Ep. 24 | 🍿Comment Chaos: Questioning Religion, Challenging Beliefs, and Unmasking the Bible


24. CC


Well, I hope you've got your popcorn ready for this one. Let's just say that. No, welcome back legends. Welcome to another episode. I've got my phone next to me. If you're watching this on YouTube, just so that I can read out the comments. So let's get straight into it. As you would know, the last comment chaos episode, I alluded to the fact that, I walked away from dogmatic Christianity, but I see things very differently now. And just today at the time of recording this, I have actually just released an episode.

It is episode 23 on, all of that explaining what I mean by that. I'm not anti religion. I actually think religion can be [00:01:00] incredible. It can be a stepping stone, but what it leads you into, if you are willing and if you are courageous and brave, If you haven't listened to that episode, definitely go and listen to that episode first, and then come back to this. But I go into how I believe that the actual teachings of Jesus weren't from Jesus, that his message was completely manipulated by human beings as a means of control or manipulation. And then the Vatican. Right there. The Catholic church has just 10 folded that, right.

That they have their agenda of manipulation and control. And, the teachings of Jesus were actually distorted. And I actually think a big part of who distorted that originally was actually Paul In the Bible, he actually took it over his, his gospel and the, the concept of hell and of the rapture and of, needing forgiveness of sin and needing Jesus to die on a cross.

And all of that to me is completely not Jesus' teachings. He did not desire to be worshiped. In fact, he said, don't worship me. He does not desire [00:02:00] our worship. Right. So. I won't get into it all right now, but I have some comments on YouTube that we're going to go through. Some are from today's episode, as in the episode that I just mentioned that just got released today and some are from some of the clips from the last comment chaos episode.

So let's just get into it. Obviously there was a clip that went around was. Saying that it's a bold claim, but that religion might just be a tool of systemic control. And so someone has commented on there. It's a female. She said any basis for these opinions, opinions don't mean anything.

When you have the Bible clearly laying out history from creation until the end of time. And so I came back with, does it though. Have you questioned that at any point from a place of neutrality? Have you read any of the books of the Bible that weren't added? Have you read any of the ancient scrolls and texts that were around prior to the. I can't say this word. Canada.

Cool. [00:03:00] Of the Bible. What I mean is putting the Bible together. Have you read any of the texts and the ancient scrolls and the tablets that were around before the Bible was actually formed as the Bible, as in before human beings decided what books were allowed in the Bible and what books weren't. Have you read the Emerald tablets, the book of Enoch, the holy gospel of the 12. I'm not suggesting there isn't a God, just that when you go deeper than just the Bible, which has been bastardized by humans over the years, then it paints a very different story to the one you've been taught.

And I was taught. I wasn't being a smart ass. I really wasn't. I don't think that I know it, or I was simply saying, as she says, do you have any basis for these opinions? Like she asked me a question, I'm going to answer her. And she said, Opinions don't mean anything when you have the Bible clearly laying out history from creation to the end of the time, right?

Sure. If it was the infallible word of God. Absolutely. But it's not, it's definitely not. And that's why I was coming back. We'd have you actually questioned that though? 'cause I didn't, I [00:04:00] was literally her years ago. I was that's literally how I would have thought if I saw a video of mine. 10 years ago, it would have freaked me out and I would have wanted to prove that individual wrong.

And I wonder, would have wanted to be like, I'll pray for you. Which is the biggest cop-out right. So much ego in that. So I'm not trying to be like rude to this individual. I'm actually trying to answer her question. Have you read any of these things? Because if you haven't actually questioned your beliefs, Which obviously you haven't, if you believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, you haven't questioned it because it's impossible to think that when you've actually questioned it and gone down the rabbit hole and realized that. The Bible isn't, as it seems, I'm not saying it's not incredible.

I'm not saying it's not full of wisdom. I'm just saying it was put together by men and men decided what books got included in what books didn't get included. And there's a million contradictions in it, which. You only need one contradiction in it for it to no longer be the infallible word of God.

Because you can't have it both ways [00:05:00] either the Bible was written by God and therefore it is absolutely perfect.

And it would contain no mistakes. Right? That's one way, or it's a human text, right. It's been written by humans, which. We have floors. Okay. So it was written by people. We are fallible people. And, sure. We may be very well-meaning and as humans, but we have the capacity to get things very wrong.

You can't have it both ways. It's either the infallible word of God. Therefore there is no errors, no mistakes, no contradictions. Which it's not, that's not the case at all. There is contradictions, there are many mistakes in it. And it's not the infallible word of God.

