Ep. 30 | The Cult That Drank the Kool-Aid: Love Has Won Exposed
Love Has Won Cult
[00:00:00] Hey legends. Welcome back to another episode. I told you in the last episode that I was going to have a new look that I was going to change my hair. Here it is. I am now. I now have jet black hair. She's she's a big change. But anyway, welcome back. So today I am going to go over a cult that is known as love.
Has one. If you have not heard of this cult, I only recently did it is nuts. It actually piqued my interest.
Well, for many reasons, to be honest, It piqued my interest because of the beliefs that this cult held. Of their worldviews that they held and, and also just the whole. Debacle around the leader of the cult, who she was, how she passed away. That it's, it's a whole story in itself. I'm going to get into it all. Now I'm not going to get into every dark part of this cult for very good reason. Yes, this podcast [00:01:00] is called controversial as fuck.
We discuss controversial topics. Right. But I make it very clear to any guests that I have come on. And I've made it clear to you as a listener that we are not discussing controversial topics for the sake of being controversial. Right. We are not trying to be polarizing for the sake of being polarizing.
This is not an attention seeking podcast. We're not discussing things just to get clicks and, you know, click bait and all that, even though yes. I believe in marketing and obviously, you know, I'm all about giving awesome titles to episodes that are going to lure people in to make them want to actually listen and same with my emails and, you know, the clips that go on to all the different social media platforms, I believe in marketing.
So don't get that muddled up. But what I'm saying is I don't want to just discuss things. For the sake of coming off as though we're just trying to be polarizing and trying to discuss everything that's controversial out there. So this is controversial because it's, it's a cult. It [00:02:00] is a legit cult. It is messed up. I don't want to discuss all of the darkness that is surrounding this cult.
I will touch on some things, but there's some things I don't feel the need to go into. You can do that research for yourself. I'm becoming more and more aware with this platform of the energy that I put out into the world and the energy that this podcast is putting out into the world. Yes. I think that we can discuss every single topic out there.
And I think every topic out there should be discussed. As I always say, nothing is too taboo. Nothing is off limits. As far as I'm concerned, I will discuss whatever the crap we want to discuss as a podcast and as a listenership, is that a word? I always make up words. Don't I. But. Yeah. There's some things I'm just aware of, not just putting out dark energy into the world for the sake of it.
Right? So, as I said, some parts I'm not going to discuss, you can do your own research. I believe that every single individual that tunes into this podcast is a mature. Self informed. [00:03:00] Self-governing absolute legend. And if you want to go deeper into this cult, by all means, go deeper into it.
One of the reasons why it really piqued my interest and it's going to sound crazy. Is because some of their worldviews, I actually hold. And you likely hold some of their worldviews to. They actually have a mixture and I will get into it, but they hold a mixture of beliefs that come from some, from Abrahamic religions, right.
Some from.
Conspiracy theories, which we'll get into and what my views on those are. And some from the new age movement, which I'm also going to go into that. So they've kind of like got a whole bunch of all these different beliefs, beliefs, and mesh them into one. To create their own belief system, but it is pretty whack.
It is very whack. My concern with this is the fact that with their wild. Worldviews, like all together makes them pretty freaking wild. The problem with that [00:04:00] is. If you hold some of the same beliefs, it may make you question yourself and be like, what the crap am I on that job? Right. And this is why. And I'll get into it now.
All right. So this is why, yes, this is a cult, but I first want to start off by talking about what is a cult, what are some of the characteristics of a cult. And why just because you may hold some of the same beliefs, it does not mean that you are a cult member. Okay. And this is also why I don't just throw the word culture around for the sake of it, because what I can find is that this term does get thrown around really, really easily.
And I'm aware of that. And sometimes it can be used as a way to. I discourage other people from joining a belief system that opposes yours. Right. Because that can happen. I'll give you an example. I've talked about the Potter's house Christian fellowship and how I was raised in that from literally birth.
And I left when I was about 25. And it is a cult when you [00:05:00] go deep into it.
If you have not listened to that episode, yet it is episode 28, the cult next door unveiling, the Potter's house, Christian fellowship. So, and I explained in that, that depending on which Potter's house church you were a part of, would you. You know, determine how crazy you've been experienced you had, because if you're leader of that particular church was actually quite a nice normal. Normal person that maybe your experience wasn't so crazy.
As opposed to the church I was raised in, in Launceston Tasmania was pretty nuts, but so were the leaders right? But anyway, because I am an ex Potter's house member and I have referred to it as a cult. I could come across to people that are still a part of that fellowship as just a disgruntled, bitter, angry sinful ex member.
Who's going to hell and because I'm so mad and I'm so bitter, I've just labeled them a cult. To try to, you know, using them at, or using the fellowship as my outlet for my anger and my bitterness. Right. That will be how some people will view it [00:06:00] because. That can be a reality where things that aren't cult actually get labeled as cult simply because it is an opposing viewpoint to yours.
So I'm aware of this. Okay. And I make sure that I don't do this. I'm so aware of it. It's in the same way that the CIA weaponized, the term conspiracy theorist. Therefore, it's a way to keep the general population in line and to not look into anything that could be deemed as a conspiracy, because then you're going to be seen as an outcast.
You are no longer a normal functioning member of society. You are now on the outskirts and you are to be ridiculed and you were to be mocked. And that's how they stopped people from looking into things that could actually be true. Right. So I'm aware that just in the same way that the CIA has weaponized that term, that the term cult. cult can also be weaponized as a way to just mock and be little groups and, you know, whatever different groups that hold different [00:07:00] viewpoints to you. So I am not doing that.
I'm very well aware of not doing that. And I'm going to get into some of the characteristics. Now, this group love has one that is literally what they, their group was known as originally was called galactic Federation of light. Then they called it love has one. And then when the cult leader, mother God, which I'll get into soon, Amy, when she actually died
In 2021, they ended up doing like a full rebrand, which is smart, not healthy because you do not want to be a part of this cult. Anyone listening, do not go and join it. But they had a full rebrand, obviously because they were outed publicly as a cult. So in order to survive that, even though they lost members, they rebranded to five D full disclosure.
