Ep. 23 | My Controversial Take on Christianity, Hell, The Rapture, Christ and God
23. Christianity Challenge
Hey legends. Welcome back to another episode now. I was just laying on the couch. I haven't just feeling a little bit run down at the moment and I wasn't planning on doing an episode. But this wouldn't actually leave me this topic today and what I want to discuss. Wouldn't leave me. And I just felt the need to quickly just go on. Hit record.
And hopefully this flows whatever's meant to come out of me will come out of me today because obviously this has meant to be so. I have alluded to the fact in an episode recently that I was going to do a full episode on my views, my controversial views, my honest opinions on religion on [00:01:00] specifically Christianity. On fundamentalist like fundamentalism and, you know, for instance, believing the Bible is the infallible word of God that it's literally written by God.
And that it can't be questioned that it's, you know, what is written is a hundred percent truth. You know, all of that, that I was going to give my honest opinions in an episode, this is that episode. the reason why I mentioned this is because I've had a couple of episodes recently where I discussed. You know, religion and spirituality.
And I had an episode with James Pasch, where we went into a lot about. You know, consciousness and reincarnation and karma. And then I did an episode with Holly. Logston where she mentioned, you know, Jesus and religion. And so I said, listen, I've been going on my own journey. And I've been feeling a deep need and a deep desire to really like go deep into this topic.
So this episode is me explaining where I sit with [00:02:00] it all, and a lot of this will be controversial and will be confronting for people I'm aware of that. It was confronting for me as I went through it. Trust me. I'm also going to give a big challenge to you as my audience. So stick around because this challenge, if you come along with me, I think it will blow your mind. I really do.
And it will be a challenge on things that I'm encouraging you to explore. To come to your own conclusion. So let me set the scene with this episode. First of all. So this is me, just me. I have no guests. This is a solo chat, just you and me. And I'm going to be very real, very raw, very vulnerable. Very honest with you. And I don't proclaim to have answers.
Let me make that very crystal clear. I don't have answers on everything. I'm not pretending that I do nor am I necessarily like, yes, I raise a lot of questions and I do want to find answers. But I. I often have used. The term conclusions, like I have said in [00:03:00] episodes come to your own conclusions. And I don't think that's necessarily the right word.
I've used it for lack of a better word at the time. I don't think that coming to conclusions is necessarily the answer either, because when we come to conclusions, that to me sounds like a dead end as in that's it there's no, there's no room for further exploration. There's no room for raising further questions down the track.
And I don't think that that is the end goal when it comes to big topics like this. I think that's quite a close-minded way of looking at things. I used to think that way. And I definitely don't now, so let me just say this. First of all. When I talk, I want you to question what I'm saying. I want you to please go within yourself. And listen to what I have to say, but then filter it through. Your own. Life experience your own inner compass, I guess in a compass is the best way of saying it.
Your own intuition. Don't filter it though [00:04:00] through your own preconceived notions and judgements. Like I used to please don't do that. That's that's again, that's a closed, like a dead end street. I would love for you to question your own beliefs and to question the, the way that you view life and the way that you view the afterlife or whatever it is, question it along with me, let's do it together.
And even if we come to different understandings at the end of that, That's more than, okay. I really don't think that I have the answers for everybody. And I'm not trying to tell you that there is one way of looking at life. I don't think that for one second. So, what I want to start with is just to set the same with how I used to think first, so that then I can explain to you how I got to where I currently. I sit with a lot of these topics. I'm not going to go deep into it.
I do think I need to dedicate a whole separate episode to it. And some of, you know, my story, some of you don't, so I don't want to, you know, speak for an hour about my upbringing in religion. I just want to quickly breeze over it though, just to set the scene. [00:05:00] So I was raised very religious. My dad before I was born, was an outlaw bikey in Tasmania.
He was high up in the bikey scene and long story short, my parents separated. My mom started going to a Pentecostal Christian Church. That was a new church in Launceston. Tasmania was brand brand new, and my mum went to it and my grandmother and my older brother and myself, I'm actually one of four, there's four of us siblings, but the youngest two weren't born then.
So it's just me and my older brother and my mum and my Nan. And mum became a Christian and then long story short, my dad ended up also down the track, becoming a Christian. He turned his back on the bikey scene, became a Christian. And so we will raised in this Christian Church, which sounds amazing.
Right. You know, my dad. And my mom were in a lifestyle that wasn't necessarily healthy. Like you think of a bikey club, right? It's not really the healthiest way to maybe raise a family, to have a, a marriage, even like there's a lot that goes along with a bikey club. I don't need to paint it out to you.
I'm sure you [00:06:00] understand. And, you know, so their lives drastically turned around and therefore, you know, we stayed a part of this church for a very, very long time. We work in it, like. Deep. And the issue with that is I would say we grasped onto. Everything. That was taught to us in that church. I know.
I definitely did. As though it was the absolute truth. None of it was ever allowed to be questioned. None of it was ever allowed to be scrutinized. You weren't allowed to question the leaders, you never questioned the Bible. Whatever was taught to us was just seen as the truth. And I putting myself in my parents' shoes, I can understand why they got so deep into it to a degree because. Their lives did turn around and obviously. You would naturally put that onto God or onto this church onto religion, onto Christianity, whatever word you want to use, [00:07:00] because that was the catalyst for what turned a lot around in their life.
I have wondered as an adult now, if instead it was a different religion. Would they have also dived as, you know, head first into it and. Been so ingrained in it as much, because that also would have been a catalyst that turned their life around. If it was fitness and health and exercise and maybe meditation, you know, maybe spirituality, maybe the same.
Right. So whatever it is that I think turned their life around at that time. They contributed a lot on to that for, you know, the state of their life becoming a lot better is. The way that I would word it. That's not their words. That's what I'm saying. But anyway, we didn't realize that it was actually a cult. The past has changed.
So in this particular religious church, By the way they never called it a religion. We never said we were religious. It was a relationship with Jesus. It was a relationship with God. And I find that all Christians pretty much say that and say that it's not a religion. [00:08:00] Whereas, if you actually look up the definition of religion, it is, you know, you worshiping a data, you wish being a God, you believe in worshiping something outside of yourself.
So it's a hundred percent of religion, right? Anyway, you know, Basically it started in America. There was a preacher who started this church in America. And then what he would do is, you know, different men because only men could be preachers within the church. He would train them in, you know, the Bible or whatever.
They never went to Bible school or anything like that that was seen as you know, that was not seen as a good thing. You never went to Bible college. But anyway, he would get one of those men and that person's wife, cause you would have to be married and he would send them out into another city or another country to start another one of these churches.
And that's how it spread around the world. And so our church in Launceston Tasmania that the preachers actually changed. So they're the ones that started off as our preachers. They ended up going. You know, elsewhere to start another church. And so, you know, the, the pastor changed. And so when that [00:09:00] happened, things really turned around in our church downhill. They weren't great people.
They should never have been in positions of leadership. They should never been in control of a church. They just definitely are not. The tyrants essentially. So anyway, that particular church, it was very, very controlling. Our entire life was wrapped up in the church. We went to regular schools, but you know, we had to be at church Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night.