And then on that exact same short clip. There's a guy. I think it's a guy who says, what can she know? What others, the 2 billion others are worshiping. She probably barks at the moon. So I write, dig deeper, but sure. Let's go with that one and listen.

I understand what they're trying to say. That there's billions of [00:06:00] people in the world that all think a particular way, which they don't all think the same by the way, but that, how could me, this one random human being from Australia?

What could I possibly know that the rest of the world doesn't know if that's not the case? And look, you could apply that to pretty much anything. Let's apply that to COVID for a second. What about the billions of people that went along with the COVID mandates? The COVID vaccines, the COVID. Wear your mask and triple jab yourself and all of that stay six feet away from everybody.

Just because most of the population went along with that, that makes it right. That's a silly way of looking at things. That's a silly way of looking at life, just because the majority think a certain way. Does not make it right. Does not mean let's not question that this is my point on everything that I discussed.

I discuss a lot of controversial topics on these podcasts. Some that make me slightly uncomfortable. When I talk about them, my guests come on and talk about [00:07:00] controversial topics. We do that because everything should be questioned. Everything should have a microscope on it. Every person in authority. Every institution, the status quo, every system and whatever,

everything should be questioned and not from a place of trying to prove it wrong. Cause there could be a lot of truth in that. It's not that it's from being like, okay, this is how things are. What's underneath though, is everything as it seems. So if you have that viewpoint as this person has said, pat, What can she know what others, the 2 billion others are worshiping.

She probably barks at the moon. So just because he's saying two or she is saying 2 billion people are worshiping the God, therefore they must be right. How could, you know something that they don't know? I think that should be questioned. Sorry, pat, but I think that should be questioned. And look, I was just being tongue in cheek.

I said, dig deeper, but sure. Let's go with that one. Yes. I love to bark at the moon. All right. I can. I can be that archetype of the [00:08:00] crazy woman for you. I'm okay. With being labeled as the crazy. Moon Barker I'm totally gave me that. But if you apply that logic that you have applied pat to pretty much everything, that's scary. That's very scary.

Okay. Because just because the majority or a large portion of individuals believe a certain thing or do a certain thing or act a certain way or follow a certain message does not make it right. It could be right. But it could also mean that those 2 billion people are the most gullible people on the earth. That's another possibility. Let's look into which one it is.

And. I just whacked my tea. I'm getting all theatrical here, but seriously. I probably wouldn't look at it that way. Someone else wrote Jesus is the way. And I said, his teachings are incredible. I don't think Jesus is religion. This is my point. I believe his teachings. We're bastardized by Paul and it's his religion now.

And this is my thing. I'm not [00:09:00] saying I don't believe in Jesus or I don't think Jesus is incredible. I think Jesus was absolutely incredible. And he was here. To encourage a higher level of consciousness on earth for us to see us all as one, for us to be of service to one another, like that message is so much more powerful than the message that we have today of believe what we're saying or burn in hell.

Which one do you actually think came from Jesus, be of service to one another. Be a kind human being to everyone that you come into contact with. Work on yourself. Raise your consciousness as a human being on earth, which is christ consciousness. See everything in unity, not as separate. We are all one.

We're all fractals of the one creator. Does that sound more like a message of Jesus or. If you don't. Follow this teaching. If you don't say this particular prayer, you're going to burn in hell for all of eternity. [00:10:00] I don't know when I look at that, I think that the first would have been Jesus message. Not the latter, the latter to me. Is what the Vatican would be pushing is what. The system would be pushing.

And that to me is the antichrist. I made that clear in the episode that went live today. That to me is the antichrist. The anti-Christ is not some man that is going to come onto earth. Once Jesus has come back for all these people and taking them to heaven. And this person's going to be on earth causing absolute chaos.

It's the antichrist. No, no, no, no. To me, the antichrist is religion. To me. The antichrist is literally everything that opposes what Jesus' teachings actually were, which is that we are all one. to love God with all of your heart, your mind and soul. Right. And to follow the way, which isloving every single thing you come into contact with, which includes animals, insects, literally everything.

We are all one. That would have been Jesus message. Someone else has said praying for you. God bless you. In Jesus [00:11:00] name. Amen. So I wrote, cheers. What specifically are you saying? When praying for me? And they didn't reply. I would've loved for that. No one replies to me when I say things like this, because listen, again, I'm not being a smart ass.