Right. So when cults are. Exposed publicly if they want to remain right. Still being a group, if they want to remain it is wise. Not healthy, but it is wise for them to [00:08:00] rebrand, which is what they did with the name change. But I'm going to refer to them as love has one, because that is what they were known as whilst Amy was the leader.
First of all,
What is a cult. Okay. Characteristics of a cult. I think this is important just to touch on. Now something that I did get off. Line, I think this was off Wikipedia is I just want to read this part here. high control group's may encourage their believers to disengage from so-called world affairs, shun, or limit interaction with non-believers.
That's very important.
And maintain a distinct identity, separate from mainstream culture. Reinforcing group cohesion and control. So let me just word that differently for a second. It is massive in cults to encourage the members to disengage from the world as much as possible. So it's a form of isolating instantly. We are separate, I went over this in the Potter's house, Christian fellowship episode.
We are separate, right? So you [00:09:00] shun. Any potential influence that the world has on the members. So therefore anyone who's considered a non-believer you want to limit, if you are a cult leader you want to limit. The amount of interaction that your members have with nonbelievers. So you will Inforce the identity of we are separate from main mainstream culture.
We are separate. Which then forces that group cohesion, which forces that, you know, we are a unit we are together, which is that group think, which can be very dangerous. That's when. Obviously comes in. The fact that you can never question because you're a group. If you question, then you're questioning the foundation of the entire group.
So it's met with rage. It's met with. With, you know, just it's shunned. You cannot question anything. And this is where members get isolated from the rest of the world. And I want to point this out because often when you look at cults you're like how, how are [00:10:00] intelligent human beings being influenced by absolute nut jobs?
Like this is insane. I can see why I can see how the average human being, this is not just people that have had a tough life, but even the average human being in the right conditions. Can be subject to this kind of nonsense and propaganda that these kinds of cults put out. And then the rest of this paragraph that I want to read is the emphasis on isolation and exclusivity can likewise contribute to the group's sense of identity and reinforce adherence to its beliefs and practices.
This was huge in the Potter's house, Christian fellowship. This is huge. I would say even more in the love has one cult. So such groups normally have a founder, right? Or like a self appointed leader who tightly controls its members. In this case, this ends up being this woman, Amy, who I will go through soon, who is the [00:11:00] leader of this cult.
So she is known as God
to compare this again to the Potter's house, Christian fellowship. The leader never claimed he was God. Right? So the leader of the entire fellowship, Wayman, Mitchell, he never claimed that he was God, as far as I know. Like he wasn't worshiped as God, but he was seen as like just a fraction below God.
And you could never question him. He was like, absolutely revered more than just normal, like he was worshiped without being outwardly worship. So it's a little bit different to this particular. Cult. Here's some questions I would raise, right? To know if something is a cult or not. These are things that stand out to me. What happens if you try and leave? If you leave or you go to leave what happens? For instance, I, you actively slandered is your entire reputation, just hammered publicly within your friendship circle.
Do they physically try to grab you and stop you from leaving? Like [00:12:00] what kind of things happen? You hear things being a cult that actually aren't cult. It's like maybe it's for instance, a lot of
mindset courses and
like personal development. You know, retreats and maybe it's training weeks and all that kind of thing. You hear them sometimes jokingly and sometimes serious people that actually are against them will say, oh, it's a cult. But can you leave that? Like for instance, if I signed up to a course, right.
That let's say a week long course, if I decided, oh, it's not really for me, can I leave? Or are people going to hold me in that space and not let me leave? Or if I leave, are they going to publicly. And maybe online, try to belittle my reputation. Probably not right. You just don't get your money back.
Right. So it's not a cult. There's a big difference. There are you worshiping the leader that created that course likely not. It's not a cult. It's just probably a very charismatic type of like, for instance, I'll give you an example of Tony Robbins, right? Tony Robbins. Some people refer to him as a [00:13:00] cult leader.
I don't see him as a cult leader at all. It's not a cult if you go to a Tony Robbins event. Okay. So there are differences. And now that is what happens. If you raise a question. Right. Like, let's say you respectfully raise a question or you raise the fact that you have a different point of view. What happens in that group setting? Are you absolutely shunned for that?
Therefore, you know, oh, I can never do this again. Or you actually able to raise the question. Are you able to voice your opinion right or not? Is it shunned? That's a big red flag. What happens when someone else leaves? So let's say you stay, but you know, people that have left, what happens to them? For example, in the Potter's house, Christian fellowship, they are slammed.
You only hear of everything bad that goes on in their lives and it's almost, or not almost it is celebrated. The fact that their marriage ends, the fact that their children are now on drugs. For example, the fact that their business didn't do well or whatever it might be, people will [00:14:00] intently wait to hear through the gossip channels, what has gone wrong with their life.
And then it spread all around the church. And it's pretty much celebrated like how sad and sick is that, that this is what happens in cults. It is celebrated. The demise of someone's life or their relationships or their financial situation. Right. The demise is celebrated because they turned their back on you is how it is.
It is, you know, it's deemed as they haven't just left the church, they've left the group, right? So your identity is hammered. If you leave, your reputation is hammered. If you leave, what happens if someone leaves your group? This is something to look into. Are they highly controlling? Do they try to control or different aspects of your life?
Are they totalitarian in their beliefs? Are you allowed to think something differently? And this is where this is a side tangent, but I am so big on not putting people in boxes. This is why I always say I [00:15:00] cannot be defined. Right. And to some people that will be, that will be deemed as arrogant. Oh, she's so arrogant.
Look at her. Right. If, if someone who has really so low self-worth is listening to this, they will likely deem me as quite arrogant. Someone who's quite obnoxious. Someone who's quite loud and out there, like these are things that, you know, someone that knows themselves and who truly loves themselves can be deemed as, by someone who doesn't have a hold those things.
