Ep. 67 | Trust the Science? Why Big Pharma Is Just Modern-Day Religion


Ep. 67 | Trust the Science? Why Big Pharma Is Just Modern-Day Religion


Welcome back legends. Welcome to another episode. It's quite ironic that I have been battling a sinus infection and we're literally about to do an episode all about big pharma. But yeah, hopefully my voice holds up because I've been quite congested. It has not been a lot of fun. This is an epic topic. I love this topic.

And this episode is titled trust the science question mark. Why Big Pharma is just modern day religion. So we're gonna dive straight into this episode. Here's the thing. This is my own opinion, but I know a lot of you listening will likely agree with this. Science was never actually designed to be a belief system, but that seems to be what it has become in this modern day world that we live in.

Trust the science is the new have faith in God. And by the way, I'm not mocking religion in this episode. It will make sense as we go along, but just like in times gone by, churches used to burn So called heretics at the stake [00:01:00] these days, big pharma just destroys anyone who dares to question them.

Anyone who dares to raise a question, they will go after if they have a big enough platform, a big enough voice, a big enough reach, obviously, whereas what seems to happen. And this was very evident during COVID times in 2020 and the years following was big pharma doesn't have to go after the everyday person like you and I instead.

The general population does that because it's been trained in culture and it's been trained by the media to go after each other. So Big Pharma goes after the top dogs with the big voices that go against them whereas society goes after you and I if we raise a single question. The thing is though, science is actually meant to be challenged.

That's at the core of science. It's supposed to be about testing and about provingand about refining ideas. It's somewhere that got lost along the way because it actually turned into a dogma. And if you've listened to many of my episodesany of the episodes, especially the ones that I did about [00:02:00] religion, I'm quite against very dogmatic ways of thinking. I see a lot of beauty in religions.

I've said this numerous times, especially Eastern religions. I have to admit what I don't like about particular religions is when it turns into a dogma of you have to do this. Otherwise you're not part of the club. If you don't think this exact same way, you're not part of the club.and much like with Big Pharma, it gets to the point where any questioningis rejected and is seen as a bad thing. If you raise a single question about, you know, the validity of things or what you might interpret in the Bible, for example, it gets squashed on. So I'm not against religion. I really want to make that clear.

Just like I'm also not against modern medicine. And I'm going to make that clear in this episode as well. The problem is now though, that if you ask the wrong questions, According to big pharma, according to modern day science, according to modern day medical system, you're now just labeled a conspiracy theorist or you're deemed as a danger to society.

That was huge in 2020 with COVID.If you [00:03:00] raised a single question about the efficacy of the so called vaccine, which wasn't even an actual vaccine, you were deemed as a danger to society. You were a danger to every grandma that was in a nursing home or at home. You were a danger to everybody in society if you raised a single question about it.

It's become a bit of a joke. This episode is not about hating science. I actually love science. What I disagree with is where you can't raise the question, whereas that is at the core of science. That is what science is. This episode is about actually exposing how systems that once thrived on discovery have now just become another tool of control.

I am against control at the level of what Big Pharma has. It is dangerous. If you can't question something without being punished for it, it's no longer science. It is a dogma. And in my opinion, it's actually a cult. Big Pharma is turning into a cult where they are untouchable. They are completely untouchable.

If you are still telling yourself, Oh, they would never do that. I doubt anyone who is [00:04:00] an avid listener of this podcast is even thinking that at any point in their day. But if someone was listening to this episode as I go through this and they're like, Nah, big pharma would never do that. No way. Then I really encourage you to keep listening.

This episode is actually going to probably make you quite uncomfortable, but that's exactly why you would be the type of individual that would need to listen to this episode. I'm not saying I'm right about everything. I'm just giving a different perspective that is not common these days. Used to be. And we're going to get into it.

 so to start off, we're going to get into the faith based nature of science today. As I said before, just like we, when religion would burn so called heretics at the stake or so called witches that weren't even witches at the stake. And everyone was deemed as a heretic. you were practicing heresy if you questioned the church or if you questioned the state or whatever.