We had to go to morning prayer before school, five days a week, we had to go to outreach every Saturday morning. We would have church concerts, every, I think every second, Saturday night and Bible study every second, Friday night. Like, and then we'd have, you know, visiting preachers. So we would have what's called revival sessions where, you know, we would be at church sometimes seven nights a week.
And you know, this was quite a common thing. We, yeah, we were very entrenched in it. It's very controlling around what you could and couldn't do as far as, you know, the way that you dressed, you [00:10:00] weren't allowed to date, you would sign purity, pledges. As a young person. I signed one at 13 to say, you will remain a Virgin until marriage. You were never allowed to be alone with someone of the opposite sex.
It was always going to be a chaperone with you. So, you know, if you did end up wanting to marry someone, you would never be alone with them before you got married, you would always have to have somebody with you. You weren't allowed to have TVs in your home. You weren't allowed to go to movie theaters, never go to dances. Never go to, like, we never went to school camps and stuff.
It was just a lot of restrictions around what you couldn't couldn't do. There was a lot of breeding. Distrust in yourself. There was a lot of push for don't trust yourself. You are inherently wicked and evil. You cannot trust yourself and you have to do what we say. There was a lot of indoctrination and brainwashing from a very young age.
All they talked about all the time was hell. Like believe very much in heaven and hell and hell was where you're going to go. If you haven't. You know, said the sinner's prayer, which has asked Jesus [00:11:00] to come into your heart and to repent of your sin. And. All that stuff. So how was very much taught to us like as children. And we would watch videos as you know, young teenagers on what was considered the rapture and how Jesus is coming back. You know, to take all of his people, his children to heaven and how the people on earth are going to go through tribulation.
And you know, all the stuff from the book of revelations is what they're saying was the rupture. So yeah, it was a lot of fee based thinking a lot of separation teaching, I would say it was seen as you're very separate from each other. We're not all one. Everyone is very separate. Worshiping an outside date.
He being God bleeped that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, all of that stuff. Right. So that was what we were taught. I didn't really question a lot of it at first. I really didn't. I believed it with all of my heart.
In my mid twenties, I went through a divorce cause I got married within the church. And then I actually went through a divorce [00:12:00] and. I would say that what started to actually lead me out was seeing too many contradictions. I did not want to leave. Let me make that really crystal clear because what you always hear when someone leaves a religion. People say, oh, it's because they want to sin. Oh, it's because they want to, you know, they're full of pride. It's because God hasn't broken them down enough.
Or the main one you hear is it's because they want to sin. And what they mean by that is. You know, you're leaving Christianity because you want to sleep around because you want to do drugs because you want to party because you don't want to go to church anymore. Like all of the above. And I would say that is the biggest cop-out.
That is not why most people actually leave. I genuinely don't believe that. And it definitely was not that way for me. I did not leave Christianity because of any of those reasons. I didn't want to do any of those things at all. And [00:13:00] I didn't go and do all of those things for me. It was very different.
I actually. Could not stay. Because there was so many contradictions and something within the core of my body was saying, this is not right. This is not right. You have been manipulated to the 10th degree. And the way that I'll explain it is. For instance, think of COVID. Right. So a lot of people during COVID really started to wake up to a lot of corruption in the world and a lot of manipulation and coercion.
And if you speak to most people that would say that during COVID, they realized that the world isn't quite, as it seems, or maybe it was before COVID, but that was like a big catalyst, I would say, in the world for a lot of people, starting to wake up to what the crap is going on. Right. It would be like saying to an I'm guessing that's probably you listening to this podcast.
You're likely someone who was like, what the crap was that whole debacle with COVID like, that was. [00:14:00] Massive coercion and manipulation to try to get people to take an experimental drug, you know, There was too much overreach with government control and with pharmaceuticals, you know, Just that whole shit show and I've taken away people's rights and of taking away our sovereignty.
And I've tried trying to teach us to be fearful all the time and to rely on the government. Or to rely on these, you know, the, the system at large, for. Our own intuition, essentially. It's like just completely distrust yourself and just follow what we're telling you. It is very difficult for someone who can see it that way to then pretend that they don't, it's really, really difficult for a human being. Who has seen the level of control and coercion and me. Manipulation with the government.
Like for instance, during COVID. To then get them to pretend that they don't see that and to go back to how they were before. It's impossible. It's impossible for you to say. I trust the [00:15:00] government. And I believe that what I'm being told by the government is a hundred percent true. Or to say, I fully trust pharmaceutical companies and what I saw in 2020. Probably didn't really happen. I'm just imagining it right. For you to actually say that goes against every fiber of your being.
It's not a pride thing. It's not you saying I don't like. Your it's not your pride. That's getting in the way that's being like, you know, your pride is stopping you. It's every fiber in your being in the core of who you are, is saying. Something is not right. And that is how it was for me. And that is how it is for so many people that have walked away from fundamentalist Christianity or from Catholicism, if they were Catholics or from a lot of religions, to be honest, It's not it's, it's honestly not most people that I've met that have left religion, dogmatic, religion. [00:16:00]
It's not because they want to go and party. It's not because they want to go and do X, Y, Z. In fact it was the most painful I'm going to get emotional. It was the most painful experience that they went through to actually leave it. Likely tore their soul to pieces. Because everything that they believed for so many years, They now could no longer see the same way it wasn't that they wanted to go and sin.
And I'm saying that if you can't see me on YouTube, I'm saying that in inverted commerce, because. It's a sin to me is just anything that is separate. It's any act or any thought that is in separation as in, we are all one, anything that is an act or a thought that is contrary to that is sin. Right? So I just want to make that clear because so many people have even said to me, or I've heard it being mentioned about me, that she just wanted, she just left Christianity from pride, or she just left Christianity [00:17:00] because she wanted to see no, cause she wanted to party or whatever. And look, it doesn't get too many more, but it did when I first left, because that was the furthest thing from the truth.
It was so painful to leave. It's just that once, honestly, the veil is lifted from your eyes on what is actually going on. You cannot. It is impossible for your soul to let you to go back to that way of thinking. And it'll make sense as I go through it. So some of the things for me was there were too many contradictions in the Bible. Which if there's even one contradiction in the Bible that proves that it's not infallible, that proves that it's not the word of God.
Right? Because when I, when I grew up in church, I never questioned the fact that like to meet the, the Bible was all written by God, like spoken to particular men. I didn't know that human beings decided what did go in the Bible and what didn't. I didn't even know that no one, but no one ever said that I never questioned that growing. up, I didn't know [00:18:00] that there were books that were like the men, the people that, that canonize the Bible, if that's the right word. I didn't know that some people decided that some books couldn't go in it.
I didn't know that I had no fricking clue. I never questioned. Where did Jesus go between the ages of like 12 and 32 or 33 or whatever? Age 32. I think it is. I never questioned. Where, where is that in the Bible? Like what? Yeah, sure. He was a carpenter. What? He just worked as a carpenter the whole time.