So if someone has really low, self-worth really low confidence. They likely will. You know, throw labels onto people that are the opposite of that. As a way to make them feel better. Right. But I can not be defined. And you as a listener, I guarantee you're the same, just because you hold a particular belief does not mean that you're now put into this particular box and that means you have to hold all these other beliefs for instance.
Wow. I just banged my elbow on the table. For instance, I believe in a God. Do I know who [00:16:00] that God is? No. My theory is just a theory is that it is energy. As in there is only one energy in this entire universe. It's not all separate, right? One energy, everything, whether you deem it as evil, wicked good and positive all is this one energy.
This is just a theory. This is what I believe that God is a frequency. So, because I believe in a God, does that make me religious? No. Because I believe in a God, does that mean that I now have to hold every single belief that someone else who believes in a God holds? No. And this is why when I go through this cult love has won.
I really want you to pay attention to some of the beliefs that I'm about to go through. Because, and I will break them down. Some of them, I hold, as I said before, these same beliefs, but that does not mean that now it means that every single other belief that is often paired with those or grouped in with those. I now believe this is why I'm so [00:17:00] big on self sovereignty and self-governance, and self-trust. Because, and don't worry.
I'm about to get into this cult. But let me just set the stage for this because. First of all my experience of obviously being a part of a cult until I was 25. And then my experience of then working as a Western Australia police officer and seeing some pretty dark things and people getting into very dark spaces in life.
I have seen some very controlling situations. I've seen some very dangerous situations. I know what can happen to individuals who don't have self-trust. I know what can happen to individuals who don't have that self authority. It is so dangerous, like so, so dangerous. And I don't say this to scare anybody. But more as a way of saying. Like the whole purpose of this podcast is to encourage us to think for ourselves to go deeper than surface level and to harness these strongest levels of self authority that we never look outside [00:18:00] ourselves, no matter what it is.
Look outside ourselves for all of the answers. Yes. We may have outside authorities as far as for instance, coaches. Right. I have a coach. Well, I'm about to sign up to her again. She's incredible. Brianna, may you, you likely have listened to our episode number was I think it was episode number three with her.
She's an ex school teacher. She is an incredible mindset. Coach business coach. She's all the things I highly recommend her. But right. Let's use her as an example. She would be considered as an outside authority to me. Does that mean that I now lay every single area of responsibility onto her to make all decisions for me in life. Absolutely not.
Does that mean that I'm going to do everything that she recommends that I do? Absolutely not. Does that mean that I'm going to believe absolutely everything that she says and never questioned a thing? Absolutely not. And she would never want me to do that by the way. She's absolute mother beep and legend.
Right. [00:19:00] But no, I would never give all of my responsibility in life to somebody else. I don't recommend that. I would never hand over all of myself to some. Somebody outside of myself, like truly, this is why I'm very big on yes. By all means, believe in a God, if that's your thing. But by all means, I truly do believe in a God.
Right. But I'm not out here worshiping some day 80 and saying prayers to all these different figureheads out there, or having a priest speak for me to God or like. I just. I'm really big on self authority. I'll stop babbling. Okay. Where was I going with this? Are they totalitarian in their beliefs. Does cult allow you to think for yourself?
No, they never do. Right. So let's talk about, the love has won cult. I'm losing my voice.
This cult was led by a woman called Amy Coulson. Excuse me. I still have this stupid head. God, it's been like two weeks. I'm over it. So [00:20:00] sometimes the words will come out a little bit wrong. Like I sound a bit nasally, but Amy Carlson now she passed away in 2021. But let's get into her and the whole cult and all about it.
It fascinates me. So they actually referred to her as mother God, that already is a massive alarm bell and giant red flag to me. That there is a human being calling herself, mother God. She actually claimed that she was the creator of the universe. This is where people who believe in a God get labeled as absolute quacks because of individuals like this.
Now I'm not hating on Amy. I'm really not. She's passed away age. Wouldn't give a damn about me right now anyway, but I'm not here to hate on her. I actually hold empathy for her and for her life story, which I'll get into. But anyone claiming that they are God, like that is a massive alarm bell. When I say that we are all God, I don't mean we are [00:21:00] gods, right?
I'm not saying we're all God figures out here. Like some big ego trip. I'm saying we are fractals of God. As in we are energy. God. Yeah. As a theory again, I have no proof of this, right? Question me, please question me and make up your own conclusions in life. But God, to me is an energy form and we are likely in my understanding all fractals of this energy form, as in what all. God experiencing itself.
I'm not saying we are, God, I'm not here saying I am God. I'm the creator of the universe and believe everything that I say. Right? So that already is a big alarm bell to me. At the time of Amy's death. There was reported to be, there's a couple of different reports around 12 to 20 full time members who actually lived with her.
So these are like full time this, their entire life. Was this
as in, they all lived together. That freaks me out. When it's to the extreme of all members living together, like. Oh, [00:22:00] so dangerous, so, so dangerous. So there was also at that time. So I'm around 2021 when she passed away an estimate of around 100 to 200 ambassadors, as they called them. Or remote followers of this cult, who they all stayed connected online.
So these would be in different parts of the world, including Australia, God get yourselves together, my own home country. Can we not be so gullible? A little Australia, South Africa and central America. So these were known as like auxiliary groups. They would meet in person like amongst themselves, but they were the ambassadors.
So these remote followers, they didn't actually live with Amy herself. All right. So who's Amy, who is this character? She was born in 1975, so she was very young when she passed away. She was in her forties. Right? 1975. She was born in Dallas, Texas. She was like, Great student, apparently straight A's. As a child, she actually would [00:23:00] talk to angels.
And I'm going to break this down a bit because I don't see that as alarming. And I'll tell you why in a second, but she would talk to angels and she was actually taken from church to church because her family was trying to find answers. Right. And to me. Here's the thing. I actually think that children, like, especially when they're like really, really young. Can see things or have no proof of this.