These days, if you question the narrative that goes along with science, that goes along with Big Pharma, you are deemed as a [00:05:00] heretic. And as I alluded before, that's not science, that's actually control. There's a difference between blind faith and actually having some real inquiry.

So we were always told that science is about facts. It's about truth. But today it seems to be quite different. We're no longer encouraged to seek truth. Instead, we're told to just trust authority. To just blindly trust. Again, and I know I keep alluding to 2020 with COVID, but like that is literally what was happening around the world.

You were told to just trust authority. We were not encouraged to question. In fact, we were trained to comply. We have been trained for years to comply with Big Pharma, to comply with modern day science, which again to me is no longer science, it's actually a cult. You have in religion, high priests in certain religions.

We also have the high priests of Big Pharma. So for instance, religions have priests who get to control access to divine truth, who get to control access to God, like for instance in [00:06:00] Catholicism.It's now no different with modern medicine. Modern medicine now has pharmaceutical companies. They have regulatory agencies. They've got media mouthpieces. And they parrot the same unquestionable message. It's always an unquestionable one. Don't you dare raise a single question. The thing is, if any of these experts contradict themselves, which is COVID, you're still expected to believe them.

No questions. No dissenting, just have blind faith and with science, it actually thrives on skepticism. The whole point of science is to try to prove something wrong. Try to prove it. If an expert can never be wrong, even when they actually are, then what we're dealing with is not science. It's blind faith.

It is just blind faith. And I want you to ask yourself this question. When was the last time that you questioned a medical recommendation instead of just accepting When? Because I'll be honest, growing up, I [00:07:00] absolutely would have believed anything that a doctor said to me. Absolutely would have. I put all faith in them.

And this, this episode is not against doctors, by the way. And the more I get into this, the more that will be clear. But growing up, I put blind faith in doctors. I put blind faith in the medical system. That was my go to. My go to, if something was wrong, go to the doctor. If I have an ailment, go to the doctor.

They were my first point of call. And now, honestly, they're my last, the last time I went to a doctor's appointment was gosh, I actually don't remember. It's been years. I legit cannot remember. It has been years and years and years because they are no longer my first point of call for very good reason. Another question, how often do you research beyond the headlines? So a lot of people just swallowed what they were told with COVID.

They just swallowed what they were told on TV or by the newspapers or what was on social media. People didn't research beyond the headlines, they just blindly trusted. Are you outsourcing your thinking to the [00:08:00] system that profits off your compliance? Because they do, they actually profit off our compliance. Science without any skepticism is no longer science, it is purely propaganda. And I made that point before about the whole point of science is to try to prove something wrong. To try to find truth. It's not about just blind compliance and blind faith. And just like with hardcore dogmatic religions, pharmaceutical companies also use fear as a control mechanism. So with, you know, dogmatic religions, they'll use the fear of hell. Whereas in big pharma, you've got the fear of disease. So that fear of disease is what drives people to put things into their body that maybe they normally wouldn't.

It's a fear based. means of control. Same with religion where they'll say, deny God and you'll burn forever, burn for all of eternity. Whereas with big pharma, it's deny science and you're going to die. They see in both of those scenarios. So with dogmatic religion and with big pharma or with modern medicine, [00:09:00] obedience is the only path to salvation.

Obedience is the only path to true health. But the problem with big pharma is they put profits over people. If the system actually cured you, they would lose a customer. Think this through. That's why they don't treat root causes. They actually sell management plans. It boggles my mind that a lot of people don't see this.

That you go to a doctor for essentially a band aid. You go to them for a pharmaceutical to manage a particular symptom that does not get to the root cause. It is impossible to get to the root cause. And then that particular pill that you take comes with another 10 side effects that then you need another pill to take for those particular side effects.

