Ep. 18 | 🍿Comment Chaos: TikTok CENSORSHIP, Online Outrage, and Cultural Clashes
18. Comment Chaos
Hey legends. Welcome back to comment, chaos. I have a lot to talk about today, but in a very short amount of time, we're going to make this poppy and quick for you today. So, first of all, I just wanted to mention the topics that we've discussed in this podcast. Cause. I'm popping out. Popping up. At here we go with the popping things.
Again, I'm pumping out two episodes a week. We're talking about a lot of diverse topics on controversial as fuck. Overall. Obviously a common thread has been feminism and I'm really done talking about feminism. I'm kind of sick of the topic, to be honest, unless I ask guests their opinion, but let's just take a quick trip down memory lane, because I would [00:01:00] like to reveal to you, what is the number one, listened to episode across all of the episodes that we have released with controversial. As fuck.
So, first of all, what have we discussed? We've discussed gender pronouns. That was a very polarizing. Episode, I'm about to sneeze.
Why would I'm recording? Come on, get it together, nose, get it together. Me anyway. So gender pronouns, by the way, that was the number two. So the second highest listened to episode so far across all of the podcasts was the gender pronouns episode, which is episode two, funnily enough. And it's the second highest rated. We've also talked about the education system.
That was where the awesome guests Brianna made, The transgender movement. We talked about the COVID vaccine and being, you know, I had an awesome guest to discuss about being injured from the COVID vaccine. And that was weird. The beautiful Shantelle she came on to discuss the injury that she sustained, basically from the COVID vaccine when she was a police officer in [00:02:00] Western Australia. I've done three episodes on feminism or with complete different ways of looking at feminism. I've also done the 3 0 4 lifestyle, which was all about hookup culture, casual sex, by the way, I'm going to make a comment on that in a second about a word that I've used in that episode. Also we discussed, well, I discussed single moms.
I did an episode that was quite quite a personal one, a bit about my own story and a bit of a controversial take on my views on being a single mum. Also, we had the legendary. M G c'mon and discuss AI, Trump aliens and Andrew Tate. And in a second, I'm going to make a comment about Andrew Tate and Tik TOK. That'll be coming up. I've also released just this week. An episode with
james Pasch, who is a metaphysical guru.
He's a legend on all things metaphysical. And that was about, you know, religion or going beyond religion after life karma. You. Reincarnation metaphysical concepts. All of that [00:03:00] bloody awesome topics. As you know, I like to discuss all different sorts of things on the podcast. No topic is too. But what was the number one listened to episode so far from drum roll, please. It is.
The COVID vaccine, that one, woof, you guys loved that one.
I've had a lot of people message me, even people sharing. And this is not something that I'm smiling about. Let me just change my facial features for a second. People that have shared with me that they've also been injured by the COVID vaccine, whichever one that they took. And it is a hot topic in a hot debate.
That one. So. That's the number one, listen to episode now. I did just allude to something before about the 3 0 4 lifestyle. Hookup culture, hookup culture, casual sex. And I just wanted to quickly talk about the word body count because I've had discussions with people about this. I actually hate that word. By the way body count can be looked at in two ways.
P you know, obviously if you're in the [00:04:00] mafia, you have a body count of how many people you've killed or, you know, whatever lifestyle you're in body count is also something that is more of a modern way of describing how many sexual partners you've had. I don't like it when it's used for that. I know I used it in the episode.
That was all about hookup culture, casual sex. I understand that. And that is just because it is a term that most people seem to understand in this modern world. And it's just a quicker way of saying. You know, Body count is quicker than saying how many people you've slept with in your life or, you know what I mean?
It's just a quick and easy way to say it. But I honestly despise that word. I don't like it because it actually diminishes human beings to just bodies. Right. And I think, and this was the whole point of that episode. Six is so much more than that. This is why I don't. Promote casual sex. I don't promote it as like, you know, something that I esteem and look up to and just think, yeah, go for it.
But I also want to point out that I'm not anti-sex and I made it clear in that episode, but I do want to say it again. I am not anti-sex. I don't think [00:05:00] that you have to wait until marriage to have sex with someone. That's not what my message was. As I said, in that episode. My message is not abstinence, right?
