Ep. 29 | 🍿Comment Chaos: TikTok Explodes Over Religion, Conspiracies, and Control


29 CC


Hey legends. Welcome back to another comment, chaos episode from the controversial as fuck podcasts. Now just a heads up. I still have my head cold. This thing is lingering. It is lingering before I get into all of the comments from Tik TOK. Cause my God did Tik TOK go off in relation to the episodes that I did on it was episode 23 on my controversial take on Christianity, held the rapture Christ and God.

And also episode 27, exposing the real Jesus conspiracies control and revolution.

So from all the clips that came from those two episodes, [00:01:00] Tik TOK when off. Like lots and lots of comments, lots of conversations around those. But before I get into that, I just have to say, I made a chicken veggie cous cous soup last night. And you know how, when let's just say you just start a new workout routine, right?

Maybe you want to get a more PERT rounded lifted, but right. And you go to the gym one day and you start doing a whole bunch of squats and lunges and. Kick backs. You know, I'm trying to think of all the different things and hip thrusts and all those things. And then as soon as you've done one work. Surely you've done this, right.

You look in the mirror and you check out to see how much your butt has lifted after just one workout. We've all been there. Okay. I did the same thing in my chicken veggie cous cous soup. No, I did not look at my button safe. It was lifted. I'm looking in the mirror and I'm like, why am I still snotty? I've had my veggies. Why does my voice still sound like I have a head coat I've had my veggies have had my chicken soup. [00:02:00] And it's like, oh my God, you forget things.

Don't just work that instantly do they, but anyway, the best chicken veggie cous cous soup. Google it and I think the website is taste, taste.com or something like that. It has ginger and tumeric in it. Oh my God. It is. It is the best. It is so yummy. And I swear, I'm going to get better real quick from eating that

anyway, that was a side tangent.

Let's get into it. So here we go. So I've got one of the clips I've just got my phone here. I've got one of the clips hereOn Tik TOK. Whereas talking about how it can be really difficult for someone who has come from very like dogmatic. Kind of belief systems. And who sees it clearly as very dogmatic to then pretend that they don't see it that way.

Right. It's the same as, you know, people. Woke up, as you say, during COVID where it's like, once you see the corruption in the government and in the pharmaceutical companies and in politicians and all of that, and just the massive amount of coercion and control and manipulation that [00:03:00] went into that entire propaganda machine with COVID. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

You can't pretend that you don't see it that way. And it's the same with dogmatic religions. So, this is what one of these clips was about. So someone kicked cat has said, may God bless you and bring you back. Corruption is of man not God. Bless your cotton socks kit CA I do find that that has been a common thing that gets said. Obviously, I always remember people don't have full context.

They're watching maybe like a 20, 32nd clip, 42nd clip, whatever it is. They don't know my full beliefs. They don't know my backstory. They don't know nothing. So I always keep that in the back of my mind. But it is very common that if you question the Bible, if you question religion, if you question. Religious theology that people are like, oh, hope you come back.

It's like, come back. Come back to what I never I want to go back to that way of thinking. But I get it. And that these are things that I would have [00:04:00] said to back in the days when I was apart of. Dogmatic religion. Uh, someone else Pam brown has said good for you. Thank you, Pam. Uh, Z Bob has said, this is a way I view it.

As we look at the Jews, God's chosen people. They will not. Or acknowledge Jesus as Lord is there is a cloud over them and their eyes will be opened when Jesus returned. Um, I don't agree with that at all. I think, yeah. Just different ways of looking at life. I think everyone has a right to view life, how they want.

I also think that. You know, We perceive life through ourselves through our own lens. And this is something I also want to point out I'm I say this a million times, but I'm not saying I'm right on everything. I am viewing everything through the lens of myself. Just like you are viewing everything in life, through the lens of yourself. So it doesn't make it right or wrong.

It's a perception. It doesn't mean it's necessarily the [00:05:00] truth. It's our truth. So just something we want to point out, but yeah. When they say like, um, when Jesus returns, I don't believe in the whole second coming of Christ. You know, like, uh, the rapture and all that. To me, that is all part of very dogmatic. Uh, institutionalized, I would say teachings of Jesus.

I don't actually think that any of that was Jesus' teachings at all. And even me saying that has been deemed as highly controversial amongst religious individuals. And if you, by the way, I have asked some people that I know are avid listeners of this podcast. Are you religious? And what I'm finding so far is either completely non-religious. And either. Like maybe atheist or non-religious, but believe in a God, like I do believe in a concept of a God. Or would consider themselves religious, but don't follow dogmatic teachings. I am yet to find an individual, if you are this individual reach out to [00:06:00] me.