It is a management plan. It is not treating root causes. I am not against pharmaceuticals all the time. Let me make this clear. This is not to shame you if you take a pharmaceutical for a particular whatever. That's not what this is about. I want you to think a bigger [00:10:00] picture than, than you just taking one particular tablet that you need.

Okay, this is not to shame anybody. But as we get further into this, I actually did some research on the Australian universities that are training doctors and what little education they actually get on things that could help with the root cause. It blows my mind. I'm also going to bring an angle on, uh, Rockefeller and the way that he actually infiltrated Medical institutions and completely pushed asideany alternative health focuses.

It's just crazy.

but just referring back to how they actually prioritize. profits over people. Here are some examples that expose these lies. We had the opioid opioid crisis. Drugs were pushed as safe, just like during COVID safe and effective, all lies. They were pushed by the same system that later actually profited off addiction treatments.

So that exact same system, they profited off pushing these so called safe drugs and then off the addiction treatments [00:11:00] that came from those so called safe. Drugs. You also have lifelong medication models. So statins, antidepressants, hormone therapies that never actually fix the root cause problem. They don't even get close to fixing the root cause.

They keep you dependent. Again, zero shame if you're taking these, but it is important to talk about it. Safe and effective claims that fall apart years later, like during COVID. But the problem with this is it's only after the money is made. Have you noticed that? Like with the COVID vaccines, they only started to actually really question them.

After the money was made, when it's too late, people's bodies have already been affected and the money has already been made. These so called safe and effective claims, yes, they fell apart, but it took years.it's seriously concerning. So I want you to ask yourself, who benefits when you actually stay sick?

Who is benefiting? Because you're not. We're not. Who profits when you stay afraid? Who profits when we live from a place of fear? We definitely don't. And I do want to talk about this Rockefeller takeover. So this is how Big Pharma [00:12:00] actually killed natural medicine. Now, I have done half a degree. I did not complete it.

Half a degree of neutropathy. So I was studying naturopathic medicine here in Australia, loved it. Put it on hold to move to Canada and I have not picked it back up. One day I would love to, even just for my own knowledge, just as a mum. Like honestly, it's such incredible knowledge to have when it comes to natural health remedies and understanding the human body in a different way to what is commonly taught these days and what is common knowledge.

So I, this is like a personal gripe of mine when it comes to how Big Pharma killed natural medicine. Modern medicine didn't actually evolve. It was hijacked. I want to make this clear before Big Pharma actually ruled healthcare, cause it does. So when we're thinking of like, you go to your regular doctor.

You have maybe a medical center near you, or if you have to go to hospital, they are all ruled by Big Pharma. Big Pharma is at the top of the chain. Before that though, we had [00:13:00] natural therapies like homeopathy, herbal medicine, naturopathy. They were widely used and respected. These were people's first point of call.

I want to make this very clear. It was not always as it is today. Medicine wasn't just about symptom management. It was actually about healing at the root cause. This is at the root. I know this, the root of naturopathy,They get called doctors. I believe in America here, we don't refer to them as doctors, but if you go to a naturopath, they are wanting to get to the root cause for you.

And the whole overarching umbrella is to cause no harm, do no harm. None of it is about symptom management. They're not there to manage your symptoms for you. They are there to get to the root cause for you. And I know it's the same with homeopathy and herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, all these incredible often Eastern philosophies.

They actually were people's go to. They were the first point of call. And then John D Rockefeller bloody stepped in, didn't he? And everything changed. Tell you what, this guy's [00:14:00] name pops up everywhere when it comes to corrupted systems. John D. Rockefeller is always mentioned that guy I have a gripe with. So I want to get into how did Rockefeller outlawed natural medicine and built a drug Empire, literally an empire. So in looking at this, you basically have to follow the money. He wasn't a doctor. John D. Rockefeller was not a doctor. He was not a medical expert. He was not a scientist. He was actually an oil tycoon.

