Ep. 22 | 🍿Comment Chaos: Audience Opinions, Religious Rants, and the Freedom to Speak
22. Comment Chaos
[00:00:00] Hey legends. I'm excited for this one. This is a quickie it's time for a quickie. Okay. I want to actually dive in today and look at some of the comments from some of the different platforms, but in relation to the last few episodes that we've had. Specifically, we've had two episodes. Recently, one was episode 17 and one was 19.
The first one with James Pasch, where we went through, you know, universal laws and karma and. Is there a God and all those types of things, consciousness and. My mind's gone blank. And then we had episode 19 with Holly Loxton, where we went through a whole bunch of topics like trauma and healing and psychedelics and Jesus and religion and the patriarchy and controlled opposition really like. Quite controversial episodes, but we went deep into both.
They were both for around I think, an hour and a half long. So, you know, no holds bar to ask lots of questions. They weren't really good episodes. People were loving them. I was getting great responses from though. I just want to read some of the comments from social media. So I get [00:01:00] messages from you guys letting me know your thoughts, but I also get comments on different platforms.
So the one that we're looking at now, I'm on Tik TOK. And so Holly you know, was alluding to the fact that one of the greatest tricks ever played on humanity was the devil Made us all believe that he wasn't real or something like that. And so someone on there has commented. I had a thought years ago that the devil took over D decades ago and evil is hiding in plain sight as priests. Church's seem more evil than good to me.
Catholic churches. And I said, I agree with you. My controversial opinion. The very thing that people think they're fighting against in religions is the very thing they're worshiping. And I know that he's controversial. I know some people listening will be irate at me saying that, but I actually believe that religion, especially I'm speaking to, you know, staunch Christianity, Catholic church, so Catholicism and. A born again, Christian. Because I came from that, I do believe that. [00:02:00] It is the very thing that you think you're worshiping is actually not what you're worshiping.
I don't believe that the, the individual that you think you're worshiping in those religions is actually God, the creator. I think it is. Something entirely different. That is masquerading masquerading as the creator and yeah. Controversial. But that is my opinion. And that is obviously some of, you know, my, uh, followers or people that listen to the podcast, people that follow me on different social media platforms also think as well.
Now the next one's also on Tik TOK.
And again, it's from Holly Locksons episode, but what she was talking about trauma and how trauma isn't necessarily the event itself, it's what happens in our bodies after the event. It's what is, you know, lying alive still in our system. I'm paraphrasing. That's not exactly what she said, but how, you know, it's not necessarily what happened at the time of impact, but it's what is going on emotionally, still within our bodies to this day.
And so On Tik TOK, someone commented. This is effing stupid along with the [00:03:00] moronic ideology of the patriarchy. So, I'm sorry, what part of this clip do you find? Stupid? And they never responded. I would have loved love for them to respond. I actually wanted to genuinely understand what they meant by it's stupid because that actually is what trauma is.
Trauma. Isn't what happens at the time of impact that can be a traumatic event or that could be what's classified as big T trauma. I know that's, uh, uh, you know, A label that gets used a lot big T trauma, little T trauma, but.
Trauma. Isn't just what happens to assets. What is lying the lives still in our nervous systems, still in our Soma, still in our body to this day. So. It's not actually stupid. Well, Holly said he's actually factually correct. When you actually studied trauma, she's a hundred percent correct on that. And then another video on Tik TOK from Holly's. Episode. That cracked me up. So this clip was all about how Holly said that she believes that feminism [00:04:00] is the worst thing that's ever happened to women and to society
and she said high core feminists don't come at me cause I'm going to explain why and how she, you know, believes in equal rights, not equal roles.
And so someone vote on the, I thought this was really funny. They said, why is this woman on video? She should be in the kitchen. So I just wrote ha ha classic. I don't know if they were being tongue in cheek or if they dead segment it, but you know, I find humor in that. Well, we kind of joke around like that sometimes in the family, you know, like my dad used to say, oh, Holly, you should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
And like, he doesn't mean it. He's literally joking. Like we take the piss out of each other all the time. That's just, that's just our family. So even if this person meant it and was like really irate by what Holly said, I took it as a joke. Right. I quite liked what they wrote. I thought it was hilarious. But maybe they're pissed off with what I responded.