So I know. I'm yet to find an individual who actually listens to this podcast who is hardcore religious and very like believes in very dogmatic based teachings. Like. Your hell, the rapture, all that kind of stuff. But as I said, if you are one of those welcome, you absolutely can listen to this podcast.

You're still going to get a lot out of it. We just see things differently on this particular topic. Where was I going with that? This is why I should not record episodes when I have a head cold.

Now let's go to another clip. This one was about how I see religion as the antichrist. And what I mean by that is I don't believe that the antichrist is a man. Or a human that is going to rule on earth. I don't think that at all, to me, the antichrist is a spirit. As in it's an energy, it's a, it's a frequency, I should say. So to me, the antichrist is a frequency that we can all be living at without even realizing it.

So to me, [00:07:00] dogmatic, religion. So institutionalized religion, like for instance, Catholicism Catholic church. Um, very hardcore dogmatic Christians, a lot of, a lot of very dogmatic based teachings to me are the spirit of the antichrist. The very thing that I believe as a nonreligious person, Jesus was preaching against.

I think that that's part of the reason why they killed him because he was such a disruptive to that system. So, this is one of those clips and Danny boy said, we all see the world through our own eyes. Absolutely agree. I agree. There's you know, a few comments, like absolutely positively a hundred percent.

And then someone has said all religions, every religion in the world is just a form of control. Look what it makes people do. And so I've said I'm seeing that more. I think there can be beauty in religions and they can be a great stepping stone to awakening, but most don't stay there if they want to heal and be better humans. Now, that's not to say that.

I don't think that there are incredible humans in churches [00:08:00] today. I think that there are absolutely incredible humans sitting in churches today. It's not that it's just, I do say I do believe that it is a stepping stone that. That, uh, especially dogmatic religion. So like hardcore religions, they tend to be a stepping stone and you either evolve out of it.

If you want to grow and heal. Um, or you stay in it, but you likely will be a very close-minded individual. If you stay with that forever. I'm not talking about. People that go to church and a beautiful human beings. And don't believe in dogmatic teachings. I'm not talking about them. That's a whole, that's, that's separate like hats off to them. And then James Z has said no mention of Islam naturally.

And so I said to be honest, I know very little of Islam, but I was raised a born again, Christian from birth till my mid twenties. So I know that intimately. So I'm not just speaking about Christianity because I have some issue with Christianity. It's not that at all. I don't. [00:09:00] It's, I don't know a lot about other religions.

I've actually not studied a lot about other religions extensively. I only know basics. So hence why I've been speaking about. More dogmatic based Christian teachings. And then one of the clips was when I was talking about how most of the teachings, I believe now in the Bible where they're quoting Jesus and say, this is what Jesus said, and this is what he meant is actually. Post teachings. I don't actually believe it is take your teachings from Jesus. So people have commented.

Here's one. Complete rubbish. Now I want you to pay attention to how people respond and even how I respond, I don't always get it. Right. I'm not pretending that I'm perfect at all. But if someone's. Like initial comment is something like this guy, general John, John, complete rubbish.

That is, that says a lot to me that says a lot that that individual is likely not always, but likely very close minded. And we'll have very high levels [00:10:00] of confirmation bias where they're only going to be looking and scanning for things that confirm what they already believe. Right. We probably all do this.

In fact, not probably, we all do this to certain degrees to different levels, but I would say his level is quite high. Like if the first thing you say is complete rubbish, Right. There's no room for discourse. There's no room for discussion. There's no room for understanding one another. It is it like it's shut down. Complete rubbish, full stop.

That is the full sentence. There's no room for discourse. And I think that if we do this. We are shutting down the chance to understand another human being, whereas shutting down the chance to understand different ways of viewing life. And it's different. And I've said this before, it's different than if we listen to someone, listen to what they have to say or read something and we evaluate it and then we're like, yep, I've looked into it.

But I still, I still don't see it that way. Like that's still using discernment that still using [00:11:00] critical and applying critical thinking. But in this instance, he just said complete rubbish. So I said not the best way to have a conversation there with a wink face. And he said conspiracy theories that Paul distorted the gospel when the apostles knew him.

And at no point did Jesus say don't worship me lies. So I said, again, dig deeper, Paul and the disciples were arch enemies, the disciples didn't like Paul and he wished he was one of them. And yes, Jesus did say that worship. No one, but God. And then he never actually responded to me. And so then someone has written, this is a separate comment. Jesus was invented by the Romans to control the gullible. So I've said, oh, tell me more. Do you think he was an actual man that lived, or the whole story is fake? But he hasn't come back to me. I would love to know more on what he meant there.

I find it intriguing when people bring different perspectives. Um, yeah, one. I have [00:12:00] not looked into myself. I have not looked into that. And then someone has said no discernment results in this kind of nonsense talk only Jesus. She goes after why, again, he doesn't have full context. This individual has only seen a short clip. I'm not against Jesus.