It's more about conscious partnerships and conscious sex as in being, being very discerning with who you allow access to your body. And in the fact that sex is not just sex, it is an intimate act. Yes, but it is also a spiritual and an energetic app. You are mixing energy with whoever you're sleeping with, right.
Be that a long-term relationship or be that a short term hookup. your energy is mixing with that energy. Therefore. They take on some of your energy when the act is over and when you go your separate ways and you're taking on some of their energy, if you don't know anything about that individual or barely anything about that individual, you don't know what kind of energy you are taking on from that individual.
Just as an example, that person could be a real scumbag and you have no idea and their energy, the darker energies that they hold [00:06:00] within themselves are also transferred onto you.
it's just something to be conscious of. So those were two things I wanted to say. In regards to that particular episode, I hate the word body count. I really don't like it. Yes.
I used it in the episode to describe what I was referring to, but I don't. Like if I think of. You know, someone that I've been intimate with, I don't consider them just a body. They are a human being. They are a soul, they are a spirit, they are energy. They're more than just a body. I don't like that.
It reduces people to just the physical body. That's what I mean with that. So moving on, you likely won't hear me use that. Unless I'm, you know, reading out someone's comment for instance. And then as far as, yeah, I don't support hookup culture, but I don't think abstinence is the key. It's more about being very selective with who you share your energy with.
So if you want to have sex with people have sex with people, I'm not telling you what to do. It's just in my life. I'm very selective with who I allow access to my body because of that reason to me, sex is not just sex. It is more than that by far.
Now let's [00:07:00] quickly touch on Andrew tight. So obviously with the episode with mg, with the real mg, as she goes by on social media, you know, we discussed AI and Trump and aliens and marketing and Andrew Tate. Purely the reason why Andrew tape was, I asked a question, what are your thoughts on him?
I just love to understand how people view life and people and movements and all sorts of things. And so I wanted to know, I was just genuinely curious. Does she despise the guy? Does she think is cool or somewhere in the middle? And I really appreciated her honesty in, you know, and she basically explained that coming from art more hardcore feminism kind of past that now she doesn't necessarily consider herself a feminist previously.
She couldn't stand the guy. And I'm obviously paraphrasing here. But now, even though she doesn't agree with everything he says, or even the way that he speaks, there are some things that she can understand, which that makes sense. A lot of people would likely agree with that. Right. We can change our minds on how we view people, how we view movements, how we view life.
Right. I think that's growth.
He is [00:08:00] not liked in the social media world, as far as the algorithms, especially Tik TOK. And I want to play you a very quick snapshot of. Uh, real that I ended up sharing onto Tik TOK. That was instantly bad. Like instantly let me play it for you.
Oh, it's actually not even going to let me play it for you.
God, my screen is dirty, but you can see, it says removed for hateful ideology. So if you are watching this on YouTube, you'll be able to see my screen. I will bring it up on Instagram. Cause it's still on my Instagram.
The notorious, Andrew Tate. Left field question here. Yes. Hi. I have lots of thoughts. It's interesting because I'm not decided. Um, so as you know, like I have called myself a feminist and I listened to your podcast on feminism. And I was like, fuck. I don't think I'm the same in a CMO.
So [00:09:00] much about what you said that I was like, Hmm. These are the problems I'm experiencing and they are all because of feminisms. Uh, saying that again, nothing is black and white. There's so much gray area and it's the same as feminism. Right. But. As the staunch feminists that I have been. Andrew Tate was like the devil.
Because, I mean, look in most feminism feminists would spread snippets of what he shares. That is very misogynistic. And you know, there is a difference between this origin in patriarchy rice. Misogyny is more about that. That actually. Hi, Shane women and looking down on women. Whereas the patriarchy is more of that. It's a male leader. It's the world is led by males and, you know, And now I understand, like how is that a problem calling.
So the reason why I wanted to play that is at no point. Was anything said that was, [00:10:00] that you could possibly see is like hate speech or hate, you know, hateful language. Right. She didn't hate on women. She didn't hate on Andrew Tate. She didn't hate on the feminist movement. Nothing. She spoke. From her own experience.