I'm saying thank you. Cheers for praying for me, send you a good vibes my way, To me. Prayer is different to how I used to see it as well. To me, prayer used to be you asking for things. And I don't mean things as in material things, although it could be that, but it's you asking for this to happen?

Asking it's like interceding requesting. Whereas to me, prayer is commanding I am commanding my existence. I'm commanding that this is what's going to happen. You get on an airplane and you're commanding that you're going to arrive safely at the other airport. You're commanding your existence. Life reacts so much better when you come from that energy, rather than needy energy of, I need this.

I want this to happen for this person. So when they're saying they're praying for me, I hope that they're commanding good things [00:12:00] on my life. Amazing. Go for it. Send your incredible energy my way, the reason why I said, what specifically are you saying when you're praying for me? Is because, and if you listen to the episode that went live today, episode 23, you'll hear that.

I actually raised this point. It is. And I'm not saying this individual, I don't know them. I don't know their intent. They never responded to me because, so I can't answer for them. Most Christians that say that though. It is the biggest game of ego because you are pedestal in yourself. When you say I'm praying for you.

Like for instance, they've literally just seen a short video clip of mine where I explain. You know that to me, religion and what Christianity represents now is not Jesus' teachings at all. So they've written, praying for you. That is Pedestalling. They're saying I am better than you. My beliefs are better than your beliefs.

I'm up here. You're down here. They're literally saying I'm in the club and you're not, therefore you need me to pray for you. You need [00:13:00] me to say words? To help your soul. That's essentially what most people that say praying for you mean it is an ego trip and it is the biggest cop-out of I'm in the club and you're not, therefore you need me. Can you see the pride in that? That's what I see here.

They may have meant it with great intentions. I'm sure I meant it with great intentions. I'm sure I uttered that many times growing up, which is really fricking embarrassing, but. That's why I said specifically, what are you saying when you're praying for me? Because they're not actually praying for me.

Let's be honest. You're not actually praying for me. It's your way of making your uncomfortableness? Is that a word? Your discomfort? I just make up words. It's your way of making your discomfort when you see my content? When you see me raise questions. When you see me make statements that you don't like when you say praying for you, it's your way of settling the discomfort within yourself.

It's an ego trip. Just saying. And then somebody by the name of [00:14:00] Toby said, finally, somebody gets it in response to my bog claimed that religion is actually a tool of systemic control. And then just in response to today's episode. So I have obviously videos go on YouTube. You might be watching this right now on YouTube, but so the actual whole episode went on, which was my controversial take on Christianity, held the rapture Christ and God. And so we've had some comments on there.

So one of them says very much looking forward to hearing more on this. Thank you. And so I have said thank you for being here. I really appreciate you. It's a big topic, isn't it? But it's a necessary one. And then someone by the name of Ben Solomon. I am has responded with great points, Holly. 2020 slash 21 led me to research my faith and the evidence for it.

All, all that research has led me to very similar conclusions. As you have arrived at. Looking at items you've mentioned then looking at [00:15:00] works by Paul Wallace. Mauro, big Lino. Matt LaCroix. From an ancient narratives, translation and archeological evidence perspectives, and the huge body of research information and interviews on NDEs, which is near death experiences. S D E S, which I'm guessing sudden death experiences.

I don't actually know I could be wrong their past lives, remote viewing reincarnation, et cetera. So what are you saying so far is looking at items I've mentioned right? In my episode, but also looking at all these other things, which. I agree because I looked at a lot of these two. I agree. It's funny how a lot of us are led down the same kind of path when we're researching stuff like this, about religion and God, and you know, the afterlife, how we tend to look at things like near death experiences and past lives or remote viewing and reincarnation. Anyway, I'll go back to what he said.

He said, after looking at all those things have all helped to step away from the tiny box that we paint [00:16:00] ourselves into by believing in religion. The book gods of Eden by William Bramley. I haven't read that by the way, was excellent in helping me understand how all religions have been co-opted to control humanity rather than help us thrive and live our highest potential. I keep up the work that you're doing.

So appreciate this comment from this individual. So I said, oh, I appreciate you being here. Thank you so much for your comment. It's nice to hear your story and thank you for directing me to the different works and books, et cetera. I'm so open to exploring at all. I have screenshotted your apply so that I keep the list in my phone. There really is a massive push to keep us disconnected from ourselves.