I don't go after Jesus. I actually think that is what dogmatic religion has done without actually realizing it. I think the Catholic church. And institutions and authorities over years, and people empower people with authority have actually gone after Jesus' teachings and, and completely manipulated it as a means of control.

I don't think that there is anything. Controlling in Jesus' actual teachings. I really don't. So I've written, I'm not going after Jesus. The opposite. I think his real teachings have been crucified. Lack of discernment leads to blindly following what we've been told. And they never responded again. And then someone else has written, this is someone by the name of ocean. Just no [00:13:00] full stop.

Show me how Jesus' teachings control others. Full stop, hardly full stop. So I said not Jesus' teachings. His teachings are awesome. What they've been turned into and not his teachings, they've been manipulated by many, including the Vatican. And then I've put in brackets and Paul for that matter. PS, when you, when you're ready to dig deeper and go underneath surface level, then you will.

It appears you're not ready for that. When you ask a question and follow it up with no. And that's the thing you think about it. They've written, just know, show me how Jesus' teachings control others. Hardly. They're already discounting anything that I could have possibly said. Before I've even said it.

So again, it's very telling how people speak. By the way I forget, there's always at the bottom. Uh, filtered comments. So I haven't actually read these ones yet. So. On tick tock, tick tock filters, a lot of comments, and they come up in this separate [00:14:00] section where you're meant to review them. And I get to allow them to be on their own, not this. This is one of the most heavily filtered apps I have found, which is tick-tock.

So absolute rubbish. Not a great start to a conversation. I do not know where you get your information from. The apostles were well aware of Paul yet says nothing. You are misinformed. Thank you so much. I appreciate you joining in the conversation. I will approve that. That can, that can be on there.

I don't know why that was filtered and someone else has said fake a F it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the scam. I don't know why that was filtered. I often get very confused by Tik TOK. I'm not going to lie. I have no idea why it, it filters comments like that. There's nothing wrong with anything that they said.

And then on one of the other. Uh, clips. I was seeing

how people aren't leaving. Like hardcore religion to sin, which is what is often said. It's so much more than that. And again, once you see something you can't unsee it once [00:15:00] you see something that you think is not right in that religion and it's, it's coming from a place of critical thinking. It's hard to pretend that you don't see it that way. And so this is one of those clips.

And so Craig 54 has said, I'm a multi-generational atheist. Once you accept the fabrication of datas for money or false comfort, you learn to live a full life. Now I'm not an atheist. Okay. I'm not at all an atheist, but I find that I wanted to understand people and where they're coming from. So you're not going to see me be like rubbish, full stop. You know, blah, blah, blah, full stop.

Like I'm just not going to do that. So I said, we'd love to know if you think there's anything question mark. Like, could we all come from something. Our frequency question, mark. Anything question mark intrigued. Thank you for your comment, by the way. So they've come back with, I accept that answer is not known.

It is that easy. Fabulous. Exactly. We actually all don't know. So, what I [00:16:00] find is in that camp. Most of us can acknowledge that. We don't know. Some people say no, I know. And they have all the answers for everybody. Which to me is they likely follow dogma. Most people will say, I don't know. And then they will go into one of a few camps.

One being, I don't know, therefore I don't believe in anything and they will be an atheist. And maybe you listening are in that camp. Or you'll be like, I don't know, but I. Tend to be pulled to the concept of there being a God. Whether that God is God of a religion, or that is God of a frequency. Like I tend to be pulled towards that concept at the end of the day.

We don't all know. And that's why I think. His answer was fantastic. I accept that answer is not known. It is that easy. And I said we legit or don't know. And it all guessing at the end of the day, so many theories. Thanks for your response. Now, one of the ones that went off was how I said that the [00:17:00] Bible was, is full of wisdom, but it's also been copied from ancient texts that were around long before that. And so there's like tablets, ancient tablets and ancient texts. And,

the ancient seas scrolls, for example, like so many things in the Bible. Were taken from other texts that were around longer and also there's things that have been emitted and excluded from the Bible. One that just Springs to mind straight away is the book of Enoch, which is still in the Ethiopian Bible apparently.

But. The book of Enoch, like was completely taken out of the Bible amongst so many other things as well.

And so someone has said love it. When I come across someone who just knows what's going on, I said, ha ha. At first I thought you were being a smart ass and then read your other comment again and remembered who you were.

So this person has commented previously.

And then Jeffrey Brown, 2 0 2 5 has said the shedding of Jesus' blood is the significance of the Bible. One can become a Christian by believing in the Bible, then can go on to perform miracles based on a relationship with Jesus [00:18:00] Christ. So I said, sounds like a blood coat to me. I don't believe this is Jesus' message.