So think of this through. He was a big oil tycoon. He used to be the richest man in the world. He realized something. Pharmaceutical drugs, which are made from petroleum based chemicals. with the future of medicine. Not because they were more effective. Let me make that clear. They were not more effective, but because they were more profitable.

If you've got naturopaths and Chinese herbal medicine doctors and homeopaths and all these people working in that so called alternative field, which wasn't called alternative, it was everyone's point of call. Everyone's go to for getting to the root cause. [00:15:00] They were helping to heal people. They were helping to bring your body back to a place of healing and homeostasis.

So when you think of profits, right? It wasn't there as like the highest profit model, but it was there for the most healing, for the most healing for the individual.

When you think of profits. John D Rockefeller saw it to be way more effective to use these petroleum based chemical pharmaceutical drugs. And yeah, in his mind, he hit the jackpot. And yes, he did financially. So step one was to eliminate the competition. Think this through. In the early 1900s, natural medicine schools were actually thriving.

They were thriving. As I said before, homeopathy, herbal medicine, chiropractic care, nutrition based healing. Keyword, nutrition based healing. I'm going to get into that in a second. They were all widely practiced. These were common. It was a thriving industry, but Rockefeller alongside Andrew Carnegie, they funded something called the Flexer report, which was [00:16:00] in 1910.

The Flexner report was basically a report that came out that was a systemic attack on non pharmaceutical medicine. So who funded it? Just to keep up with me here, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, they funded this report, which then came out as an absolute attack on non pharmaceutical medicine. The report labeled things like homeopathy, herbalism,

And any non drug based treatments as quackery.side tangent for a second, just like when there was the assassination of President Kennedy and anyone who started to raise questions about the validity of. What was being spoon fed by the media of what actually happened who actually assassinated him? What was the story behind it? When people started to question that quite publicly and started to raise concerns about like the CIA's involvement, etc The media was trained and taught to come up with the word conspiracy theorists or not come up with it, but to [00:17:00] weaponize it So no, they didn't create the word, but they weaponized it and they turned it into a weapon against any person who used critical thinking and who raised questions.

Just like that, in this exact same way, this was done through this Flexner report and through being funded by these. Absolutely. Wealthy, so called philanthropic men like Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller. And anyone who was practising these treatments or anyone who went to get these treatments was seen as a quack. And it started to spread. So then, so the first point is to eliminate the competition. Step two is to take over medical education. This blows my mind. So after this Flexner report, Rockefeller and Carnegie, again, these same two men poured millions into medical schools. Cause again, it's in their best interest because they're going to make a huge amount of money off this.

And they did. So they poured millions into these medical schools. [00:18:00] But only the ones who actually agreed to teach their pharmaceutical based medicine. So here's all of these medical schools, some which are, you know, thriving on homeopathy, naturopathy, you know, all of these natural based, now are seen as alternative, back then they weren't alternative.

You have all of these thriving medical schools, and then you have, you know, your more drug based medical training. But it wasn't as thriving, it wasn't as big. So what happened is these two men, these philanthropic men decided to pour millions into the schools that agreed to teach their pharmaceutical based medicine.

And what happened then, any of the schools that included holistic or natural therapies, they were defunded and shut down. They were actually defunded and eventually shut down. Way to take over. Universities were restructured then to focus entirely on a drug based medicine. Symptom management model, which turned doctors into [00:19:00] pharmaceutical sales reps, which is what today is very common.

And whether they realized it or not, and whether today they realized it or not, they are pharmaceutical sales reps. That is literally what they're doing. They are not there to teach you how to get to the root cause. And again, I'm not putting down doctors. Doctors are incredible. Most doctors, I believe have a pure heart and want the best for their patients.

You don't get into a job like that, unless you have some level of care for. Your, your fellow human, your fellow mankind, right? So I'm not against doctors. I don't like how they're being trained. I don't like how it's set up and I really don't like how John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie literally eliminated any competition, took over the medical education and then they controlled the narrative into what it is today.