Like I never explored that. I never. I never questioned a lot of it until I did. And then when I started to, it was like, oh, holy crap. And it wasn't like, I actually consciously questioned it. It was just, things just became glaringly obvious to me, to the point that I was like, Wow. I can't, I can't unsee this and I can't ignore this.
Something's not right. Something is a miss here. Just like the same way I saw it during COVID something's not right. Something's amiss the same way. The same thing happened to me when I started exploring the [00:19:00] childhood vaccine schedule, I was like, something's not right. Let's dig deeper every single time.
I've done this with a topic. It's like once you see something, you can't unsee it. So I had all these questions come up or where did Jesus go? What books were left out of the Bible and what are they and where can I find them? I want to read them. Who actually put the Bible together, who was that person or that group of people that decided.
And when I looked into that, I was like, my gosh, like the person, the person who had the final say in what got put in the Bible and what didn't like, that person sounded horrific, like absolutely horrific. It was his say. And, and, and only his say, like, That raises some questions, right? I realized that to me, it was just a massive, big indoctrination.
And by the way, if you see me look down, I've just got some notes on my, on my phone. Like. I didn't know this God that everyone was speaking of anymore in the church. This is [00:20:00] the thing. I actually had something that I would consider to be a very real alive. Experience. I would be in high school and I would deliberately go to the bathroom during class to just talk to what I believed was God, I was like, there's something real in amongst all this.
Like I knew there was something very much real. And in my mid twenties, when I started to question things. It was like, I didn't want to leave God. I didn't want to leave the idea of God or the idea of Jesus or who the crap Jesus was. I just wanted no part of dogmatic religion. I wanted no part of what I saw was Christianity anymore. And to me, Christians did not resemble anything, including myself did not resemble anything that I knew this God to be, that I knew this creator to be like to me, God was merciful.
God was all about, you know, service to others and didn't want to be [00:21:00] worshiped. This was something I struggled with. Unlike if I think of. The most humble person that I can think of right now, they don't want to be worshiped by other people. In fact. They would rather encourage you to go within yourself, right.
They don't elicit worship of people and praise all the time. Like you think of the most egotistical person, they desire and crave to be praised all the time by people. Right. That's. That's how they build themselves up to me. Like God, the creator of this world would not desire to be worshiped by human beings.
It. It just didn't make sense to me. I was like, No, the people that I'm seeing in religion would be like that, but not the God that they're apparently worshiping. And I have to admit, I started to think there's only one person that I've ever met, like personally met in the entirety entirety of my existence.
That to me actually resembled. Who I thought Christ was one person. [00:22:00] And that was my grandmother. That was my mother's mother. Sylvia she's passed away, but she's literally the only human being that I have personally met that I would say honestly, resembled what I consider Christ would have been. One person. Nobody in any of the churches that I've been in, I would actually say resembles it to that point.
Not one person, no family member, no friend, no acquaintance in any of the churches. And that was alarming to me. If I can only think of one person that actually resembles what I consider to be Christ, I was like, that's, that's alarming. But I'm in a religion where we're meant to all represent who Christ is.
So I started to have a lot of questions and I started to go deep down the rabbit hole, and I honestly entered into a dark night of the soul. And what I mean by that is. All of my viewpoints on God, on Jesus, on religion [00:23:00] and on everything. Like every worldview, every belief, it felt like they all got shattered at once.
That's what a dark night of the soul can feel like. And you can feel like you are flying and falling at the same time. That is the best way that I can describe it to you. It's not for the faint of heart. And this is why I actually think a lot of Christians don't actually evaluate their beliefs because it is too painful because your entire identity is wrapped up in it. Your entire identity, you think about it. Most people in fact, pretty much all people that I know that turn to religion turned to Christianity, turned to. You know, worshiping God and believing that Jesus died on the cross for you, that type of thinking and that, you know, there is a heaven and hell, and you're going to go to one of those two places, by the way, you can say you're not religious, but if you believe those things, if you believe in the rupture, If you believe in heaven and hell, if you believe that, you know, Jesus died on the cross for you and that you have to repent of your sins, you are religious.
I don't care [00:24:00] how much you try to. Pretty that up, you are religious. It is a dogmatic way of looking at the world. But what I find is most people that have turned to religion it's because of something in their life that was painful, that they were seeking answers for, or it was during COVID. So during COVID, a lot of people got very, very fearful of what was happening in the world.
And they started looking around and being like what the crap is going on. And therefore they ran to religion for answers and for comfort, because they were feeling like they were in a state of fear continually. Cause that's what was happening during COVID. There was a. It was an orchestrated attempt at bringing fear to people.
So most, most people that turn to religion, like for instance, my parents, it was because of chaos in their life. It was because of pain. Most people turn to religion when they're going through divorce. When someone has passed away, when their marriage is on the rocks, their relationship's on the rocks.
They're living in a state of fear and separation and chaos. They turn to God because they're, they're trying to get [00:25:00] out of that state. Whatever they gravitate to is, is the answer is what they feel like is the answer, right? So when you go through a dark night of the soul, you've got to realize your entire identity was wrapped up in that belief system.
Therefore your entire identity is going to feel like it's shattered at once. And that's why I actually think most people don't question. Because it's too painful. They can't, they have to feel like they are so certain in their beliefs. That's, that's where they get their comfort from. And if you poke at it, if you raise a single question, you see all of the pride come up because it's like, no, like you're not just poking holes at their belief system.
You're poking holes at their identity and it's too painful for someone to be able to face. So during the dark night of the soul that I call that I was age 33. I was living in Canada at the time. I had moved over there for my partners work at my previous partners work. And I was fairly isolated there.
I didn't really [00:26:00] know anyone at first. And I had a lot of time to myself. And I'd just gone through a miscarriage. So I just miscarried at 12 weeks and it was the first time. That I had ever fallen pregnant. And so, you know, we were extremely excited and then, you know, I miscarried and then we literally moved to Canada two weeks after.
So it was a pretty crazy time in my life. And I was going through a dark night of the soul where all of my identity was being shattered at one. So it was a lot. It was a lot, but I'm so grateful for it. So I started addressing every single one of my beliefs and. I was very sad because I felt like in order for me, To address these beliefs.
It meant that. I couldn't believe in God, or I couldn't believe in Jesus. And that was painful because I was like, but I feel like there's something still in, it there's something in it, but it's not what I was taught. It's not the dogma. It's not. It's not what the Christians are trying to show [00:27:00] me, because who they're showing me to be in this world is honestly is disgusting. And. I started to explore and go down the rabbit hole.
And I would swing wildly from one way to another where I was like, you know, I don't believe this, but I believe this. And is this the way? And is that not the way? And I was just swinging, like, it felt as again, like I was falling and flying and it was painful and we're talking honestly about a year. A year of this. I've going deep within my psyche, within my identity and within worldviews and beliefs and looking at different religions and all sorts of stuff.
And I was like, what the crap. And then I started to think. About how. You know, Jesus was an enlightened individual and. What happened? Was it by the way, this is over years. So earlier in this year, 2024, I would say it actually started last year in 2023, but especially in 2024. I had this yearning of like, just go deeper again, just go [00:28:00] deeper.