He opposed human and animal sacrifice. And, and this is quoting a scripture from the Bible, the death of the righteous can't atone for the sins of the unrighteous. I mean that alone to me, debunks the whole need for someone to die for our sins and all that. The death of the righteous can't atone for the sins of the unrighteous.

And that's something that I have not been able to reconcile and wrap my head around since I chose to leave. Is someone dying. How does that make it right? For someone else's wrongdoings, like that's a wrongdoing making, right. For someone else's wrongdoing. I just, I don't believe that at all. And then people have said absolutely absolutely true blessings. Someone has said, we love Jesus Christ forever.

Someone else has said, just because they were around before the Bible doesn't mean they are right.

And the Bible is wrong. I agree. I've never said that. I said [00:19:00] here. I agree. I never stated that just because they are around first that they are right. But also the reverse is the same. Hence why I encourage to look into it. Always individuals without our biases. And then someone else said it's like, you aren't even listening. Aren't even listening.

This was to the original commenter. No one mentioned right or wrong. And that's a thank you for pointing that out. This individual. I don't mention what's right. And what's wrong in that clipper? Oh, so many people instantly go to black and white thinking. Like that this has become clear, like as this person said, just because, so around, before the Bible doesn't mean they are right and the Bible is wrong at no point in that clip, did I say what was right and what was wrong?

It was just an observation that things in the Bible had come from. And this is fact. This is not a theory fact had come from ancient tablets and sea scrolls and, you know, texts. Right. It is absolute fact. It is. Some of it is word for word from [00:20:00] other, from other techs. And so when they've said it doesn't mean that they are writing the Bible is wrong.

Agree. I never said that. And that's why this person has said it's like, you aren't even listening no one mentions right or wrong

and then someone else has said, Hmm. These days Tik TOK algorithm is pushing antichrist videos. They're now appearing frequently on my feed. And I said, have you commented on said videos, question mark curse, the algorithm favors what you tend to spend time on. So if you're commenting on these type of videos, as you call them the antichrist videos, you're going to get more of them. I said PS. Dogmatic religion.

In my opinion is the antichrist. The antichrist was a spirit that was on earth in Bible times. The very thing Jesus, opposed in his message, not a person. And they never replied. And then someone has written confused women. Not woman. Women and I say, huh, women are confused. Question mark. Or do you mean woman as in me?

And then he goes, what does your mind [00:21:00] tell you?

Oh, I love people.

And then someone else has said you are right. That is the method to control people using false hood.

And then someone else has said, revival of wisdom, check it up online for free. So there's something that you can look into for yourself that someone has recommended. It's called revival of wisdom. I did look it up, but I didn't extensively look through it.

They've just reminded me now. I need to do that.

And then someone has said, religions are cults. And I said, dogmatic ones often are. So I don't believe, or religions or cults. I don't believe that. Someone else has said what nonsense. This is someone by the handle of Jones, what nonsense. And I said, not a great way to have a conversation. Which part is nonsense.

Question mark. I would love for them to respond. They haven't. But I would love them to, cause I would love to help break it down for them.

Someone else? Jeffrey Brown, 2 0 2 5. Didn't. I just mention his name before. It might be commenting again. Christianity is based on the Bible. Christians can heal the sick raise [00:22:00] the dead, bless people in different ways, all in the name of Jesus Christ. All because Christ was crucified. And I said, or was Jesus crucified by man, because he was a massive threat to the system.

He was disruptive to those empower and they couldn't stand him. Much like how conspiracy theorists are treated.

And then creative lifestyle has said you are so correct. The Bible is a book of lies mixed with little truth to keep us in slavery and the corrupt churches. I do think they have a point. I do think that there is a mix of some truth and some lies. But it's the, but the lies factor of it is keeping us in slavery and keeping the corrupt churches at the top.

Someone by AI says, you can give up the nonsense and read the Qur'an. Then you will know the truth of the matter. That's the thing though. Everybody's religion happens to be the right one everybody's religion that they're born into happens to be the right one. So we can't all be right. [00:23:00] So maybe everybody's wrong and we're all just guessing.

And then Pepito has said that's right.

The Bible and old Testament is taken from some Marian tablets and, and Mo. Emerald tablets of thougth.

These are more historical records. Once you read the original, you see what they did with the Bible. And I said, been reading the Emerald tablets recently, pretty mind blowing stuff. And I have been, I've been deep diving into them. And then he said, yes, they are amazing. I think I saw somewhere that the guy who made the Emerald tablets is the architect of the pyramids.