Right. And I found it fascinating that out of all the platforms that, that went to that Tik TOK removed it for hateful ideology. Right. And when I looked at it, it says, it goes against the community guidelines. And if I click on view details, right? Cause there's this little red panel. Have received a warning for my first violation.
The next violation will result in a strike. And I was like, why? And they said it is hate speech and hateful behaviors. Tik TOK is enriched by the various backgrounds of our community members. Our differences should be respected rather than a cause for division. We do not allow any hateful behavior, hate speech or promotion of hateful ideologies.
This includes content that it texts a person or group because of [00:11:00] protected attributes. So the only thing that I could think of is because we were discussing Andrew Tate. I'm wondering if his name is literally flagged with Tik TOK? Cause I know like his ban on also shaming social media platforms. So I'm wondering if, if he's discussed. In any way, shape or form if it's instantly flagged as a violation, right.
Because I have actually appealed it and nothing has been done. Now, I'm not concerned about that being taken off. I just found it really, really interesting that nothing in there was actually hateful, nothing was said that was hateful, but yet Tik TOK removed it. So. Very fascinating to me.
And I just want to read out two comments.
Obviously it's not on Tik TOK because it was removed from there. But from the Instagram version of that video, two comments. So one was from lizard pudding and he says, I want, this is a guy. He said, I wonder how the tape brothers will fare when their rape slash trafficking charges finally go to trial.
And if people will still value their opinions, if they end up in Romania in [00:12:00] prison, And then a different comment, which is buy organic health, which someone I know personally. Hello. Andrew Tate is the epitome of what we need in this world. Absolutely love what he's doing. Aren't they like polar kind of opposite views.
I mean, one was a question, but, and the other is, is making a statement, but. It is, he is a very controversial, polarizing figure. Whether you like him or not, whether you disagree with him or agree with him, he is polarizing. And I think part of that is because he's speaks so strongly on what he believes in he's non wishy washy.
Like if he says something, he says it with full conviction, which I respect. Again, whether I agree with everything he says or not, which I don't, I agree with a lot of what he says, but not everything. There's some stuff he said that I'm like, yeah, I see the world differently to that. Or, you know, one of those things is religion.
For instance, I don't agree with that with his, the way that he views life and the afterlife and all of that. And for instance, punishment for sin and all of that, I see that very, very [00:13:00] differently to him, but there's a lot of common ground, I would say. I mean, this is me just making up a random figure here.
I probably agree with 70 to 80% of what comes. Out of his mouth. And he said some very polarizing things. But I respect that in him that. Even if it's something I don't agree with, he stands strongly on it. And I think we need more of that in the world. I really, really do. And yeah, he's a polarizing figure to the point that I think take dog is literally banned you from being able to discuss him because it wasn't removed from. YouTube and it wasn't removed from Instagram.
So I found that really, really interesting. I'd love to know your thoughts. What do you think of Andrew Tate? Because when I first heard about him, I only saw small clips. This is going back a few years. I'm guessing. I can't remember when he first. You know, became so popular, but a few clips that were obviously edited of, you know, he sounded like a misogynistic pig.
I'll be honest. I couldn't stand him. I was like, who is this twice? Like I, but I didn't give him a lot of thought. I was just like, yeah. Someone that'll be, you know, Come one day and [00:14:00] gone the next type thing. And then all of a sudden I was like, okay, he's getting really, really big. And people are listening to him.
Why? And it wasn't until I actually stopped looking at just the short edited clips. And instead went to the long form podcasts that he was doing, like this year in particular and really listening to like hours and hours. So I could actually understand the guy and looking at him from a neutral standpoint. I wasn't looking at ways to attack him or to hate him or to love him.
It was just completely neutral of like, okay, let me listen to what he's actually saying. Not just the little clips, let me listen to the full content. And that was when I realized he actually has a really good message. I think he has a great message for younger guys. I. Again, don't agree with everything, but I like the guy overall, right.
If I could take the good and the bad, the things I agree with, the things I don't agree with overall, it's definitely leaning very far too. I really liked the guy and I think he has a great message and I liked that he stands strong. And what he believes. I respect that in individuals. So I'd love to know [00:15:00] your thoughts.