So that's Tik TOK.
Let's go on over to YouTube because I haven't been in the YouTube comments for a little while. And one of these episodes.
Oh, and here's some [00:05:00] comments I actually haven't seen yet. So. I'm one of the clips that I posted was me saying that if you just mentioned the name, Andrew Tate, obviously you can get your post axed on Tik TOK. I don't need to go into that. If this is new to you. Listen to the last couple of comment, chaos episodes, but I tested it twice.
Both times. They were removed for hate speech, even though all I did was mention his name in them. So someone has just written on this clip on YouTube. Tik TOK is Chinese created and owned full stop. Think about it. Full stop. I'll wait. Yeah, they have a good point. It is Chinese owned and created. Fascinating.
So in the episode with Holly Loxton, she also mentioned how religion. To her is demonic And how it's been used by those that are empowered to actually control the masses and that. I'm paraphrasing again, but that Jesus isn't that, that the spirit of religion is demonic, but Jesus is separate from that, that I'm paraphrasing there, but [00:06:00] someone here has written Christianity. Isn't a religion. It's a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ period. I get what they're trying to say.
I I've got to disagree. Christianity is a religion. You can say it's a relationship with Jesus Christ, but this is something that I used to always flabbergasts me. Even when I was a Christian, even when I was in the church, staunch. Christian in the church, you can say Christianity is not a religion, but That doesn't actually mean that that's the case.
It is a religion.
I understand that as a Christian, you say that. It is a relationship with Jesus. What you have. I get that side of it. You can say you have a relationship with Jesus, a hundred percent. You can say, have a relationship with God a hundred percent. But that doesn't mean that Christianity is not a religion.
It a hundred percent is a religion just like. You know, all the other religions out there are religions, just because we say it's not, doesn't actually make it. So. But I get what they're trying to say. And then actually just to Instagram quickly, [00:07:00] because I remember putting up a post here it is. So one of the clips that I did was how I don't agree with dogmatic. Ways of being in the world. I don't agree with dogmatic things in religions. I don't, I don't agree with forcing things down people's throat and saying, this is the only way. That we have all of the answers on life and that we are here to, like, for instance, when I was a Christian, I thought I had to save the world.
And I thought that, you know, there was such a burden on me to try to save as many people. And I had the answers and I couldn't possibly be wrong. Like, I don't like that. I've come from that. I will not return to that. And I don't agree with that, but I can still see beauty in religions. And so that was in one of the episodes.
And that clip was shared to my social media, to Instagram, to all the platforms, but on Instagram, I've had someone, a female comment. Religion is the cause of a lot of wars sadly. And I said, absolutely agree. It's really sad. The very thing that should draw people together as there's a lot of [00:08:00] common ground, amongst many religions is being used for atrocities under the name of God.
I'm really against dogmatic ways of being. And she said, spot on, always in the name of God. I said, thank you for joining in the convo, by the way. And she said, my pleasure. That was just a lovely interaction. I love to get the pulse of. How people are thinking and you know, what, what is the general consensus in the community?
And we do have different. You know, different views on things, but what I'm finding is a common ground for those that actually do listen to the podcast. Like obviously not everyone who comments on my social media accounts is a listener of the podcast. Like you are. But those that do listen to the podcast, those, that message meet you.
Those that, you know, comment or reach out to me. The general consensus is we don't like dogma. But we are open minded to a lot of things and we will search for ourselves. We will go and seek answers for ourselves. If someone says to us, look into [00:09:00] this, then we'll look into it. It doesn't mean that once we've looked into something that they, we then agree with the person that encouraged us to look into it. Right.
We may see things very differently. And I love that. I love that in the community that. You know, these episodes are here for you every single week to, to encourage you to think things through that maybe you don't, or maybe you already do, but it just brings a different perspective or maybe it reinforces something for you, whatever it is.
I love that what tends to be the general consensus and what I'm calling the pulse of our community is that we are free thinkers. Very critical. Uh, not critical in the way of like judging everything but critical thinkers. As in, we. Live a little separate to the system. We live a little separate too, or a lot separate. Whatever is being shoved on us by the system at large, by the political system, it could be the financial system, medical, educational, religion, whatever it is, right.