It's just a theory, but it's something that I do believe is a possibility. That's they can see things that we can't necessarily see that there are children that are hypersensitive to the spiritual world. Almost as if like, I believe in reincarnation, let's just entertain that theory again, it's a theory.
Let's just entertain that as that is a massive possibility. And let's say it is a fact, right? That these children have come in from say a previous life and they've got skills and gifts from that previous lifetime that they remember whilst they're young, not all children, some children remember whilst they're [00:24:00] young, before they start to get to the age where they start to. Disconnect from it and become conditioned. And forget a lot of it.
Right? So there are children who can see spirits and who do converse with spirits. I have heard of stories of children who remember their past lives. Right. And yeah, I actually think that it does not mean that there is something wrong with that child. So I just want to point that out already. I don't think that that's an alarm bell, that there is a child talking to what they consider to be angels.
Children's see things and sometimes sure, it could be imagination. And this is something where as a police officer, when we would interview people, if it was a child, which we never just interviewed children, they would get, you know, special services in to come and do that. Like police officers are experienced in interviewing children, but. We knew that if you know, when they were being interviewed, that you would never encourage a child to actually say something.
So you wouldn't give them positive [00:25:00] reinforcement. If they were saying something that you thought was a good thing to say, right. Because children can be led by adults. For instance, let's just say this, Amy was
talking to an angel, right. If a parent was like really highly encouraging it and was like giving positive reinforcement, then it could go from something that is actually legit to wild imagination.
Right. And the opposite where let's say, if a parent shuts it down, like for instance, if a child says that they're talking to a spirit or something, and maybe they're in a highly religious family and all of a sudden a parent is like, no, You're absolutely not. It is in your imagination. The child is taught from a very young age to shut that, to suppress that, like shut it down.
Don't go there. Don't believe yourself. And so it's still something that you know, is inside them, but they've just learned to shut it down. So it's very big on not shutting things down, but also not giving positive reinforcement where it goes from something that is real to something that is now. Wild imagination being [00:26:00] mixed in with it. So it's not alarming to me that if a child talks to something that they considered to be an angel, or maybe they have different words for it.
I actually think that that is quite highly possible. In fact, to me, it doesn't surprise me. In her early adult life, she actually started to talk a lot about starships. And so this was freaking her family out a bit. And obviously she was very in tune with the spiritual world. Now some of it could have been wild imagination for sure.
Who knows. Right. One of the things that I did learn that was when this Amy was younger, that her parents divorced and she did not get along with her dad's new partner. So her stepmom, I don't know the full story. I didn't. Go deep into it, because to be honest, I thought it would break my heart. And I just don't think I need to know, but it sounds like it was very toxic and not healthy for her.
And I would say there's definitely some trauma there from her relationship with her stepmother. I don't know how deep that [00:27:00] goes. But when things aren't healed. When things aren't addressed and the pain just lingers. I do think that that is where some things can go from legit experiences to having layers of
clinging on to maybe stories that aren't true. Uh, as a comfort. So. As far as starships listen, I'm just going to be completely blunt. I believe that there is other life out there. I don't think that that makes you nuts. And I don't think the world should be trying to shun people from believing in the possibility of things beyond what we can see. Right.
I'm really big on that. Like yeah, I think absolutely that there is highly likely life out there on other planets and that there is likely a lot that we have no fricking clue about. And I hold no shame in saying that like zero shame, I believe in aliens. I believe that there is other life out there besides just earth.
I do not hold shame in saying that. I don't think that that makes me a nut job. So if this chick [00:28:00] Amy in her young adult life was talking about star ships, I don't think that's alarming depending on, in what context though. If it becomes to the point where it was like, cause I don't know the context, if it got to the point where it was like consuming her and it's all she ever spoke about.
Or maybe if she's talking about people are going to come and take me or again, I don't know. It could have been quite toxic. It could have actually been to the point of being unhealthy and an expression of unhealed trauma. So I do just want to point that out. Just because someone believes in life on other planets or aliens.
And, you know, I, that to me is that to me is kind of like, yeah. And. That's pretty normal to me. I don't find that weird. I find it more weird when people just want to talk about the motherfucking weather. Like if I'm going to be honest, if you just want to sit down and you just want to, I'm not saying you listening, I'm talking about random people.
Like for instance, I was in a cafe this morning having a coffee and the people next to me did nothing but gossip and gossip and gossip. I actually had to put earphones in my ear because I was feeling. [00:29:00] Dark just being second hand listener of that. I was like, God damn. If that's all you do all day long, you must be living in so much inner turmoil all the time.
That to me is abnormal not talking about aliens. So I just want to make that clear. Between the years of around 2000 to 2007, she actually started to have a very keen interest in new age philosophies. And she became a regular poster on the forum, light workers.org.
Now I need to say something about this too. New age philosophies I have alluded, or I didn't even allude. I said stuff in other episodes about how I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water, basically, and just shit all over new age philosophies, because it's become a trendy thing. In the same way I've seen it recently become a trend to jump onto dogmatic. Religious teachings because the world seems scary to people, especially during COVID.
Right. A [00:30:00] lot of people freaked out and are living in a very constant state of fear. Therefore they are jumping onto. You know, very dogmatic teachings, religious teachings, and gripping onto it for all of life because they, they don't have inner peace. Right? So they're looking for inner peace outside themselves.
To me, it's very trendy. It's a very trendy thing to do. People are looking for hope. I understand. I'm not shitting on you. If that is you, it's just, it's become a trend. And with that trend also comes the second hand trend of then shitting all over anything different. So for instance, New age beliefs, right? I'm not going to jump on that trend, but I do want to point something out in this episode.
I think it's very important that I do. There are some things in the new age world that I think. Uh, absolutely bat shit bonkers, and I would not go near them. No matter how much you paid me. Right. And this is where I'm so big on again, self authority and having discernment, because with that, you can sift through [00:31:00] everything out there. And work out what is for you and what isn't.