It's not what you were taught. And I know that it's not dogma. The Bible is incredible and there's so much wisdom in it, but it's not. The absolute word of God. And it's been bastardized by man. Like it has been absolutely manipulated by men as a means of control. Like that's as clear as fricking day. And I started going down this road of like, Show me who you are, then show me, show me, lead me, lead me to the people, lead me to the books, lead me, lead me, I'm open.
And this is another thing. Again, you hear people say, oh, she left religion. Cause she's pride field. It's not that. And that's the other thing. I am very open to being wrong. You don't hear Christians say that? That's a big alarm bell for me. I do not ever hear Christians say I could be wrong. You don't hear that they can't be wrong again, their identity is wrapped up in it.
They couldn't possibly be wrong. That's too painful. You'll never hear them say if I'm wrong. It's it's impossible. You, you don't [00:29:00] hear them question their beliefs. That's too painful. And. I'm being the opposite. Like I hope you can hear the humility in my voice. I'm being the opposite. I'm saying I could be wrong on so many things. I could be.
I'm aware of that. And with that humility, I've been like, show me, show me, show me the way. And it led me to really exploring this year, and this is what I've what I have come to. And I'm going to go dig deeper. I keep looking down at my notes. Apologies if you're watching me on YouTube, but. To meet Jesus was an enlightened individual who was preaching about Christ consciousness. Right about how, you know, Jesus Christ.
Wasn't just a beam. It's a way of being, and I don't see that in Christianity. I don't see Christians being Christ. I don't, I just don't see that in pretty much 99.9% of them. I don't. See Christ in them at all. I see ego. I see a lot of pride. I see a lot of having to be [00:30:00] right. I see a lot of trying to prove people wrong. You see a lot of, oh, I'll pray for you. Like if you dare say something different, you get the old pray for you, which is just pride. There's so much pride in it. I see so much dogma, so much black and white thinking. I don't see Christ at all.
And Christians, I genuinely don't. I actually see Christ. In people that have gone within themselves and I'll get deeper into that. But again, Christ, wasn't just a being, he, he it's about a state of being. And I actually think that he was speaking about the resurrection of Christ within you. I don't believe that Jesus died on a cross for us.
Like. When you break down so much of it, when you break down the concept of hell and of, you know, Rapture like it is the biggest load of BS I've ever heard, and I will get into it as well. But. You know, When people say about the second coming of Christ, I don't believe that is like Jesus coming down to earth to take his people. [00:31:00] At all again, the people that don't even resemble him at all, to me, it's, it's the resurrection of the Christ within you?
Like for instance, my grandmother, I would say that she resembled Christ. I would say she resembled cross consciousness and I'm yet to see many people that really do represent cross conscious consciousness, including myself. I'm putting myself in that. I don't believe I've. I resembled cross consciousness at this moment.
I don't, I believe it's it's it's takes work and going within, I believe it takes actually addressing. The shadows within ourselves. I believe it takes a lot of humility. I believe it takes a lot of stripping away of what is not true and, you know, really going deep into our identity and being like, what's actually true.
And what's what have I been indoctrinated in? When we're born, we are literally given a name. We're given a race we're given. A set of belief systems. And we're told what to think and who we are. And I believe the purpose of life is to distribute a lot of that away and come back [00:32:00] to the core of who actually am I.
And the more that we actually resemble Christ. By the way I'm not religious. I don't, I don't think that you have to believe the same as me. Let me make that clear. And I also don't think that there are consequences as far as a hell, you know, or anything like that. If you don't think the same way as me. I don't believe that at all, but I think the more that we resemble what Christ was, and I'll get into that, the more that the resurrection is happening within us. Jesus didn't condone death.
Jesus didn't condone violence. Jesus didn't condone bloodshed. And I think that what. You know, is, is talked about as what. What God is today does not represent anything of what Jesus Christ actually was. I actually think that it is so ignorant to not do your own research and to not raise questions. You are being an ignorant human being.
I was being an ignorant human being when I did not question my beliefs. [00:33:00] When I had to be right. When I had to prove other people wrong so that I felt right, so that I felt righteous. So then I was reminded continually that I'm in the club. That I make heaven. My home when I die, I'm in the club, I've said the prayer. You know, the prayer of salvation or whatever you want to call it.
I'm in the club. You are such an ignorant human being. When you think that way you are so ignorant and I'm speaking of how I bought it, I was so ignorant to never raise questions about my own belief systems. And instead, just have to prove everyone else wrong so that I felt right. The ego of man has gotten so involved and in all religions, but I think Christianity is the worst for this.
I actually believe the ego of man has gotten that involved in manipulating. And butchering the techs, honestly, cause it was always about control. It was always about control of the [00:34:00] masses. And Christianity is not exempt from that. So many Christians seem to think that all other religions have been butchered and their texts are user's control.
And to pull them away from God.
But not theirs. Again, that's so ignorant to think like that. Christianity is the worst one for being butchered as a means of control. It's been manipulated. I actually see genuinely the way that a lot of us see what happened during COVID, as I said before, of, you know, the coercion and the control that. That systems and institutions and authorities, and, you know, these, for instance, a medical field and the education system and the financial system.
And so many of them that the level of control manipulation that they have. Is the exact same thing that is being used in Christianity. The very being that I believe Christians think they're worshiping, which is exactly I was the [00:35:00] same. I actually think is the opposite being. I genuinely think that I think that. It was created in the image of man.
And I know. That people are not going to like hearing that. I think that who you think you're worshiping was created in your image, it was created by man. It does not resemble Christ one little bit. If you believe that the Bible is word for word God's word. I'm telling you, if you follow that you do not resemble Christ at all. Like at all. How does it actually help? To confess someone from 2000 years ago yet you don't resemble any form of cross consciousness within yourself today on planet earth.
It is one massive scapegoat of ego. As a human being to think that you are in the club, because you've said the prayer. Yet. [00:36:00] You can be the most. You know, Vengeful. Angry. Divisive, self-righteous human being. And I know, I understand not all Christians are like this, and I actually think most Christians have really good intentions. But you think about it, right? A lot of Christians today tend to. Be very vengeful. Very very egotistical, like human beings in general.
Right. I get that. But it is common in Christianity where they're very like the churches are extremely political, extremely political, as in there's so much politics that goes on. There's so much gossip and slander. I've been in a few churches. Trust me. I know. Where, you know, if someone thinks differently to them instantly it's judged.
Judge attack, attack, prove wrong, prove wrong. None of it resembles Christ consciousness at all. But because you've confessed someone from 2000 years ago, you're in the club like that is, it's a scapegoat of the ego. That's [00:37:00] what it is. I actually think. And I've alluded this to this before. In another episode that it's actually the gospel of Paul. I've gone down this rabbit hole that it was, it was never Jesus' gospel.