We, we can weigh things up for [00:10:00] ourselves and we don't just take things on as gospel by the media. For instance, we will analyze for ourselves. So the general consensus I'm understanding is. You guys don't like dogma, you don't like dogma. You don't like someone forcing something down your throat. You don't like someone saying this is the only way in life.
And if you don't agree, these are the consequences. And I get that. Cause I'm the same to me. That's coercion. This is what pulled me out of dogmatic. Religion was, it was coercion to me. You're going to absolutely love next week's episode. I have a challenge for you. It's. Yeah, it's going to be a good episode.
I have a challenge for you and a rabbit hole that I'm going to strongly encourage you as a listener, as part of this community, to go down with me, something that I'm heavily, heavily throwing myself into at the moment. That I think you're going to love, but more on that to come.
Now as far as a wanker comment of the week, I would have to go back to that feminism. That's still blowing up. On my Instagram, [00:11:00] it's still. What I've found is nowadays just people fighting with each other or some it's it's really good healthy discourse, but a lot of it is just fighting with each other in the comment section.
And the only reason why I haven't turned the comments off. Because in one mind, I'm like, I don't want to encourage negative energy. Right. I'm not really here to just see things, just blow up for the funsies of it. But I believe in freedom of speech. And I think people can say what they want. I really do.
I think you can say what you want and you as the receiver of that, get to decide what you do with that information. So if people want to go back and forth and have discourse, again, some of it is healthy. Some of it is utterly ridiculous, but if they want to spend their time doing that, they have every right to spend their time doing that.
I couldn't think of anything worse. Than spending like there's one guy. I'm not even kidding for us. I think it's been out for six weeks. That reel has gone for six weeks. Messaging like commenting [00:12:00] to people back and forth, Eric and his pushing over 60 comments. I'm not even kidding. You. In the last six weeks. I just think if you want to do that with your time, you have every right to, I cannot. Imagine what the state of your life is.
If you have that much time on your hands to dedicate, to getting that irate with individuals he's not having a go at me anymore, he's moved on from me because I'm just, I'm just letting him be it's now with other people. And I'm like, my God, you must not have a lot going for you in life. And this is sad, but the truth is you must not have much going for you in life.
If you can honestly spend that much time going back and forth on a complete straight. Strangers post. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know the people that he's messaging and commenting to. I'm like, holy shit balls. Like my heart actually goes out to the guy. It genuinely goes out to the guy. I actually feel sorry for him.
He's not the only one, but he's the one that's commented the most. It's like everyday I see his name pop up with. [00:13:00] Zero emotional regulation. Like zero. He and it's been pointed out to him most. My son went in the comment section. Zero emotional regulation and it makes me genuinely sad for the guy. Now I could go in and moderate it. But I do believe in freedom of speech and that's where it's kind of like, Ooh, what do you do?
But. They're grown-ass adults. They can do it. They want. They have all the rights in the world. And I believe in freedom of speech, therefore I'm not going to filter their speech. It's not getting like dangerous or anything like that. It's just people having discourse and. Anyways. Um, yeah, for me to read the Wonka comment of the week, that's what I was going with.
I would have to go back to that reel and read some of them because by George, there are some wanker comments in there. But, well, we'll just leave it. Good vibes today. I'm going to leave you with that one. Strap yourselves in for next week's episode. Uh, yeah, I've got in juicy rabbit hole. I'm gonna encourage you to go down as I just said before.
So [00:14:00] strap yourself in for that. And then the following week, I have a guest episode that I'm not even going to tease it. I'm not going to tease it. You just wait and see. I love you. Thank you as always for your comments. I didn't read too many today. As I said, I want this to be a quickie for you. I want you to just in and out today, you guys have got busy lives.
You've got lots to do with your lives. You're not the type that's spending hours and hours and hours and hours commenting on the same goddamn. Mr. For some of that you don't even know and fighting with people in the comment section. You listening to this podcast or watching me on YouTube. I heard. Go getter.
You've got shit to doing. You're achieving stuff. Your. You know, focused on your own growth and your own, you know,
Boggles my mind. Anyway, I'll leave you that. I love you so much. And thank you for being here. Love you. Bye.