And this is why I say just because you hold one, belief does not mean that you now have to hold the other 20 that most people think go along with it. For instance, I meditate. I love meditation. I think it has been so pivotal for my life, especially this year. Like incredible. Does that make me a new ager? No. Does that mean?
I now have to also believe that I have a twin flame out there and that, um, I, you know, I'm trying to think, I'm trying to think of some new age beliefs that I don't believe in that I need to go and speak to. Aliens and try to channel with different aliens or I need to. I can't even think of something right now.
It doesn't mean that you don't have to gravitate to other things, right? Same with reincarnation. I believe in reincarnation. Does that mean that now? I also think that I am a God. No. Right. So
yes. She started to be drawn to new age [00:32:00] philosophies. That's not an alarm bell. To me. It becomes alarm alarming.
When you hear what she does believe in, though, all grouped together, what is alarming to me potentially is the fact that she became a regular poster on lightworkers.org. The reason why. I think that this is where things become group. Think if you're regularly posting on a forum and you're interacting with other people, that's fine.
That's not alarming. It becomes alarming where people do prey on individuals that are drawn to these type of forums, though. If your whole world starts to revolve around these forums. There are people that prey on you. And I think that is what has happened here with this Amy. On this forum, she met a guy. Called Amrith white Eagle.
So I'm going to refer to him as white Eagle from now on. His name was actually Robert, but he went by white Eagle. And he convinced Amy. And this is just like the perfect storm, a chick with trauma from childhood. There's probably more about her childhood that I do not know. At this point, [00:33:00] she was married onto her second marriage.
She had some children, she was a McDonald's, manager. Right? And she's having all of these spiritual experiences. She's, you know, obviously intrigued with a lot of new age philosophies and I would say she lacked some discernment for sure. And here's this guy that she meets on this forum, who now convinces her, that she is divine. Right.
Perfect storm. She believes it. Right. Instead of being like you are a whack job. White Eagle first of all get a better name. Secondly, I'm never communicating with you again. No, she fell for it. And she believed through this guy that she was divine coupled with. Then around that time she was having paranormal phenomenon, like paranormal experiences, right. She also started to hear voices telling her that she was going to be the president of the United States.
Right. If you're hearing voices telling you that. Well, there's a couple ways you can look at it if it's actually a possibility, [00:34:00] right. And. I don't, I'm not trying to put anyone in a box. If you, if you in your country, you want to become president or prime minister. Fricking go for it. Right. I believe go for it.
You can defy all odds, go for it. What is to stop you? In this case, it's highly unlikely that this woman is going to be president of the United States. And I mean, now definitely not. She's actually passed away, but I would say that at that time again, she's having all these paranormal experiences, which to me is not alarming. But she's obviously lacking discernment, lacking self trust, probably lacking self worth because she's gravitated to this white Eagle, this random guy that she's just met online. And now she's hearing voices telling her she's going to be president of the United States.
It's getting messy, right? This is when she started inching closer and closer to abandoning her former life completely. That is a giant red flag. Nothing. Unless you are in a cult and you need to abandon that cult to actually live [00:35:00] a better life. Yes. Or for instance, in the case of my dad, who was an ex bikey right before I was born, he was a bikey.
Yes. Abandoned that lifestyle because it's, it's unhealthy and it's not working for you for your family, for your health, for your finances, for everything, right? Yes, absolutely. In cases like that, abandon your lifestyle. If it's not healthy and not working for you. In this case, though, she is starting to view this white Eagle guy as her twin flame.
My God do I hate that term? Yes. I believe that you can have. Connections with individuals, like for instance
Soulmates, right. That's a term that gets used my soulmate. I do believe we can have connections with individuals. Again, this is a theory. Maybe from past lives, like maybe you have had a relationship with someone in a past life and there's that instant soul connection when you meet them in this lifetime, right.
Where there could be karma that needs to be worked out between you or, you know, you guys have [00:36:00] made some sort of soul contract before this life where you're going to spend this lifetime together or some part of your lifetime together in this life. I believe in that fully, I don't believe in the concept of a twin flame where you are suited to just one person in this lifetime.
And that's it. You have to find that one individual. It's concerning to me that this woman is in this perfect storm with this guy online. It's the twin flame story again, that always gets thrown around in new age circles. Again, I'm not shitting on new age. I think this is the dark side of new age. Though, and she's now starting to entertain the thoughts of abandoning her family.
This is not just her marriage. This is her children. And when I say abandoning, I mean, walking away from them, like. Devastating stuff. She believed that this guy, her and this guy, this white Eagle guy, that they were two bodies sharing a single soul. So she's almost got this. View of like I'm destined to be with him again.
It's a perfect storm, shitty storm, but [00:37:00] perfect storm in this case.
So in 2007, She ends up leaving her husband. Actually, I said also second husband. I think it might've been her third husband at this point. She left her husband and her children completely abandoned them. Quit her job at as McDonald's manager. And she ceased all contact with most of her family. That is scary shit, because now you are isolating yourself.
You have left everybody that, you know, everything that, you know, that is scary. Right? And then she joins up with this twin flame, this white Eagle dude, and believes again that they are the one soul in two bodies. So they're destined to be together. It's just very, very messy. And then they start the cult.
Right? So I'll get into that in a second. Amy actually goes on to have more twin flames over the years, which is kind of crazy. Right. She explained that all of these men. All these different partners are all vessels for the same father, God energy. [00:38:00] So they all got the label of father God. So there could only be one mother, God, which has her. She is mother God.
She's the crater apparently of the entire universe. But according to her, there could be many father. God's how convenient you get to have sex with as many men as you want. But these were all different men that she claimed, and she got to decide who was father God and who wasn't. To the point that I'm skipping ahead, but she had a relationship with one guy who she called father God, and then she demoted him and got another father.
God. So. I found that quite ironic that someone could be father God until she decided that they couldn't be very, very convenient. But how sad she left her family left her children, which is devastating, how devastating for those children, that their mother literally abandoned them and just started a cult and stopped all contact with them. So she joined this white Eagle guy in Colorado and they started posting YouTube videos.