What do you think of Andrew Tate? Do you like him? Do you, can you not stand him? Do you agree with what he says? Do you disagree? I think it'd be hard pressed to find a single person on the planet who says they agree with absolutely everything that comes out of somebody's mouth, including like myself.
Right? So. I don't expect you to agree with everything, but yeah, I'd love to know your thoughts. What do you think of Andrew tape? And I just want to quickly look at YouTube for a second, just to some of the comments that we've had on some of the posts, like for instance, this one's come from the episode that I did with mg bubble, she was discussing how she believes politicians actually. Aren't the ones that are running the show necessarily, unless they are the ones that are controlling the media, that it seems to be the media that are actually the ones behind it that are pulling the strings of the politicians, which totally understand and agree. And then someone B F 8, 5, 9 commented on one of the YouTube shorts and said, and if you dig even further, rich people control the media and politicians, which. M did actually [00:16:00] allude to that.
Obviously this individual doesn't have. I wouldn't have listened to the full podcast, but I fully agree. M actually alluded to that as well, saying that it's whoever. Eh, owns these media companies. They're the ones that have a massive influence and a massive amount of control. And I would say then there's even above that as well. And so I responded with a hundred percent, a small group of elite and wealthy who pulled the strings from behind the scenes.
Cheers for your input.
And then in one of the shorts, that's also on YouTube with mg. It was where she was discussing about how. Actually, let me play the click for you. So I don't miss quote her. I so lost in society now. Not knowing. Because women are stepping up like. And the suicide rate of men. In the forties. Is so high. What purpose do they mean? If they're not providing for a family.
And I see that. Now, and I'm like, well, I can kind of understand. Some of ways coming [00:17:00] from. All of what, where he's coming from the way he presents it.
So there isn't full context for that conversation, but you know, obviously she was saying, and she's not blaming women. She's not blaming women, but she's saying she can understand why Andrew Tate's movement has become so big and why, there, there is some positives that we can take from his movement.
Again, I'm paraphrasing for her and I don't want to misquote her, but because obviously there are young men who are lost and there's also older men who are lost in middle-aged men who were lost. And we'll just discussing all of that together. So someone on YouTube has written, this is Liz Ryan, 5 1 3.
What question? Mark? Mark question mark, more blaming women for the bad choices. Men make this woman is mocking other women while validating Andrew Tate. That's sad. If men are lost, they should focus on their jobs, training, relationships, hobbies self-improvement, and enhancing their lives and the lives of people around them.
So this was my [00:18:00] response. This is a short clip of a long podcast episode. So you don't have full context. She absolutely. Doesn't mock women and doesn't validate Andrew Tate in saying all that I can't speak for her, but. I will say feminism has a lot to answer for on this subject. 'cause I just want to make it clear. Obviously, these are short clips and it is hard because when someone's only watching a short clip, they can only go by the information that they're provided with.
So I'm fully aware of that, but yeah, they don't get full context, obviously, I mean, it's common sense that if someone is struggling, absolutely work on, you know, relationships, your hobbies, your self-improvement enhancing your life. I would add to that by saying your health would be a really big one. Obviously, it's not because of women, She definitely was not mocking women while validating Andrew tape for full context.
I just had to point that out. But even with my response, they responded with you're just dog whistling. I'm not sure what that means, but sure. I'm okay with that.
Now, most of the comments on my socials in the last week in particular have been mainly to [00:19:00] do with things like gender or feminism, because a lot of the clips. Going out on social media or about those very topics, whether I've discussed them on a comic chaos episode, or it was one of the. Main episodes that go live on Tuesday.
And look, are we sick of discussing this now on this podcast? I mean, you know, my thoughts, you know, my views. And look, I appreciate people joining in the conversation on social media. I just don't feel the need to read every single one of them out. But I did want to end this episode. On what the F was with the Australian breakdancer at the Olympics.
I just have to say that. What do you think of that whole. Shit show of a day. I'll be honest. I looked at it in two ways. I was really trying to be neutral again. And I was like, look.