And religion seemed to be at the top of the list of what is being used for this agenda. Unfortunately, once you see it, it really is hard to unsee it. So I really appreciate you, Ben, if you hear this, or if you see this, thank you so much for your comment. I'm absolutely going to look into the list of things that you mentioned.

And I think the top of that list will be the book that you mentioned, gods of Eden by William [00:17:00] Brandley. That sounds fascinating to me. So thank you. I really appreciate you. It's nice to have someone else to actually understand the path that you've taken. And then someone else has written, please look into Joseph Atwell's book.

I've heard that name before. Caesar's Messiah. He presents evidence that the new Testament was created by the fluffy and emperors of Rome all have heard of this actually. With the assistance of Josephus Josephus was a captured Jewish general slash high priest who be claimed, who became the Flavia's historian, or you could say their propagandist. They invented Christianity because they wanted to pacify the slaves and conquered nations of the empire. So I said, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. I love getting recommendations on where to research things further. Very grateful to you. I will to look, I will look into this for sure. And I absolutely will. As I said in the episode that went live today, episode 23. The one that I'm talking [00:18:00] about right now. I said, and I made a challenge that I will dedicate the next six months of my life going deep into all of this.

And I mean, it's not going to stop at the end of six months. I just mean like hardcore, I'm going deep into it. And at the end of six months, or however many months, I'm going to do another episode to update you on what I've learned, what I believe, what I don't believe, what my thoughts are. All of that. So, this is why I am keen to look into things that people are recommending to me.

And I have discernment. This is a thing.

Probably one of the reasons why I never questioned my beliefs growing up was because I was taught to not trust myself. So why would I question something if I don't trust my own discernment? Right. Why would you do that? That makes no sense. If I'm going to question the very thing that I'm following and I'm giving my entire life to, but I don't trust myself. That means that if there's, things that are brought to my attention, that contradict what I believe. I don't trust myself enough to sit through that and to just to discern what's true.

And what's not, so of course I [00:19:00] didn't. Question my. But my beliefs and I think that's the same for most in religions. In dogmatic religions. I'm not talking about Buddhism by the way. I actually think there are certain religions or parts of religions that seem. Bless dogmatic. I don't know everything about all the religions.

I'm not pretending that I do, but let's talk about for instance, Christianity in this. In this point. I think most don't question their beliefs because they're also taught to not trust themselves. So you wouldn't have the discernment to be able to make the right decisions based on what you're confronted with.

Anyway. So now that I absolutely trust myself I mean, I have the highest levels of self-trust that I've ever had in my entire life. Like they are top notch. Top-notch I'll get into that one day. I will do an episode on that. I think it will blow your mind how much self-trust I have to the point that I have done some of the most radical things in my life made some of the most radical decisions. Even in hospitals going against the recommendations of people that are in suits and all [00:20:00] sorts of stuff.

And it's turned out that I've made the right decisions for myself or for my child or whatever it might've been. Right. I have high levels of self-trust. I am banging on right now. I know, I think I'm on a high. I have very high levels of self trust. Therefore now is the right time to dive deep into this stuff, because I know I trust myself that whatever I read, I will have discernment to be able to Wade through it and work things out for myself. So, thank you so much to Diana Anthony, 2 9, 8 1.

I really appreciate you for recommending me to look into Joseph Atwell's book. Caesar's Messiah. Then I had a short clip go live from that same episode. And someone has written, neither of my parents could decide on what kind of Christianity. I should be raised with, so I was raised with the general notion of there's a God there's Jesus.

If you want to believe it, that's fine. Otherwise, keep doing what you're doing. Don't harm others. I would have to say [00:21:00] that that is the most charitable way my parents could have ever raised me or any other person on this planet. So I said, that sounds absolutely beautiful to me and how much better the world would be.

In my opinion, if this is how the message was handed down, the world would be a better place. I believe your parents sound wonderful. And I mean that you imagine if that was the message that was handed down. As opposed to the, if you don't believe this, you're going to burn in hell. All right. Much better way to have pass this message on.

And I actually think that that sounds more like christ like than what is taught in churches today. And then someone else has written here by the way. For context. I read these on not on YouTube, on we have the YouTube studio app. So I had bred these comments. I thought that this comment was from the actual full episode video.

It's not, but this is what they wrote. Gandy said that he really liked Jesus, but it was his followers that he took issue [00:22:00] with. Jesus told us that half of those who follow him a foolish virgins, and in the end, they will be told, I know you not. And the door will be shut to them. Matthew 25. Unfortunately that half is found in the Western world.