What is taught today was not Jesus' gospel. I actually think Jesus lived like, I think Jesus was a man that lived for sure. I don't doubt that at all. I think he absolutely was a revolutionary human being that lived on planet earth. He was here in form in a human body. And he was ahead of his time. He had radical, radical beliefs.
I think he was completely anti-religion. I think that he, if he was here right now, walking on earth as a human being, I think he would be so against what Christianity is today. I actually think that is the gospel of Paul and that Paul bastardized it, he actually called it his gospel. If you read it in the scriptures, he says, it's my gospel, Paul. It's his own gospel. He stole it from Jesus and it's a blood coat.
He was obsessed with blood sacrifices and, you know, seeing Jesus as the final sacrifice. I, I, [00:38:00] that to me is demonic. That is demonic. Like. Saying that Jesus has to die for your sins. To me is demonic. That is. It's a blood cult. They are blood thirsty. I was part of this. The whole communion thing is demonic.
Like if you, if you actually look into it, The whole blood thing, like it is a blood Colt Christianity is a blood Colt. Let's just call it for what it is. And it was, it's the gospel of Paul. It's not the gospel of Jesus. I actually think that. You know, Paul was jealous of the 12 disciples. He was never one of them.
He was never part of the crew. He was jealous of them. There's evidence of this in the scriptures. And. E he bastardized Jesus. Teachings and turned it into what he wanted it to be, which is now what Christians think that they are. Following, it's not Jesus' teachings. It's Paul's teachings. You know, you hear the the saying of you, you know, a tree by its fruit, that a good tree can't bear bad fruit and a bad tree.
Can't bear good [00:39:00] fruit. I think it's the same Christianity. It's one of the most hypocritical religions. And as a religion, it bears shit fruit. Again, there's so much like political stuff within, and I'm not talking about political as in like political parties. I mean, politics within churches and drama and gossip and slander and jealousy and racism.
And I just don't see. I just don't see Christ in any, in any of it. And I don't see Christianity is bearing good fruit. I see Christianity is bearing horrendous fruit on earth. I actually, as I said before, I do think Christians, most Christians have really good intentions, but they're sick. They're fearful. Most Christians that I know have chronic impulse control issues, chronic. Like, because the problem is they rely just on prayer.
They are just waiting for God to come and fix whatever issue it is that they're going through. They just relying on prayer. They won't actually do the work within themselves. I know that that is [00:40:00] controversial, but I do see a lot of questions have chronic impulse control issues. They will not do work on themselves. Cause they don't have to cause they're in the club, they're going to have them when they die.
So you just got to get through this lifetime. It's honestly the shittiest way to view life. It's it's horrible. I actually see a lot of Christians today and I was one of them that are like self-righteous NPCs and. That's a term, by the way. I only learned earlier this year. I remember I had to Google. I was like, what the crap's in NPC. In case you don't know as well. The MPC is a non-player character. And it's like in video games where you have someone who will like, for instance, there'll be in the gun store of a particular game.
And that is their only role. They're not actually one of the main characters. They're not you right with the controller. There's someone who just maybe sells guns in a gun store. Let's say it's an ice cream store. They just sell ice creams. Right. That's their only role. So there are a non-player character and they tend to have certain phrases that they will say. [00:41:00] All the time with repetition and you know, they can never go off script because they don't, they're not created that way.
They just say certain things like maybe you walk into the store, you're the player with the controller. You walk into the store to buy a new gun or to get. I mean ammunition for your gun, whatever game you're playing. I'm not a gamer. I don't know. And the person behind the counter, there will say greetings or hello or welcome, or, you know, and they'd never go off script, right?
There are Non-player character either see the same with Christians. If you challenge their belief systems, if you question, you'll get I'll pray for you. I get that a lot online. I'll pray for you. I get messages. I've seen it on YouTube and I get messages from people on my social media accounts. When I ever poke a hole or craziest, even just raising a question or making a statement about how I see dogmatic, religion, I'll get the old pray for you.
And it is like, Hmm. You're a non-player character. You are following a script that has been handed down [00:42:00] to, and honestly, You also hear the one of, oh, it's all good. You know, Jesus is going to take me away from this mess. Like you see that when you see Christian's looking at the state of the world and they're like, oh, it's all good.
I'm going to be in heaven. Anyway, like during the rapture, for instance, if they believe in the ratchets, all good, I'm going to be in heaven. You guys are going to be the ones left on earth to sort all this out. You are being a non-player character. You are literally following a script. That's been handed down to you.
I know this because I was the same. You're not using critical thinking. You're not living from a state of Christ consciousness. You're not showing cross consciousness to the earth. You're showing pride. You're showing ego. It is the biggest turnoff to people. And let's just talk about in times for a second.
I've got some notes here, actually, that. I wrote another one of the biggest, actually two of the biggest things that were the first alarm bells for me, when I really started going down the rabbit hole was the concept of hell and the concept of rapture. So I'm just going to look down for a [00:43:00] second, just at my notes.
Let me see if I can bring it up here without getting in front of the camera. So. Okay. There was no proof. When I went through this, there was no proof that the rapture was even taught prior to the 18th century. That should be a big alarm bell. Like this, the rapture was taught to us as absolute truth going up.
Like we were so fearful of it. All of us kids were always scared that, you know, our parents and family and church friends were all going to be taken in the rupture. And we would be the ones left behind on earth and everyone was going to be in heaven, but asked, like we had so much fear. It sounds funny now, but we were very fearful.
Like a lot of kids had nightmares about this continually and were scared of their parents being out of sight for too long thinking that, oh God. You know, they've gone in the rapture. There's actually no proof of this being taught prior to the 18th century that already should raise massive alarm bells for you.
If you're a Christian, or if you don't even call yourself a Christian, but you believe in the rapture, that should be something you should definitely [00:44:00] look into. And I encourage you to. Y, if this is a basis of the religion, if this is a basis of the teachings, Why was it not taught prior to the 18th century? The first actual record of it was in 1788 in an essay, but then it actually became what it's known as today because a child, literally a 15 or 14 year old girl, Margaret MacDonald had this dream about the end of the world.
Right. She had this end of the world dream, and then it spread throughout the UK. This is not all that long ago. I can't remember what year it was, but it was. I think it was the 18 hundreds. And, you know, she had this dream about the end of the world and, you know, What they now consider to be the rapture and it spread all throughout the UK and you know, the Christian and especially in the Christian communities, right.
They started to believe it and it spread. And then there was this man named John Darby. If you're a Christian, you would have heard of him. He heard it and it began actually teaching it and started calling it the [00:45:00] coming judgment day. This is where it started from. He then met a man whose last name was Scofield.
You also, if you're a Christian likely know that name, he was an American person and there was the Scofield reference Bible. So he then added footnotes about what he believed the scriptures meant. So John Darby added all these footnotes about what the scriptures meant. It was his own interpretations.
That again, should raise uh, alarm bells. We were always taught that it's not up for interpretation yet. That is literally what this end times. You know, and in days, rapture nonsense actually is, it was literally a man's interpretation from a guilt dream that then he had added to the Scofield Bible. Where they actually provided over three and a half million copies of this Bible, the Scofield Bible with all of the footnotes of what they believed the scriptures meant, even though that's not what the scriptures meant. And in less than [00:46:00] 50 years, yet three and a half million copies were sold. And this is how we now have the theory of the rapture today.