So Rockefeller bought out medical journals. Think about this. He bought out medical journals. He funded massive PR campaigns, pushing the idea that modern medicine was superior. And [00:20:00] he basically poohooed on any so called alternative healing methods and deemed them as dangerous and unscientific. Dangerous and unscientific.

If a doctor spoke out against pharmaceuticals or was advocating for natural healing, they lost their medical license. Does this sound familiar? Because this happened in 2020, especially during COVID. Doctors who spoke out against giving their patients the COVID vaccine, even if they said, yes, if my patients want it, I will give it to them, but I'm not here to force it on anybody and I don't agree with it.

I think there's something fishy about it. They would be shut down. There are doctors during COVID here in Australia who lost their license. And who lost their social media accounts as well. This still happens today. Here's what we lost, but what Big Pharma gained. So before Rockefeller's takeover, medicine was about prevention, about nutrition, and about natural treatments.

After his takeover, medicine became about patenting [00:21:00] drugs. Lifelong prescriptions, managing symptoms, never healing at the root. Who profits with that? I mean, it's pretty bloody clear. It's only big pharma. An industry that is worth trillions of dollars and is actually built on the back of medical monopoly that Rockefeller engineered over a century ago.

This is still happening today. We still have the ripple effect. This is how it is still affecting modern medicine today. Doctors don't learn nutrition in medical schools. Do you know how many people have no idea, no idea that doctors only get potentially here in Australia, I'm talking about Australia, only get,if at best, one or two lecture sessions on actual nutrition. If at best, some, none. And why? Because food can't be patented. There's no money in that. Most treatments focus on symptom relief. They're not focused on root causes because keeping you sick is way more profitable than actually helping to cure you. [00:22:00] Alternative medicine is smeared now as pseudoscience because if people wake up to the truth, they stop buying into the system. They lose money. It all comes down to money, power, and influence. So I want you to ask yourself this. Why is natural medicine Still demonized despite thousands of years of evidence actually supporting it.

These are like think Chinese herbal medicine. This has been around for like how long? It's insane to me that still today, people are too scared to raise a question about what the crap is going on with modern medicine, what the crap is going on with science today, what the crap is going on with big pharma.

Why are pharmaceutical companies funding medical research and education? When it only benefits them, why is the system still set up to keep you dependent instead of actually truly healthy? And when I say you, I'm not actually talking to you as a listener. If you're brand new to this podcast, maybe, but if you're an avid listener of this podcast, I know that you [00:23:00] think likely quite similar to me when it comes to things like this, even if slightly different, we are critical thinkers.

We look at the world in a different way than most. We're not the type to just swallow whatever is spoon fed to us by social media, mainstream media, the government, the pharmaceutical companies, science. Like, we question. Even if we see things slightly different, we will always be critical thinkers. The thing is, medicine was never meant to be a healing industry.

It used to be. It used to be. It actually breaks my heart. I wasn't gonna talk about this. I actually lost, not lost. That's not the right word. A beautiful family member of mine who was way too young actually passed away last week. Passed away. So this, I did not know that that was gonna happen right before recording this episode.

But this is dear to my heart because I truly believe, for example, that there are actual cures out there for, let's say, cancer. I truly believe that these types of things, and yeah, this will get [00:24:00] me labeled as a quack and as a conspiracy theorist, I don't care. I truly believe that there are actual cures out there for things like cancer that are being suppressed because they cannot make money off it.

They make money off the drugs that they put through our systems that are meant to help to cure us, that if we actually knew what the crap was going on, There would be an uprising. And so this episode is quite personal for me at the moment. It's really, really new due to my heart. The thing is, is well intentioned as doctors areAs much as we might have the best doctor in the world, they aren't actually trained to heal us unless they go and do further study, unless they go off their own back to do further study in, let's say, China, Chinese medicine and herbal medicine and naturopathy based, just whatever, unless they do that off their own back, they are not trained to actually help to heal you.