So I said, have you watched any of Billy Carson stuff? If so, what are your thoughts? I recently discovered him and he is a dream guest to get on my podcast one day. And he said, yes, I have any noise a lot, but I think he gets a few things wrong. At times I stumbled across a good video series, 15 of the Sumerian tablets called the lost book of inky.

I'll send you the link and then they've sent me the link. And I said, yeah, I doubt there is a single human that I would agree on. Absolutely everything on I'm big on discernment. Oh yes, please. And thank you. And I thanked them for sharing the link

[00:24:00] and then someone has said, why are you and others still putting arguments against the divinity of the Bible? Those who believe otherwise will not have a Eureka moment out of this. I said because no system, institution, authority, et cetera, is ever above reproach, the truth will always stand after questioning.

The fact humans decided what got put in it and what didn't should raise questions. And then someone else has said Matthew three, two. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. I said, yep. It's within the kingdom is within us. Or if we go within and stop buying into what the Vatican, et cetera are pushing, and then they've said, I don't follow Vatican.

I followed Jesus. We follow God, not man.

And then someone else has popped in and said, the Bible is God's word with actual witnesses who told their stories. Please go and spill your evil mouth somewhere else. So I said, I see none of Christ in you or how you're speaking, such a shame 17. [00:25:00]

Um, shitster. And then someone said, obviously not a Christian born into God's kingdom, this sinful world of Satan's that you've been born into sin, death and alienated from God. Holy shit. Let's just read that again. That's a lot of darkness. That speaking to me, obviously not a Christian, but one into God's kingdom.

This sinful world of Satan's that you've been born into. They haven't. I have. I've been born into sin death and I'm alienated from God. So I said, I want no part in the dogmatic blood cult that you follow. Everything you wrote to me is the spirit of the antichrist and the very thing Jesus opposed and was killed for. Uh, because he was so disruptive to. Yeah. Uh, God.

And then someone has said, unfortunately, many feel, they can't find the answers for themselves.

They lack trust in their own [00:26:00] understanding as if God created them with no ability to find the truth on their own. Love that. And I said off so well said.

So I'm going to say, doing your research to suit your narrative too. We see. So I said, which part helped me understand what's my narrative. And they never responded. Someone else, Peter dream on you are fake.

Hang on how is saying that the Bible parts of the Bible were taken from ancient tablets and seeing scrolls makes me fake. Anyway, I said, sending your love, Peter, which part of me is fake by the way, help me to understand. And then never responded. Why did they never respond? And then someone else has said, honey, the Bible, honey.

Good. I love when someone starts with honey, it's a man, honey.

The Bible is not here for debate. It is here to convert you into a Christian through faith so you can have peace and joy and a more [00:27:00] abundant life at all of Jesus' expense. Let me just hang on. Let's break that down. Honey, the Bible is not here for debate to don't question it, you know, that discuss it.

You know, they'd talk about it. You know, a lot of questions. It's not here for debate. It's here to convert you into a Christian through faith so that you can have peace and joy. So in other words, I don't have any peace in any joy right now. And if I am converted, By the Bible into being a Christian, I will have that peace and joy and a more abundant life at Jesus' expense. Yeah, I'm just not comfortable with any of that.

I said, it's concerning to me. If it's not up for debate, it sounds like indoctrination and something, the Vatican would be pushing hard as a means of control. Something. Not up for debate should be scrutinized ASAP and they didn't respond. And then someone with the handle delivered by Christ has written, um, no exclamation mark.

Just no exclamation mark. [00:28:00] Show us the tablets and see scrolls. So I have watched a 32nd clip. Um, no, just no. Show us. I said you have no desire to learn and understand your comment clearly shows that starting with no is an instant rejection and not from wanting to understand. You're clearly not ready to look into them. Here's the thing. If you start off. Uh, comment with, um, no, just, no, it doesn't matter what I put in front of you.

You're going to reject it. That's very, very clear. You are not actually wanting answers. You're not actually wanting to understand you're wanting to be right. That is very, very evident by how people write by how people comment on social media. There is no room for discourse. There is no room for understanding and for listening to different perspectives and different worldviews and different beliefs. [00:29:00] They're instantly shut down.

If you start off a comment with, um, no, just no. You don't want to learn. You don't want to understand somebody. You don't want to look at all different points of view. You need to be right. And it's not a want, you need to be right in order. For your self identity to, to feel like it has control in order for your ego to feel like it has control.

You have to be right. Someone else has written. Rubbish, the Bible old and new Testament is a depiction of Jewish history and prophecy going back to creation of Adam and Eve. And I said spoken like a true NPC. And then someone wrote source. Trust me, bro. So they're saying that's my source. It's just me saying, trust me, bro. I said, this is a very short clip of a one hour podcast episode also I encourage everyone to do their own research. I mentioned a list of things to look into in the full episode.