This is where it comes from and people say, no, it's in the Bible. They say Matthew 24 and the book of revelation. So he can probably hear my arm on the desk here. But Matthew 24 in the book of revelations, right? Matthew 24 is not about the rapture as what people are calling it today. Matthew 24 was actually about Jesus predicting the end of the Jewish temple. Look into it for yourself.
I never did. I never did. And gosh, I wish I did earlier. Oh, my gosh. It was about because the Jewish temple was such a sacred thing, like massively sacred, and it was huge. The destruction of the Jewish Jewish temple, the actual beginning of Matthew 24 is actually titled. The destruction of the Jewish temple or something similar to that. Right.
So it was Jesus talking about not about end times events as in the rapture, it was actually about the destruction of the Jewish Jewish temple. But because of [00:47:00] Matthew 24, people actually would say that, oh, Jesus was predicting the end times. Therefore they link it up with what revelations is, which is also about the destruction of the temple.
So, no. You know, the rapture as we know it today is not about the end times. Some 2000 years after Jesus lived. It was actually about the prediction of the destruction of the temple in 70 a D. Also the anti-Christ. The antichrist, right? That wasn't, that was changed. That was never what it originally was mentioned in the Bible.
Antichrist was only mentioned four times. None of them were mentioned in revelations, which should be alarming in itself. And it was about the spirit of the antichrist. John actually calls it in the Bible, a spirit of the antichrist, which that, which he said is already on the earth. Right. Which is religion.
Religion is the spirit of the antichrist. Religion is the absolute opposite of cross consciousness. Religion is the [00:48:00] opposite of it. Religion is the antichrist. This is what I mean. Like here I was this devout Christian girl and devout Christian woman, not even realizing that who I was actually worshiping. I thought I was worshiping was not even. Any of what Jesus resembled.
Right. Also, I thought. You know, the end times was this real thing that the rapture was going to happen. And that this antichrist, this person, this antichrist was going to come and rule earth, not even realizing the very thing that I was in and was a part of was the antichrist was literally the very thing that Jesus was against in a post. It's it's mind boggling when you actually start to raise questions, things very quickly unravel.
And as I said earlier, it's just too painful for most people. As devout Christians or. You know where that's born again, Christian, or if you're in Catholicism, it's too painful for people to actually go through.
And without going into it fully. Now, I encourage you to go down the rabbit hole of hell.
Hell is not what it was taught to me. How is not a [00:49:00] place that you go to when you die? And I remember questioning this and, and saying like, it just doesn't make sense to me that. Loving merciful God. Wood. Allow.
The people that he created. Go to hell for all of eternity, just because they didn't say as soon as prayer. Like that it, it does not make sense to me. And when you break it down, most people would say, yeah, I get it. But then you hear Christians most will say are God's ways are higher than our ways.
And that I also questioned because unlike well,
God's ways are higher than our ways. Are you saying like, surely God would forgive, right? I would not let anybody go to hell. I just would not. And this is something I've said, like, I would not let anybody, no matter what they've done, go to hell for all of eternity. I don't think that there is anything that a single human being on this planet could possibly do.
Yes. I'm talking about the worst atrocities that have happened on this earth. I still [00:50:00] don't think a single human being deserves punishment. For ever. Like, we're not just talking about a lifetime forever. Like I just, as a human being, as a flawed human being, I don't think that, so imagine a merciful, God would, would be way above all of that.
And I've said this so many times to Christians, but surely God would forgive, right. That like Christ was all about forgiving and, you know, service to others. And like, it just doesn't make sense. And then I would hear, and I've heard this before. You're making God in your image.
Wouldn't it be the opposite. So if you're saying. I'm creating God in my image. Cause I'm saying God would forgive. Then isn't that making me better than God. Right. I'm saying I would forgive. Therefore I'm making God in my image. Right. Let's just break that down for a second. You're saying
God wouldn't show mercy in that moment. But because I'm saying he's forgiving, I'm making him in my image. Therefore [00:51:00] it's, it's more natural for human beings to forgive than a God. Wouldn't it be the opposite. Wouldn't it be more natural for human beings to be the violent ones to be the unforgiving ones, but it would be more natural for God to be forgiving.
Therefore. It's not that I've created God in my image. Hasn't Christianity created God in their image in humans image, as in we're the ones that would be violent and unforgiving. Like. Think it through, just think it through for a second. I'm pleading with you. Just think it through.
This is why I can never go back.
Like I know. And I want to say this. Especially in Christian families. It would be so easy for me to say, I believe. Right. I know that I would instantly be pleasing my parents. I know that I would instantly be pleasing old friends and acquaintances and my parents' friends and all that kind of stuff. And I know for people listening to this, if you've come out of this way of thinking that it's likely the same for you, you will have [00:52:00] family members who are Christian. And it would be so easy to just agree. But you feel like you're selling your soul?
That is what it feels like. And I know too so many Christians, they think it's the opposite. Again, I think it's pride that's getting in the way. It's not. It's not a pride thing. It's not, it is impossible for me to go back to thinking how I used to think. Not because of pride. But because I can clearly see that it is not representing Christ.
Christianity does nothing to resemble Christ. Christianity resembles the antichrist. It is the opposite of who Christ was. It's the opposite of what Christ was preaching. It's the complete opposite. To me to go back to that way of thinking means. Honestly.
Going back to fear. Going back to separation, going back to seeing us all as separate, not as one.
[00:53:00] And none of it is God and none of its followers to me represent God, I just, I can't do it. And that's why I went down this massive rabbit hole this year of like, If it's not that, what is it? What is God? Who is God?
And as I said, like, to me, it's a religion of fear. To me, it's a religion of separations. The complete opposite of Jesus. I do believe religion serves a purpose. This is why I say a lot. I'm not anti religion. I actually believe it serves a purpose at a certain level of consciousness. And again, even if you think you're not religious, if you believeIn the concept of hell, if you believe in the fact that you have to say, as soon as prem repent, You know, humble yourself and repent and ask Jesus into your heart as in like to make heaven your home.
Or if you believe in the rapture, you are religious. If you believe in worshiping a datey outside of yourself, if you think that the God that you worship or the Jesus that you worship needs and requires your worship. You [00:54:00] are religious. So I am speaking to you. I actually think religion, the very thing that you're following serves a purpose at a certain level of consciousness. But I actually think that it can be used as a springboard to then go deeper.
And what I'm finding. Is a lot of people are feeling drawn to dig deeper. I'm seeing so many people actually come out of religion. A lot of people drawn out of religion where it's like, especially those that have been raised in it from a very young age. And they're like, none of this actually adds up when I've actually started to dig deeper and to go within.
None of it is actually adding up. And what I'm seeing is that religion is like this springboard to go deeper within ourselves and the ones that are brave enough because you've got to be goddamn, brave, but ones that are brave enough to go within and to actually raise the questions for themselves and to actually dig deep within themselves.
