessing they mean George Soros. He gets called an anti Semite because of that. So picture this, this person's friend supports Israel completely. Everything Israel does, but doesn't like George Soros. So gets called an anti Semite because he doesn't like, or she doesn't like George Soros.

Like this is how crazy it is. I'm probably one too, because I have no official opinion about any of it at all. And I said, it's just crazy, isn't it?

Then on my video about they'll criticize you anyway. So speak louder. Someone has [00:06:00] written, and this is Robert or Roberto. Thanks, Holly. Very interesting and good. Keep it up. I want to actually say, I'm noticing we have a lot of males. I went through this actually with my business coach coach recently, we went through the analytics on YouTube and also Tik TOK and also Instagram.

And surprisingly, the majority of the audience on this YouTube account. A male over, it's close to like 65 percent are actually male and out of the entire audience. About 65 percent again are actually from America. So that tells me most of my audience is American and male most. Then it's also places like Canada, the UK and Australia and New Zealand, but Australia is not up there as number one, which is very surprising to me, but also a lot of males.

And then it was the same with TikTok. Obviously no Americans on TikTok because as far as I know, it's banned in America now, isn't it? But it was, uh, the UK and [00:07:00] Canada and New Zealand and then Australia are all kind of in the top. And again, it was like 63 percent or something male audience. And let me just say something, and this is hats off to you men who follow and listen.

I have not been hit on once. So most people would think, Oh, if most of your audience are men, it's because they're sleaze bags. It's cause they're trying to crack onto you. It's because they just want X, Y, Z from you. No. Not the men in our community and I actually want to applaud you. You guys are absolute legends.

I've not had any Disgusting messages sent to me. I've not had anyone try to I don't know hit on me or Send me weird photos or nothing like literally nothing. I have not had that and There's two parts to that. One, you guys are absolute legends and I actually want to praise you and say thank you so much for being absolute legends of men.

You guys set the standard for how men should be in the world and I'm grateful for you and I just, I actually wanted to call you out and say thank you. Thank you for [00:08:00] being so, it actually gets me emotional. Thank you for being such legends. Thank you for being so respectful. Thank you for joining in and commenting and showing the world that you guys are fricking Um, like a high standards and respectful of yourselves and respectful of other people.

Like thank you. YouTube, Tik Tok, or even if you're on Instagram, surprisingly, Instagram is majority female. And the other thing is I also set the standards to how I would respond to people. I do think that on platforms, a lot of people would say, again, if you have a main, a mainly male audience, that it's just because they're after one thing, it's just because they wanted You know, they're sleazebags.

They want this. They want that. And I just say that is utter bullshit. You set the standard for how your platforms are going to be. I set the standard that I have high morals. I have a lot of self respect. I take responsibility for myself. Therefore, I am attracting absolute legends who are like that as well.

So I want [00:09:00] to just honestly say thank you. No matter where you are in the world listening to me. Um, whether it's on the podcast, because that is in, let me tell you how many countries and cities we're in now, it blew my mind.

As of right now in early February, 2025, we are in 38 countries and 173 cities. That is the podcast. So, you know, it's on Spotify, it's on Apple, it's on all the major podcasting platforms. And then the videos are put up to YouTube and then the clips go to YouTube, Tik TOK and Instagram. It's a whole well oiled machine.

But we're all around the world and no matter where you are listening in, no matter where you are watching, if this is on YouTube, I just wanted to say thank you. And to the women as well, by the way, not just the men, it's just, it is common that when you have a platform that is majority men, that, you know, there's that rhetoric that goes around about, they're only after one thing.

And that is not you guys. And I just wanted to say, thank you so much. Where the crap was I going with that? I have no idea now.

Oh, that's right. I was saying [00:10:00] thank you to Robert or Roberto. Thank you for your comments, legends. Like, honestly, I'm so incredibly grateful for you all. And then we've got  Dane Parker, Dania Parker. I don't know if this is a man or a woman. This cracked me up. I'll have to give this one, the wanker comment of the week, but also the legend comment of the week.

Cause I kind of, I love it. And also I think it's a wanker comment. This is what they've said. Ah, the F word. Specially designed for those who can't spell thesaurus. So I wrote,  Fuck, you got me. With a laughing face there. I'm like, oh my gosh. Listen, It's the most boring thing to say. That someone who says the F word.

Someone who swears is unintelligent. Or they don't know how to spell. Or they don't know how to talk. It's like, God, get something new.  And then on is criticism anti semitism. Someone has said, um, you say you disagree with anything anymore and you get labeled. It's ridiculous. We should shut down the [00:11:00] Internet.

I've said, it's crazy, right? And they said, yeah, it is. It's great for the same reasons. It's bad. It gives everyone a voice. The mistake comes from everyone thinking they're special and people actually want to hear what they have to say. In my opinion, if you want to make change, you should formally protest like back in the sixties and seventies, put yourself out in the front line instead of cowering behind the computer.

And then I wasn't sure I was like, are they actually talking to me? Talking in general. I said, do you mean me specifically or just people in general? And they said, Oh, I'm sorry. I mean people in general. And then the conversation went on. That was really funny.  Let's go over to TikTok. I haven't read some TikTok comments.

Oh, there's lots of comments in there. Actually, my episode that went live this week, which was about the wellness industry. Is it a scam? Are you healing? Or are you being hustled? That was a really good episode. If you haven't listened to that yet, definitely listen to it. I just want to read a couple of comments that have come through from some of the clips.

Someone said, yep, yes, yes, yes, because I was talking about how, If you keep buying into the bullshit of you're broken, you're in need of a [00:12:00] savior, you're defunct, you need someone to come help you and save you and heal you. It's just like this continual hamster wheel. You're never going to feel enough. You are never going to feel enough if you're continually outsourcing it.

And that a true guide, healer, coach, whatever, if they're actually good at their craft, they actually should be encouraging you to come into your own self authority, not to outsource it to them. And people have really been liking that episode. I wanted to read a message I actually got.  This was funny. Amen.

You're This is from Claire. Amen. Your podcast on the wellness industry. And then she's put three clapping hand emojis. If I hear about one more fucking cacao ceremony from a spiritually bypassing toxic positivity the love and light Yogi painted narcissist. I'm going to lose my mind. I was like, Oh my God, that is brilliant.

That is brilliant. By the way, Claire, you said fucking, which means you also need a thesaurus like me, apparently, or we don't know how to read one. You're my kind of human. We'll [00:13:00] leave it there for now. There's a lot more I could go through, but we'll leave it for another episode. I'm very conscious of making these comment chaos episodes short and punchy to the point, not rambling.

We don't want to be reading a hundred million comments every single episode. Just picking a few. I'm trying to keep them punchy because the Tuesday drops are normally longer. So let's keep this one short. I love your guts, legends. Let me know your thoughts on intros on YouTube. Don't worry, I can handle it.

If you're like, get rid of your goddamn intro, Holly. I will listen. I love it. I won't miss it. That song just goes off. But I'm being very self indulgent if I'm the only one that really like jams to it. Anyway, love your guts. Have an awesome week, legend. Bye.



Ep. 61 | The War on Polarity: How Men & Women Became Enemies


Ep. 59 | The Wellness Industry Is a Scam, Are You Healing or Being Hustled?