It's not exhaustive though. At [00:30:00] no point do I say trust me? I would never say that. In fact, I say the opposite as you guys know, listening. Or watching on YouTube. I say the opposite. I say, don't trust me, blindly. You should be questioning me. You should be, you know, doing your own research and coming to your own conclusions.

So no, my source is not trust me, bro. Someone else has written stop lying. I said no lies were mentioned. You can look into it for yourself when you're ready. Clearly they're not ready. You don't seem ready yet based on your response. And then Richard Mitchell has said, I don't know why some of you people don't shut your mouth. So I said, sending you love Richard.

We are one and not separate. I think you should be able to discuss anything on your heart, even if uncomfortable or to be. He didn't reply to me. Come on Richard, come and respond to. He just wants me to shut my mouth and I want him to feel free in his lifetime to discuss. [00:31:00] Anything on his heart, even if I disagree with it, what a different way of moving through life.

Hey, Richard.

And then someone has said the author of the Bible is not dead. He sent his son and holy spirit to give testimony to the reality of scriptures. Jesus came as prophesied by scriptures and dieters prophesied. The word is true. So I said the author of the Bible question, mark there's many authors, many of who didn't even get their books added into the Bible because flawed humans kept them out.

Question mark. PS sounds like the religion of Paul and not Jesus. They haven't responded.

And then faith, the best has said apart from talking about the Bible to get likes and comments, most of you don't have topic. So I said the Bible and religion are topics. Aren't they not question? Nothing is above reproach. If you're scared of people discussing particular topics, maybe there's something not right there. What are you fearing question mark. Because, yeah, if we're not allowed to talk about [00:32:00] this, why. Y, what do you fear in us talking about it? No, I don't just talk about things to get likes.

In fact, Sometimes it's the opposite. Some of the topics that I discussed don't come with a lot of likes. They come with a lot of heat. But that's okay. I think we should discuss anything. I'm not going to read all these by the way. There's a lot.

Oh, my God. I've just noticed. There's the reviewed filters section again. So way. No.

Has said you don't know my father or Jesus Christ and his holy book. Your God is Satan. He's the God prince devil and dragon of his sinful world. You've been born into. It's understandable why you are at highest. Thanks for you. Well, you know, I will approve it. Apparently Tik TOK thought it wasn't acceptable, but I'm going to let that be there.

I don't mind at all. And then someone else in this review filter comment section has written bullshit, but what you are saying [00:33:00] fulfilled prophecy.

Okay. And. I will approve that too. I don't mind your comments guys.

Now with the one where I said something is amiss with Christianity. So this again was a clip about how I said something was amiss. And once you see it, you can't unsee it. And this was a longer clip. Uh, someone said only the Ethiopian Bible hasn't been changed. All the books are there. And I said, actually, I did hear that recently.

I need to look into that. And they said, it's true.

Someone said there is zero proof that Jesus existed, no scholars of the time. And there were many ever mentioned him or his miracles only in the Testament. It's just another con.

And somebody else has responded to them. Um, I'm not religious, but there was a dude doing cool shit. 2000 years ago, he got claimed by religions.

He wasn't trying to start one. So religion is a con dude called Jesus may be a bit different. And I loved that comment. I said, I agree on if Jesus was a real man, which I do believe [00:34:00] he was that he was an absolute legend who was killed for being so disruptive to the system and dogmatic religions distorted his teachings. I actually find that fascinating, what he wrote that, you know, he's not religious, but he, he believes that there was this cool dude. 2000 years ago. Who was claimed by religions, but he wasn't trying to start one.

So religions may be the con, but not Jesus himself. Oh, that was really cool.

Someone said it's Satan evil ruling this shit. And I said, we'd love your thoughts on who do you believe Satan is? I just get intrigued by people's viewpoints. He said personally, I think we won't see the hidden hand, but the main players are the 13 families. They are the minions of the demon. So I said, yeah, I always wonder who is behind them or is it a single entity, a group of entities that are choosing lower polarities or is it something that human consciousness has created? 'cause a lot.

You hear a lot about how these, these main families that basically rule the world from behind the scenes, which I do believe that there is likely a [00:35:00] lot of truth to that. But then who's controlling them. There's, you know, Is when people talk about the devil. In my mind. I'm like, okay, is the devil and entity, or is the devil a consciousness of you? That's operating at a very low vibration and it's not actually like a single entity.

Is it something that human consciousness has created? Because for so long, we've been so focused on negativity that we've actually created an entity. I've so many thoughts, but no answers.

Someone else said after seeing some famous people recently become Christians, I decided to explore this same rabbit hole and found the same answers.