Do the inner work start. To, you know, work out. What do you actually believe? Start to heal, start to release stuff that no longer makes sense to you. [00:55:00] Start to deep dig deep into your shadows and start to heal. Some of those, the people that do that come out of religion, but are so much better for it. Because what you often hear is our people.
As I said before, people leave religion. You know, people leave Christianity, people leave God to go and sin. The people that do that are the ones that go back and out again and back and out again and back because they've never once done any work on themselves. They're the ones that return to religion.
They're the ones that return to this dog. Medic way of thinking. Because as soon as something goes wrong in their life, they leave. They leave their religion. As soon as their marriage breaks up, as soon as you know, Their health has shot. They get angry at God and they leave religion and they go and they party and they do as much drugs as possible and they become so angry. And then, you know, all of a sudden they're feeling drawn to go back to God as they call it.
And they go back to religion. These are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name because they're in and out, in and [00:56:00] out. They hop from church to church. They hop from belief to belief. And they ended up going in and out, in and out, in and out. Yeah, sure. There are definitely people like that, but I'm not talking about them.
I'm talking about the people that were raised in strict Christian religions in Catholicism, in any rigid religion, really. But I'm speaking specifically to, so let's say you're a born again, Christian Pentecostal Christian, the ones that believed that, you know, the Bible was the absolute word of God.
You could never question it. It was word for word, the truth that people that have come out of that way of thinking, but have actually done in a work on themselves. And a wanting to be better humans and a wanting to have an impact on the earth. And a wanting to understand things and aren't afraid to go deep within their own psyche and to raise questions that are so freaking uncomfortable to raise. They're the ones that are starting to resemble cross consciousness to me, like truly. They're the ones, not the ones that are in the churches. Most people in churches to me do not [00:57:00] resemble God at all.
They're resembled the spirit of the antichrist. That's what I believe.
It's a religion of fear. It's a religion of separation. And as I said, it can be a springboard. And as I said, those that will stay with, with religion, tend to be the ones that are most fearful, tend to be the ones that don't want to do the inner work.
They don't want to work on themselves. They've got their crutch of heaven. The moment they die. So they don't have to work on themselves. There's no, there's no reason to, there's no reason to overcome their impulse control issues, where they're reliant on substances, where they're reliant on, you know, whatever it is, whatever it is.
They're so reliant on it to get through the day that. They don't have to work on themselves or,You know, or the ones that just get to be, they self-righteous assholes that go about trying to convert everyone into their way of thinking. Don't even realize that they literally resemble the antique. The antichrist within themselves. [00:58:00] Those that are too caught up in dogma will stay with a religion. That's what you see that too caught up their identity is too wrapped up in it.
They will stay with their religion forever. Likely because it's, it's too painful. Too painful. To address, but those that are brave enough to actually address their identity, you find they will come out of religion. They will support religion. It was just a springboard. It was just a stepping stone. Right.
There was the past religion and they will be called to a higher consciousness, which is impossible. If you are wrapped, wrapped up in dogma, if you are wrapped up in there's a heaven and a hell. If you were wrapped up in the thought of the rapture, if you were wrapped up in thinking you have to save people and everyone's going to hell, if they don't believe the same as you, if they haven't said this in his prayer, you have that wrapped up in dogma.
You are that wrapped up in the spirit of the antichrist that you couldn't possibly be called to a high level of consciousness. You couldn't possibly go within and start to work on yourself and improve [00:59:00] yourself as a human being. Because if you did that, you would be called out of that level of consciousness.
You would be called out of that dogma. You would be called out of that religion. That's why I see it as a springboard. I don't think religion is bad. I think that it's been bastardized, it's been, it's been ruined and it's been used as a form of control and coercion and manipulation to keep people fearful, to keep people plugged into the system, to keep people plugged into the matrix.
I don't think it's all bad though. I do think it is a springboard for then if you're brave enough to go within, if you're brave enough to go into the shadows within yourself, you will be called to a higher level of consciousness to cross consciousness. Which is the very thing. I think Jesus was here to teach. I think that his teachings were bastardized by John.
I think his teachings have been bastardized by man. And what it is now, what is preached in, in dogmatic? Churches is actually the spirit of the antichrist. [01:00:00] In dogma, you're not in your body. It's impossible for you to be in your body when you're caught up in dogma. You're quick to anger. You're quick to judge.
You're quick to grab gravitate to the idea of separation that we're not all one that we're not all fractals of this one creator. Instead you believe that we're all separate. That's how I used to think. I thought we were all separate from each other. That's why it was so easy to judge another and make myself right. So easy to judge another person to make myself feel good. It was so easy to slam another religion so that my religion could be right.
It was so easy to slam how someone else lived to make how I lived. Right. Because. I had to be right. And I wasn't living in my body. I was so quick to the thought of separation. I was so quick to the thought of judging. I was so quick to having to be right all the time and to this black and white thinking because my entire identity depended on it.
And that is what you see in religion. [01:01:00] And as for the devil, I actually see the devil as an archetype of the human experience. Yes, we have likely turned it into an entity because all of our consciousness, like you think of the amount of people that believe in the devil, right. So much human consciousness has been going towards this one thing.
We've likely created an entity out of it. But I don't think it's, you know, the devil that. You know, it was a fallen angel and now rules heroine that two thirds of the population from the beginning of time until now are going to be in hell for all of eternity. Like it's ludicrous to me. It's utterly ludicrous devil to the devil is an archetype of the human experience. So I've said all this to say, this is where I sit with it.
Right. I'm not anti religion. I think I've made that clear, but I want no part of it. I think religion is the antichrist. I think that the teachings of hell and of the rapture. And of separation is a tool of the system. And it's a [01:02:00] tool of this antichrist, meaning religion. To control and to coerce people.
And I think you are extremely bigoted. If you say that those that have turned their back on their religion, specifically, Christianity. You know, born again, Christian Pentecostal, Christian. I think it's extremely easy. And it's a cop-out for you to say that they have left because they want to sin. Or they have left because they're full of pride. I think that's such a cop-out right.
Maybe leaning in and realize that people are actually leaving because the same way that many people during COVID could see it as. Like their, their eyes, like the veil was lifted from their eyes and there was an awakening upon planet earth and we could no longer look at the government and big pharma and the medical institutions and. It's like institutions in general and authorities the same way.
And we could see the coercion and the manipulation. So many people see it the same [01:03:00] way now with religion. That's how I see it with Christianity. And not leaving because we're full of pride with Lee. We're leaving because we want answers and then not in what we've been taught. They're not there. And the very Jesus that we actually were. We thought we were following is actually poll. And now we actually want to know who is this radical legend?
That was Jesus, because he's none of that. Here's none of that. What I followed was the fricking anti-Christ.
That's why I will never returned to her. I will never return to her. I do not believe in how I do not believe in the rapture. I do not believe that sin is something that you need forgiveness for.