So videos to YouTube in 2009. So this is where it really started. Right? 2009, [00:39:00] they would do YouTube videos as a way of promoting their ideologies and their beliefs. Their beliefs were a mix of new age theories.
As I said before, conspiracy theories. And I use that term loosely conspiracy theories. I don't think all of them are conspiracies. I believe some of these same beliefs that they believed. And there was also parts of religion in there, like Abrahamic religions in there as well. So again, they believed that Amy Colson was divine.
They believed that she was actually a 19 billion year old being who had birthed all of creation. If someone claimed that to me, I'd be like, wow, you are really living in your ego. I'm not going to believe that I would just be like you, you are having an identity crisis to the average person. You'd be like, You think you're God and you created this earth and you're a 19 billion year old being who, by the way, she believed that she reincarnated 534 times.
That's not alarming to me. I believe that's [00:40:00] absolutely a possibility. Here's the part that I think is really egotistical. In amongst those reincarnation, she believed that she was Cleopatra, Joan of arc, Marilyn Monroe. Jesus, how convenient that you're all of the top. That's something I find hilarious is when. I believe in reincarnation, right?
I a hundred percent believe that reincarnation is highly, highly probable. In fact, I believe in it. Right. But what I find hilarious is when people say yeah, in my past life, I was, and they list all of the top celebrities over the years and all of the top wealthy individuals and the most beautiful people, the most influential people, it's like, actually, you will likely.
The poorest of poor, the sickest of the sick. You would have experienced all different extremes of life, the chances of you living all of the top lives and being all the top celebrities. I would say you're living in your ego. My love. So yeah, I would say this is definitely an ego trip. She believed she was the queen of the [00:41:00] lost continent of Lemuria I believe Lemuria is. Probable that Lemuria is if there's a possibility that that was actually land, that existed the last continent of Lamara. I have no proof.
I don't know. Okay. I don't know. I'm not going to claim that it is true or it's not, but she was the queen again. Why is she always the queen? Why is she always the celebrity? Why is she always the mostinfluential individual that's concerning to me? She also believed that Donald Trump was her father in a past life.
And again, I don't know. I just think it's a little bit whack. She believed also that she was speaking to the deceased
spirit of Robin Williams and that he was arc angel, Zach keel, I think is how you pronounce it. And he was basically. Governing her life. He was constantly according to Amy
In communication with Amy and directing her decisions. Right.
A little bit wack. Uh, they believed in Atlanta's. [00:42:00] I believe highly likely Atlantis was actually a legit place. They believed in that Annuanki I also believe the Annunaki is highly likely real that we were seeded by. Anunaki I don't think that makes me nuts. Like I genuinely don't, maybe it does.
Maybe I am a wack job and should start my own cult. They also believed in reptilians. Highly likely do I know? No. Am I creating a cult based off it? No. But I think it's a probability. I don't just like to shit on all beliefs that I think. Hmm. Probably not. Right. But I also don't say this is the truth that we are a thousand percent we're seeded on planet earth by reptilians the Annunaki you know, I I'm not going to say it's a hundred percent the truth.
I don't know, but it is likely what concerns me is when people create cults out of it. State it as a thousand percent fact, it cannot be questioned. You're not allowed to raise a single question about it. [00:43:00] And now this is our faith, right? That's concerning to me. They believed that the world was run by a cabal determined to keep the planet in a low vibration state. I think that's likely. Again, I think that's a possibility.
I don't think that's fully nuts. If you are solely focused on that every single day of your existence, you are living in a low vibration state. I will say that. Yes. I do think that there are secret societies. I think that there are families that are leading the world behind the scenes. Absolutely.
I think that there is a cabal highly likely do I know that for fact? No. Am I going to create a cult over it? No. Am I going to focus all of my time and energy on it every single day? No cause guess what if this is true, if there actually is a cabal that is determined to keep the planet in a low vibration state. If we're focused on that as a fact, continually every single day.
And we give all of our time [00:44:00] and energy to it. We are living in a low vibration state. It's rather ironic. So they also claimed Amy claimed. That the cabal tried to assassinate her nearly 600 times in this lifetime.
Apparently that cabal tried to kill her nearly 600 times, but she foiled each attempt. Again, so much ego.
I have to point out if the cabal is real, Aimee is zero threat to the Cabal. She would have been no threat because she would have come off as an absolute nut job that had very small influence.
It's not like she ran a cult of millions of people, right. She only had at max 20 people living with her, which is disgusting, but. That's a very small group of individuals and even her influence online still. Wasn't huge. Right. She posed no threat to the Cabal whatsoever. If anything, the only thing she was threatening was her own identity.
Right. [00:45:00] Because she's coming off as an absolute cuckoo. So no, there's no way the cabal tried to kill her 600 times, but she managed to foil. This incredible cabal that apparently runs the world and she foiled them 600 times. It's just so cuckoo to me. And for those that don't know what the cabal means.
It's described as a group of minions of reptilians and the Annunaki. this. I know it sounds crazy. Just stick with me reptilians and the Annunaki. I need to do a whole episode on this actually. Or ancient, extra terrestrials and Samarian deities right. All these different things that apparently are running the world.
So the cabal is, you know, seen as like massively influential in our world, but to these outsider influences like ancient extraterrestrials and Annunaki, they are simply just their minions. Right. But they are known as the global elite. So if you hear people say the elite. Or, you know, the matrix I've used that term before.
This is what they're referring to a [00:46:00] group of individuals you'll likely hear of it as Very influential families, the most wealthiest of families that run things behind the scenes. Like for instance, maybe the Rothchilds
And the Rockefeller's right. Or it could be even higher than that, but they're tied to the Illuminati.