Religion is a trend I won't be adopting. Thanks for sharing. I have a point I find it's trendy now to jump on dogmatic teachings. Uh, it seems to be very trendy.

Someone else has said live with him and in him, give your all to him, trust in him and watch magic happened.

Jesus is everything. [00:36:00] This is where I do differ. I still won't put that level of power or responsibility onto someone. I really won't and this is not, again, it's not coming from pride, but to say.

Give your all to him. I won't do that with anybody outside myself. And I know that in itself sounds highly controversial to someone who might be highly religious, but. I actually think that it is dangerous to give that level of responsibility, power adoration, to something outside of yourself, because in my opinion, and again, this is just an opinion.

I have no proof of this, but in my opinion, if there is a God, God is a frequency. God is an energy form. And that energy form does not desire or demand our worship and our full devotion. And for us to give everything to it, I just, I don't see it that way. And I think that it's dangerous when we come. From that kind of mindset, like I used to have, because when you have that kind of mindset, in my [00:37:00] opinion, when you have that kind of mindset, it can be dangerous because you set yourself up for giving everything. Over to something outside of yourself. Therefore, you can also blame that thing outside of yourself, everything going wrong, but also you tend to then lack a bit of self-responsibility. You tend to then lack a bit of discernment and critical thinking because you now have put all eggs into that basket. It has to be right.

It cannot be wrong. That's why I will not put everything. All of my heart devotion. Responsibility and just every ounce of myself into one thing to that degree. Yes. I believe in God I've made that clear, but I just will not worship something outside of myself because then it cannot be wrong. It can't, my identity is going to rely on that thing being right. And that's where I think it gets dangerous.

And that's why I think religions can turn into cults because now they have to be [00:38:00] right.

And then there was another one where I was talking about how to me religion is the spirit of the antichrist and it's the opposite of what Jesus was teaching. And so baby Pluto has said, that's a cool name. This is just a lie without the Bible and Christianity, you wouldn't know who Christ is and how can Christianity be the antichrist when it's all Christ taught? I said, is it though, or is it the teachings of Paul Christianity to me is actually the gospel of pole.

Not Jesus. His message was stolen and manipulated for means of control. And he said, there is no evidence for this. It wouldn't be in the church's interest, let alone polls because they all died a violent martyr's death. To death. They didn't renounce Christ. I said, dig deeper. You can't control a population that is led into themselves for answers rather than outside deities.

Jesus never taught on hell or the rapture, et cetera, dogmatic, religions, crucified his words. And he said you are right. Jesus never taught the rapture, but he did [00:39:00] teach how in the Greek, the word. Gahanna is used to describe how Hades. Also, but outside of Christianity, you have no idea what Jesus taught.

So he's basically saying that only in Christianity, can it be Jesus' teachings? I said in looking to what Gahanna was. It's not hell as dogmatic. Religion is teaching today. This is all, what Jesus was preaching against. He was disruptive to the dogmatic religion and system of the day.

And then Andy has said, it's just that people have believed for centuries and you are amazing to know more than all of them. It's being a bit of a smart ass. I said, I don't think that a particular percentage of humans believing in something makes it true. That's a terrible reason to believe something.

Is it not question mark? I mean, most of the population went along with COVID. PS. This is a very short clip of a full hour long podcast episodes. You don't have full context here. I believe that the Vatican and others have deliberately suppressed Jesus true teachings.

And then someone has said, the lady is correct.

[00:40:00] Go within yourself. The truth will manifest. If you are living by truth or learn to decode what your government is telling you. I said, thank you so much for being here.

And then someone's written amazing, you know, so much about Christianity, you know, it all so amazing. Never claimed that but sure, or I said, I'm guessing you're being a smart ass, which is welcome here. But no, I don't believe I know it all, but I was a born again, Christian for over 25 years. So I have lived experience and a lot of questions. I don't claim to know it all.

On another clip. Again, same podcast episode. Someone has said, I smell BS, no evidence for that comment. You are wrong.

I said interesting way to have a conversation. You are wrong. There's no room for understanding another it's a dead end. Interesting how I said I could be wrong. It takes humility to say that. Cause I actually say that in there I could be wrong. They've just said, I smell BS, no evidence for that comment.

You are wrong when you make another wrong. It's [00:41:00] only to make your ego right. When I do the same thing, it's to make my ego, right. Whether it's conscious or unconscious when we are making somebody else wrong it's so that we get to be right. So. Something to be aware of.

I found these interesting someone said, and the real reason countries shut down for Easter question mark.

I have a theory. Do you. I said, oh, please tell I love a good rabbit hole. And he said to celebrate his life. Or to remind people that if you step out of line, you will be spat at, by peers, whipped, tortured, and executed. It's a fear reminder on a yearly rotation. Wow. That was like a. That's a good point. It's Easter to celebrate his life. Jesus' life or is it to remind people that if you step out of line, this is what it's going to happen to you, Nate.