I think you need to forgive yourself when you do things to hurt another human being. I think you need to forgive yourself. And I think that the more that we go within ourselves, the more we actually can resemble who Christ even was. Another thing was up in digging deep into where did Jesus go for those years, between the ages of 12 and 32.
And there is actually a lot out there when you do your [01:04:00] research for yourself and I'm in a minute, I'm going to recommend some, some things for you to read and some things for you to watch. And I'm going to put some stuff in the show notes because. Here's my challenge. I've been going down many rabbit holes this year, many on this, and I've done a lot of research on this and I'm continuing to find more and I'm doing it with a very open mind.
But with. With discernment at the same time and what I'm challenging and what I'm pledging to you is I'm going to dedicate the next six months of my life. Really diving deep into this. And maybe it'd be sooner than that, but at least within the next six months, I'm going to do another episode where I let you know where I sit with it all.
And again, it's not conclusions because that sounds like an end destination where you cannot change your mind. It's not conclusions, but I'm going to go deeper into all of this. And I'm going to let you know where I sit with it. And another six months time, because when I've looked into, where did Jesus go during those years?
It blew my goddamn mind. Like it blew my mind. He wasn't [01:05:00] just working as a carpenter.
He actually went to a few places. So he went to Egypt where he was learning the Egyptian mysteries. Right. He was learning through Egyptian priests or addiction, priests Kings. And he was learning, you know, all about the mysteries, the Egyptian mysteries. And then he went to Tibet where he learned Reiki healing, and she gone healing.
If I was told that when I grew up, I would have been like what the crap, cause that was taught to us as absolutely wrong. Right. As of the devil, it's the devil's work, any form of energy healing. Any form of spiritual teachings, it's seen as completely wrong dive deep. I challenge you to dive deep.
So he went into Tibet where he learned Reiki, healing, and cheek on healing with his hands and his body. He did energetic work, which has been confirmed by the modern day daily.
The Dalai Lama. Then as I've dived into this more, he [01:06:00] heads to. India to learn the mystic arts and on his return, back to Egypt, he was teaching all about reincarnation and meditation along his journey. This is in the Apocrypha text, by the way, this is something again, I'm going to give you a list of stuff to look into for yourself. A lot of this was emitted from the Bible when they canonized it.
So in 3 25 ID ID, the council of Nicea, they decided which books got to be included in the Bible. And which weren't, this was omitted. This information was admitted. Why? Because the more that you dive into these types of things like meditation, reincarnation, the mystical arts, I'm not talking about a cult stuff.
I'm talking about, like stuff that leads you back within yourself, not to outside dates to yourself. It's powerful. The more, you can resemble Christ when you go within, rather than without. And then at age 32, the Bible picks it up again where he calls his son out of Egypt, Egypt. Cause he'd returned from India to Egypt. There's [01:07:00] so much that I just feel like it was hidden from us because it's easier to control the masses when we don't go within think about it. The medical system is not just there for emergency situations.
It's to teach us to not trust our bodies and our bodily functions. It's to keep us separate from ourselves, to put all of our trust into them for our healing. That's what big farmers there for right. It's it's to teach us to be reliant on them for our health, the financial system. It's not about financial autonomy.
It's about trusting in them. For our financial wealth and it's a set up. The same with the education system. It's not to educate our children on how to be incredible human beings. It's indoctrination. To follow the system. To do, as you're told to raise your hand to go to the toilet and we tell you, you can go to the toilet to only learn what we want to teach you.
Not what's actually going to open up your mind to the brilliance of who you are as a human being, [01:08:00] every single system out there. And I could go on to all the systems, right? Every single system out there is to keep us separate from ourselves and from the power that we hold within ourselves. Religion is no different from that.
And it's funny because everyone in their religion knows that about all the others, but not theirs. Your religion is no different. And you can say I'm not in a religion, I'm in a relationship, but are you in a relationship with the creator or are you in a relationship with the antichrist? I would lean into that because. The more that you dive into this with an open heart and an open mind and courage and bravery, the more you realize you're actually in a relationship with the spirit of the anti-Christ. It's not Christ at all. So here's some stuff that I'm gonna encourage you to dive into.
I'm actually going to put links in the show notes. Here are some texts that I've been reading. I haven't gone through them all yet. First of all, I would do research in when the Bible was canonized and what books of the Bible were left out. And couple of those books are highly recommend that [01:09:00] you read.
One of them is the book of Enoch. And another one is the gospel of the holy 12. Please research those to another one to look into is Jesus is Jesus and the scenes. And I've actually got that here. If you're on YouTube, you'll see that Jesus and the scenes that will blow your mind. Another one I've only just recently started, which is a course in miracles.
Massive big book. I actually bought this in 2020, or actually 2019. When I lived in Canada and it was sealed and I didn't even open it until last month where I felt like it's time to read it. So of course, in miracles, Another one that I actually recommend that you look into is the lore of one. There's a whole series of these.
I think there's five books, the lore of one, that's also something that I'm currently reading. There is also blowing my mind and of course have discernment with everything you read. Don't believe everything that you read. Something else I would encourage you to look into
Is [01:10:00] the Emerald tablets look at at different ancient teachings and, you know, scrolls and tablets. That were around before the Bible and what you actually find and what I'm finding. Is the Bible was actually a replica of so many other ancient texts, but they've been again edited and bastardized to suit a particular narrative of control over the population.
They've taken parts out and they've changed parts, but you know, there, there are actual tablets and ancient sea scrolls and, you know, the Emerald tablets in particular that were around before the Bible was even formed into the Bible. Read those. I'm going to put some links. As I said in the show notes. Two people that I would strongly encourage you to look into and I'll link both of, there are a couple of videos that there's below.
One of them is Aaron Abke I discovered a guy called Aaron in 2019 when I was going through the dark night of the soul that I described and his teachings were [01:11:00] such a help during that time. And I actually revisited his teachings again last year. And I've been diving into the more this year. I really love the way that he speaks and the way that he teaches use discernment with everything.
Come back to yourself. I'm not saying believer every single word that every single person says, but I have drawn a lot from his teachings. I'm going to link him in the show notes. The other one that I'm deep diving into at the moment and my closest friends know that cause I've probably sent you links to his videos.
Is Billy Carson. My goodness, may. I'm going to put a link to a couple of his podcast interviews that he's done. Dive into what he says for yourself. Dive into it, open up your mind and just. Do your own research, don't just believe what you were taught by the church. Do your own research. I will link everything below. As I said, this is a challenge.
Come along with me on this journey where we are open to being wrong, where we're open to challenging our own [01:12:00] viewpoints and see where you land. See where you land for yourself. And I will do another episode on this in the next six months. And we'll see where I sit after really deep diving into all of this.
I'm open to reading any of the books that were not added to the Bible. I'm open to reading any of the ancient texts, any of the you know, tablets. I'm really deep diving because I want frickin answers and I'm frustrated by what Christianity resembles today. I actually think it's it's. Pretty disgusting to be honest. I love you.
This is quite a different episode. I know. I love you so much. Thank you for sticking with me and let's go down the rabbit hole together. Thank you, legends. Have a great week. Bye