They apparently pull the world strings, like through sinister ways. They're orchestrating everything of life. And, from mass shootings to wars, to the pandemic that like, for instance, The COVID pandemic
that it's all. Just one big illusion. And it's engineered to keep humanity in a constant state of fear. Guess what I think that is highly likely I actually do. And if that makes me a nut job, I am okay with that label. I think that it is highly likely that there is something that is literally running the world and controlling the world to keep us in a state of fear.
Because when we're in a state of fear, they can siphon our energy. Right? If you're living as a self-governing [00:47:00] self sovereign individual, you cannot be influenced. It's very difficult to influence you to that level.
But to individuals who deem all conspiracies as absolute nuts, they will see this as absolute nuts.
Now they believe that the COVID 19 pandemic was planned. Guess what? I think it was two. I genuinely do they believe the Sandy hook massacre was planned. I've never looked into that. I can't claim that they believe nine 11 was a hoax. Guess what? I think so too. I don't believe nine 11 was legit terrorists from other countries. That flew planes into, into the twin towers.
And there, it was all an act of terrorism. No. I think the terrorism was from in the government and from within the CIA. But again, you say that and apparently you're in that job, but yes, I just want to point out some of the things they believed. I also believe right. In 2014, White Eagle recruited a new light worker as they called [00:48:00] each others.
That word does give me the ick a little bit. I have to admit. Anyway, they recruited a new light worker. And so White Eagle, the twin flame of Amy ended up leaving Amy for this new member. So basically they're just sleeping around with each other. The same year Amy recruited her first member. So this is in 2014, which was a guy called Miguel Lamboy and he ended up becoming the manager of the groups, logistics and finances.
So this is when they actually
started to grow as a cult. This is when they started to have more influence via the internet in particular. So the group started to do these daily live streams on YouTube in order to recruit more members to solicit donations and to promote their products, which were like, you know, vitamin supplements and stuff like that. And this is where things started to really change.
So before that, if you ever see any videos of Amy before that she can come off as a sweeter from what I've seen a bit more, um, Charismatic. I just seemed a little bit. [00:49:00] Nicer of a human and then. It all turned. And as far as being God, like this is what's nuts to me, even more, she came off as highly abusive.
And so did other members of the cult. They came off as very abusive, even on live streams, like. That would start abusing people, watching the live streams that would start abusing each other. There's yeah, just, there was a lot of abuse going on amongst its members. They actually used forms of physical abuse.
They use sleep deprivation. They believed you're only allowed to sleep for no more than five hours a night. They would make sure you did not sleep for longer than that. They moved around a lot. So they moved from like Colorado to Oregon, to California, to Florida, back to Colorado.
The thing is for some. Of the members, this was the best living situation and likely the most loving family that they'd been a part of, even though put all of that abuse and, you know, the sleep deprivation, they controlled food, all sorts of things. Some of these individuals had come from [00:50:00] very neglectful backgrounds or abusive homes and had fallen through the cracks of society, so to speak.
So when they meet Amy, especially if they met her in those early days, she was quite loving and, you know, they would feel invited into the group. Again, another tool of cults you get love bombed on hard. When you first joined something. And then the real them starts to come out over time
so she would show them like love and affection and, you know, you'd get food and shelter. And. You know, be a part of a family and some people that were lost in life, this was everything to them. Then the ugly side would start to come out. Now, no drugs or alcohol were allowed for any members, except for Amy. Interestingly enough, she was actually an alcoholic. So she would actually binge on alcohol and then get into these rages.
So this is when the ugly side of her would start to come out. They would go, as I said, without food and without sleep. And they believed that they were transmuting the sins of the world and it was guiding the world into higher states [00:51:00] of spiritual purification. This is where I think parts of new age are nuts.
Right? If you believe that you are transmuting all of the sins of the world, therefore you need to go without food and go without sleep. And you are solely the one that's saving the world. It's no different than being in a religious cult, right? It's really just a trap of the ego. This is why, again, I'm so big on having that self trust in that self authority, because in those instances, let's say you got that far.
You'd be like, Ooh, I'm not actually the savior of the world. I'm not actually here solely to guide the world into higher states of spiritual purification. And it's all on me. I'm the hero like? You get to play into that real hero energy or the martyr energy, which I think Amy got into that martyr energy later on in her life and which I'll get into,
One of the things that she believed that came out was that she was going to be at the time of her death taken [00:52:00] via a Starship. Uh, to go into her next evolution. As you know, mother, God has as. The creator of the universe. So one of the things was that she needed to be of a very low weight to be able to fit into this star ship. Therefore, she became extremely anorexic.
Like this kind of stuff is just so messed up. On April 28. 2021, the mummified corpse of Amy was discovered in the mission house near Creston.
This is gross. The state of decay suggested that she'd been dead for several weeks, right? So she'd died and they left her body in the house for a couple of weeks.
She was 45 at the time of her death. Her body was actually found in a sleeping bag, wrapped in Christmas lights. Her face was covered in glitter. And they had this make shift shrine. Part of this also, which is nuts is she was blue. So they will, she would drink colloidal silver [00:53:00] because they were promoting it as like the cure for COVID-19. Which is concerning because she was drinking copious amounts of this to the point that if you look up her photos online, she's actually blued.
Like her skin turns gray, blue kind of color. And if you drink this continually, you can have seizures. You can have organ failure. But remember she believes that she is God. And as a part of her death, she's going to be taken in a star ship. She needs to fit into it. So she's anorexic. So she's like, if I'm dying, don't try to save me.
Like, let me die. And this is why they also, when she passed away, they left her body because they're like, well, they're meant to be coming and taking her body right there, waiting for this Starship to appear, to come and take her body. And it wasn't coming. So each day that went by, they're all living in the house together with this corpse, right?
Coveting, Christmas lights and glitter. And God it's disgusting. But the star ship doesn't rock [00:54:00] up. Surely that would make you start to question your beliefs a little bit. Right? So they didn't assist her medically. They were waiting for her to be taken in this stash ship that just never came. And then eventually it was reported to police.
Now, before she actually passed away, there was something on Dr.