He said, essentially they show all the gory bits nonstop over four days on TV, indoctrinating the kids and installing a subconscious fear under the ruse of [00:42:00] celebration. It's clever, but it's obvious. I said, yeah. Wow, great observation, constant subliminal messaging to keep us all in line, to not step outside the box and to never think different to what is spoonfed to us. And then he said, Braveheart is another one. Let's all root for independence and victory against tyrants cue, the uplifting music.

Let's all feel good, but the hero question, mark. Yeah, we're going to have to dismantle him. Such great points. Hey, you just never know how much subliminal messaging is constantly pushed onto us to keep us in line so that we know exactly what happens to individuals who step outside of the box. What happens to them?

They're made an example of publicly that's for sure.

And then on another clip where I was talking about how to me, the second coming of Christ is not the rapture. It's the. It's Christ consciousness within us. So it's us living in a higher frequency and seeing us all as one or as one. [00:43:00] Unit rather than all separate I, this is why I don't like dogmatic religion because it's, it's literally putting us all against each other.

You're in the club. You're not in the club. You're going to heaven. You're going to hell, you're a sinner. You're a Saint. All right. It's all very black and white dogmatic teaching. And it is literally all just separation based. So in this clip, someone has written now you're hitting the spot. It's already underway.

Now think back to a story about king Herod, and ask yourself, could the jab be a modern day herod conspiracy much. I said, I love a good conspiracy. Most conspiracy seemed to have a lot of truth in them, but nothing to see here, quick label it, a conspiracy before they look tends to happen. You said you just need to look within to know, and as it turns out, you always in the middle of truth, there's a lot going on at the moment beyond what many comprehend. And then he said in good job, raising awareness to a sentiment, many feel, but can't touch due to the stigma. Courage is only a decision away from becoming contagious.

Oh, I love that. [00:44:00] Courage is only a decision away from becoming contagious. I am stealing that. Thank you so much for your comments here on Tik Tok.

And then someone by compassion nine has said when there is a majority of opinion. We found they can become quite arrogant. Bold even supporting, taking away people's livelihoods, denying transplants, et cetera, or without much research or consultation.

Oh, this is funny. I was talking about how Jesus was one of the original conspiracy theorists and industry disruptors and how that's like, that's how, why I believe that they killed him, not for, you know, people's sins dying on a cross. So John boy said she gets my vote. Someone else has written marry me.

And then we've got James X.

James was an angry little fella. This. The second time commenting on my posts. He does not like me. I don't think anyway, James has said, please go touch some grass. And I said, because I don't believe in hell the rapture, the concept of original sin, et cetera. I should go [00:45:00] touch grass. Hmm. Okay. And he said, thanks for projecting, but no, you should touch grass.

Cause you're talking about a 2000 year old dead man. Like he's some tech bro. I genuinely believe that you should go outside. I. Engage with reality. So I realized, look, this is probably a dead end, having a conversation with him. And I wrote cheers for your input legend. And he goes, same back at you have the day you deserve.

Thank you.

I will have the day I deserve. I believe I deserve good in life. So thank you for wishing. Good on me. I know that's not what he meant

so we will leave it there. There's a. There is more comments, but this could end up getting extremely long and it's already getting very, very long. Anyway, I love your guts as always guys. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for your comments. That was fun. I'm actually really enjoying Tik TOK.

I got frustrated at first when two of my videos were banned from there and you know, I was basically. Put into the naughty girl corner there [00:46:00] for awhile. And I was like, man, I haven't even done anything wrong. I need to learn like, what are we not allowed to discuss on this app? But since then, I mean, having a lot of fun with Tik TOK and I find that. You can have some good conversations with people.

Mind you. I still think YouTube might be my favorite platform at the moment, because you can have longer form conversations. You're not kept with your word limit, you can write really long responses to people. Whereas with Tik TOK, it's only shorter. So that does make it a little bit harder to have like really, really long conversations. But yeah. Anyway, I love, I love social media. I'm a big fan of social media. I'm not one of those people that's against it.

It's been incredible for my podcast. And without it, it would be hard to reach people all around the world. Anyway, love you so much. I'll start rambling and hopefully. Next time you hear from me. I don't sound quite like this. Also, my hair will look different. I'm having a big change this weekend. My hair is going to look very, very different.

So next time you see me, my hair will be a [00:47:00] different color. More on that soon. Love you have a great week. By legends.



Ep. 30 | The Cult That Drank the Kool-Aid: Love Has Won Exposed


Ep. 28 | The Cult Next Door: Unveiling The Potter's House Christian Fellowship