Go for it. Add your expression to things. If it's not the Olympics, right? If it's your local community center competition. Rock your socks off and do all the kangaroos and the, whatever the crap that was. Was it Reagan, is that what she [00:20:00] goes by Reagan was doing at the Olympics, but I have to do is add my voice in for one second and say,
This is the Olympics, right? These were elite athletes. These are the elite. Of the world. That was not a late break dancing. I actually, from seeing clips of that, cause I actually haven't watched the Olympics on TV. I could not be bothered this time around, but from watching clips of it, I was like, Ooh, that gave me hope I could be an Olympian. In breakdancing and I'm, she's at it. She can gain. Can I bloody hell that was so embarrassing for our country.
I do think have self-expression and I don't like bullying, so like I'm not adding to the noise on social media. Well, now I am now I clearly am, but seriously, that was pretty embarrassing. I think when it comes to elite level sports, you've got to be elite in your field. And that was such an embarrassment as a representation of our country. What was that kangaroo thingOh my Lord, what is the world coming to? But listen, as I [00:21:00] said in your local community center, if there's competitions go for it, go to town. I like her expression. I like that. She's different. I actually am drawn to that in individuals where they're like, fuck it. I'm going to do my own thing.
I'm going to express myself how I want. But I do think when it comes to high-level. Like Olympics, elite athletes, you gotta be a late. And that was not a late break dancing. That was. I could have done that. I really do believe I could have done that and I'm not great at dancing and I've never break dance in my life, but I actually think I could do that.
I probably couldn't. I probably try and instantly learned that actually is better than what I think it is, but it's still not Olympic level. Anyway, let me know your thoughts just for fun. Oh, my gosh. I love you guys. I hope that you are enjoying this week's episode. Yeah, that is one of my favorites, the one all about beyond religion and, reincarnation to the concept of past lives and. Karma and laws of the universe, metaphysics what's out there.
Is there a God? Is there a Satan? Is there. [00:22:00] Otherwise out there, the aliens, like all of that, these are like my favorite types of topics. And I know that I talk a lot about different social movements and like very polarizing controversial topics, obviously. That's that is what. We discussed on this podcast, but it's not because I like to discuss those things if I'm totally honest.
And I did a story about this today on my Instagram. It's actually, because I see a lot of these movements and these controversial topics. These are things that are continually pulling us away from our essence. I just want to say this for a second. Let me do my little rant. It's pulling us away from our essence.
It's pulling us away from who we are inside. And I mean this from a metaphysical energy kind of level, like we are so much more than this body. We, we, I actually believe we are incredible self healers. I believe that we have incredible powers within us. And the more that we tap into those and live contrary to what is pushed on us by the system at large. The more of a peaceful existence we will live.
So, yes, I know I discuss a lot of controversial topics, but it's [00:23:00] because I see a lot of these movements. As deliberately engineered. To pull us away from the essence. And I do think that humans have forgotten. It's been suppressed. It's been destroyed. We've forgotten who we actually are in our essence.
And the more that we actually come back to that essence within us. And again, live different to the system at large and to whatever is being pushed on us by the system. The more I think, like we tap into that innate power. That is God-given if you believe in God, like I say, we are a fractal of. The infinite creator.
We are afraid to have consciousness. You don't even have to call it God, whatever you want to call it. We are a fractal of that. In my opinion, it is just God or consciousness, whatever you want to say, experiencing itself through us, learning about itself through us. So that's my opinion. Anyway, I'm not suggesting that I'm right.
It's just my view on life. Through my own life experience. But, yeah, so I just wanted to say these are my favorite topics. I, if I was going to sit and talk to someone about something [00:24:00] and I could only choose one topic, it would be all about. What's out there what's after this life, like. Who are we? Why are we here?
I guess that's more than one topic. All of that. Right? All the metaphysics it's, it's the energy side of things that I'm really, really intrigued by. But I think that energy is being. Suppressed and destroyed and pressed down and trodden on by a lot of these social movements and by the system at large.
So yeah. Just want to point that out. That's a lovely little rent for you. Anyway. I'm going to leave you with that and yeah, I hope you have an incredible week as usual. Thanks for tuning in then. And popping into comment, chaos, and keep your comments coming. I will always keep my replies coming too.
I love you dearly. Thank you for being here. Have an awesome week. Legends. Bye.