That half is the influence that you have encountered. That's really too bad that you're missing out with a personal relationship with your creator because of those who pretended to be his ambassadors, but weren't really. The apostle John. Tells us that there are many antichrist that come from within the church.

First, John two, 18 and 19. And yes, they teach a rapture. Peter tells us that those who teach a rapture twist what pulse states as they do all of scripture. And then he calls them wicked. Second, Peter. Three 15 to 17. Now, when I read this, obviously I thought this was on the full episode video. So I thought that this individual had possibly watched the full like hour long video and then commented.

I didn't realize he literally was only able to see like a 32nd [00:23:00] clip. So I said, thank you so much for being here and for your input. I love what Gandy said. Brilliant P has helped me to understand where in the video I've come off as not having a relationship with the creator. Because I see it the opposite.

I would say I left dogma because of the relationship I do have with the creator. Obviously now it makes sense. Now that I can see he never got full context or he was going off was like a 32nd clip or whatever it was. But I have to comment on that now further and say I, cause I actually didn't fully get into it in today's episode that went live, but. I believe. The creator. God source. Whatever word you want to use, I think is a frequency.

I don't think it's a man in the sky or a woman in the sky. I don't think it's a human form. I think it's a frequency. I think we, as energy beings are all a frequency from that one original source. We are all fractals of that. Having a human [00:24:00] experience and life is purely here to teach the creator to teach that original frequency what it is it's experiencing itself through. All of us having this human experience. I've alluded to other episodes before where you wouldn't know. What a good day. Or a good moment or a beautiful emotion felt like unless you had experienced the polar opposite.

I think it's the same for the creator. It wouldn't understand itself. It wouldn't know itself without having these experiences through all of us. As human beings. Right? So I don't, when I talk of the creative for every use of the word, God or creator on my podcast on any of my episodes, I'm not religious.

I don't think. That you have to worship a being outside of yourself. I don't think it's anything like that. I think that we can all have a yearning for somewhere outside of what we see in our physical reality, because we are a fractal of that original frequency. That is what home [00:25:00] is home to me is that I've experienced that in meditations where I've gone that deep into a meditation, that it was like, I was taken through a portal when I saw this bright white light.

I didn't see any form. I didn't see any people, any. Any beans, any entities, nothing like that. It was a bright white light. And I literally started crying whilst in the meditation saying I'm home I'm home. It was like a, and. The most powerful feeling from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes of just I'm home.

That is what it is. That to me is what the creator is. It's not. And I, this is why I don't want to make my podcast religious by talking about all these things. Nothing is too taboo. No topic is off limits. But I'm not religious and I'm not here to tell you that you have to follow a particular religion, that you have to follow a particular dogma.

That there's a particular prayer that you have to say that you have to repent of sins. And know when you harm [00:26:00] another human being, you are harming yourself because you are that human being. You are that we're not separate me talking to you right now. You're listening. Right? You've got me in your ears.

You're listening to me. That is just. Got a God, the creator having a conversation with itself right now. That's how I see it. Right. It's not me talking to you. You're not listening to me. We are literally talking. It's like one being talking to itself. We are all one, we are all connected and that's why I do think this was the original teachings of Jesus.

And they've just been absolutely manipulated as a means of control. So when. Ever you hear me say, God, I'm not preaching to you. I don't think there's anything you have to do other than. Be a kind human being to every single thing that you come into contact with. Because we are all one. And the more that you do that, the more that you do raise your frequency whilst you're here on earth, the more connected you do become naturally with this. Original [00:27:00] source with this frequency that is home, that you are a part of. And the more that you show christ consciousness on earth. Anyway. That was my rant.

I was just quickly checking to see if there's been any more comments just while I'm doing this episode, but so far, no, it's only been out for a few hours, so I dare say I'll have some more comment, chaos episodes dedicated to this topic, but. Yeah, I'll leave you with that for now and no wanker comments of the way.

I just wanted to sit here and just explain to you.

How I think about it or what my, replies are two individuals that comment on my stuff. I actually haven't even looked at Instagram or Tik TOK for that matter. We just stick to YouTube this week. Cause it's already getting quite long, but I love your guts as always.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for tuning into the podcast. Thank you for your comments. Keep them coming. I will keep my replies coming too and have an awesome rest of your day. Bye




Ep. 25 | Love, Breakups, Shadows & Affairs: Untangling Karmic Ties with Debbie Pask (Copy)


Ep. 23 | My Controversial Take on Christianity, Hell, The Rapture, Christ and God