Phil about this cult, right? There's also been, you know, other interviews online where they're saying, no, we're not a cult. You can actually look up and say, There's actually a whole, I haven't watched a whole documentary series apparently on a HBO or one of those, one of those ones that you can watch it.
And you'll be able to see some of her rants and some of the stuff that they like. It was a nut job cult. And again, I'm not going to get into every single fact about this cult. It'll be way too long, but.
Their whole thing was about. Getting through this lifetime in order to ascend higher into higher states, which. If your focus is to ascend a K that's one thing that's fine, right? To ascend [00:55:00] spiritually into a higher state of consciousness. That's fine. I don't see an issue with that. The issue that I have. Is, they believed that. Being as a human like this, isn't the purpose of life it's to get out of this human body and to return into the spiritual realm. Which means you're not actually living. You're not actually here in the present moment. Everything is about Ascension. And I've gone.
We've touched on this topic a little bit in episode 17 that I did with James Pask, where we talked about reincarnation and, you know, the
the new age movement and karma and all of these different topics and how some people are so heavily focused on the fact that
everything is about Ascension that they forget about what's going on here inside ourselves. And
I think that can be very concerning where your whole focus is on things outside of yourself. Hence again, why I'm big on coming within ourselves, because then you can't be fooled. You can't be taken advantage of you can't be misled.
Right? Cause it's all within ourselves. So when she [00:56:00] passed away, they believed that she had ascended and the website love has won.org was actually taken offline. But the group we named their Facebook page, their YouTube channel, 5 D full disclosure, and they launched a new website called five D full disclosure.org, which is a legit website. I am on it right now.
I have just bought it up in front of me
and when they actually, you know, at the time of Carlson's deaths, because when she died, you've got to realize like, That apparently is God returning back. Surely that's the end of the cult. But instead, and surely that would make you question your beliefs of, okay. Her body was meant to be taken by, you know, the aliens were meant to see them actually come in their craft.
No, the body was still there 10 days later or two weeks later or whatever. So obviously that's not true. Surely it would make you start to question things and question your beliefs. So the group did splinter. Uh, with the most recent father, God, a guy called Jason Castillo. Forming a separate group called joy rains.
So instead [00:57:00] of love has one. Now we've got joy Raines, R a I N S with a small number of followers. Okay. And then you've still got the five D. Full disclosure website and I've just bought it up. And there is a tab at the top cult about mum. Just calling Amy mom is, is kind of weird to me. So it's the mother of all creation story.
You can look it up for yourself. So this is five is in the number five. D full disclosure.org and have a read all about her and my God. Isn't nuts seriously. What can we take from this story? One? There are pretty nut job cults out there and there always will be. Because I think that. It comes down to the human fragility, the human experience, and a big part of it, I think is unresolved trauma. To be honest from childhood from teenage years, I always say we're not responsible for things that happen to us in our life.
We're not, especially as children and [00:58:00] teens. We are not responsible for things happening to us or for experiences that we've gone through, but we are. As painful as it is, as much as you might want to punch me in the face for saying this no matter, no matter what, how painful and difficult of an experience. We may have gone through, we are responsible for the healing, right?
For the healing of that experience. As we become adults in particular. And I'm big on self responsibility. And I think that what can happen when we don't take responsibility when we don't go in and actually heal and start to address unresolved issues again, especially from childhood from teenage years. Then we do become vulnerable to things like this.
And I know you listening, you're not going to be going and joining a cult like this. I'm not suggesting that for a second, but it's just highlights why I am so big on being self-governing.
But I also wanted to point out the fact that you may hold similar beliefs to this cult.
Like I do. There are some of the beliefs that they hold that I absolutely [00:59:00] think are a possibility or. I agree with, right. But again, we cannot be put into a box just because you believe one thing does not mean that you have to now believe the other 20 things that often are accompanied with that single belief.
And it does not mean that you can now be defined in a little box. Right? It's nothing like that at all. So always go within. I just found this fascinating. I had never heard of this cult until literally last week. And I was like, what the crap is? This love has won cult. And it's concerning. I don't think we should ever put that amount of trust in someone outside of ourselves.
I think if we are being encouraged to abandoned family, This can happen in relationships by the way. As I said, when I was a cop, I saw things that were pretty dark. I've seen in particular women in relationships where the men were rather abusive, where over time it never happens overnight. It's over time.
Cause if it happens overnight, you would leave. Right. If you're on a date with someone and they are literally abusive to you [01:00:00] on that date, you never gonna see them again. Right. And they serve an absolute sucker for punishment. Normally it happens over time. They win your trust over time. They win you respect over time.
Your loved bombed hard. And over time, if they're encouraging you to start to distance yourself from family members, distance yourself from friends. And starting to encourage you to rely solely on them. That is a concern. If you are in a relationship with somebody who has encouraged you to have no contact with anybody, any of your past friends, any of your family members. Unless, of course you were in an abusive family and they've encouraged you to have boundaries.
That's different. I'm talking about walking away from everyone that you've ever known. You are likely in a very controlling relationship. So this doesn't just happen in cults. I really want to make that clear, this could happen in family dynamics. This can happen in intimate relationships. It can happen in work situations where maybe the boss favors one person over everyone.
And there's like a, an abuse of power where. [01:01:00] They're encouraging you to be their favorite little pet, and it's like a us versus them. And it's a way of trying to seduce you. It can happen in so many different dynamics. So I'm big on playing our own game on being in our own lane and on having that strong self authority.
And self-trust so we can never be fucked over essentially. And yeah, just having discernment. Anyway, I'll leave it there. Let me know your questions on this cult. If you've heard of it, if you've gone down the rabbit hole, tell me what your takeaways are from it. Do you hold similar beliefs to them?
Do you hold some of the same beliefs as them, or do you think the whole thing is absolutely whack and I should go enjoy. Because I'm whacked true for holding some of the same beliefs. It's quite funny. Anyway, I love your guts. Thank you for being here. And I hope you have an incredible week and yeah, I love you guts. Bye.