They're trained to prescribe you. This isn't just history. We're not just talking about what happened a century ago. It's the foundation of [00:25:00] modern medicine. You think Big Pharma's monopoly started with COVID? No, this takeover has been in motion for over a bloody century. And unless people wake up and start reclaiming their own health, nothing is actually going to change.

And just speaking on nutrition, I did a little bit of research and I want to read something off my screen for this, but there is such a shocking lack of nutrition in Australian medical degrees. I'm talking about doctors here in specifically Australia. I'm sure it's most places in the world, but specifically in Australia.

Doctors here are the gatekeepers of health. That's what they're deemed as, but this is quite wild. In Australian medical schools, nutrition education is barely even covered. Barely. Medical students graduate knowing next to nothing about the role of food in preventing and reversing diseases. And why? Why would this be?

Because nutrition isn't even a mandatory part of their degree. This boggles my mind. Like it actually boggles my mind. It's up to an [00:26:00] individual university here in Australia to decide if they want to include it or not. Meaning some doctors, the doctors that you, we, us may all see at some point in our life, get a couple of lectures on it.

If At all. Some get none. Some get none. If that school decides they don't want to include it because it's not important to them. Think about it for a second. Diet is one of the biggest factors in disease and it's not the sole factor. For instance, the beautiful relative of ours that passed away last week, one of the healthiest, from a diet perspective, people on the planet I've ever met.

So it's not always, but it is one of the biggest factors. Yet doctors aren't actually trained in how to use it to heal the body. They're not. Instead, they're trained in diagnosing conditions, in prescribing medications, because that is what the system is built to push.

Just like in the early 1900s. This has literally been going on since then.We actually have, honestly, a lifelong [00:27:00] symptom management system. There's no root cause solutions. If we want real health, we can't expect our doctor to give it to us. They don't have the answers for true real health, for root cause healing. We have to take it. We have to take full responsibility for it, for ourself.

This is one of the biggest takeaways for this episode. I do want to talk about when science stops being science because that's pretty much where we're at. If science can't handle any questions, it's, as I said before, it's actually a dogma.

We saw this a lot during COVID. Early COVID treatments weren't discussed. They were not allowed to be discussed. Any discussions on them were actually censored before they were even studied. Experts were erased for questioning the narrative. As I said before, doctors actually lost their licenses and lost their social media platforms, even when they were later to be proven right. The damage was already done. They were seen as an absolute quackin the Australian media history repeats itself. This is not the first time this has ever happened. Every disruptor was ridiculed before they [00:28:00] were validated. Every single one, Galileo, Tesla, just for example, they were ridiculed until they were actually validated. And that is what is happening now. Doctors in Australia have actually been validated.

The ones that questioned and said this is not safe and effective. Like the media is trying to push on you. And like these doctors are trying to push on you that have been paid to say that. Doctors actually came out and said that. Lost their licenses and now being validated. But to what extent the damage is done. So if this system has been set up to want compliance and to want us obedient and to want us to be hooked to that very system, what is the antidote? To me, it is owning our health. It is taking radical responsibility for our own health. It's about trusting the innate capabilities that our body has. And if something is not right, this is my biggest thing I can say.

If something is not right within our body, don't ignore the little messages that we get. Don't ignore them, don't suppress them. It is there for a reason, it is trying to tell us that something is not right. This is not to [00:29:00] bring fear, this is not to bring shame. If you are constantly getting a message from your body that some part of your body is not quite functioning the way that it used to, something is not quite working the way that it is designed to, or you're getting symptoms in your body that don't make sense.

Don't ignore it because what happens is, and again, this is not to bring fear, but what happens is if we are only suppressing that message, cause it is, it's our body sending a message to us. If we are simply suppressing that, that eventually gets louder and it goes from a silent little message to getting louder and louder to the next thing.

It's like a bloody Mack truck waxes in the face. That's quite a picture, isn't it? But it will keep having to, to express itself in some way. It is a message that is trying to get our attention. This is why I advocate for anything that helps to get to the root cause. And this is also why the work that I'm putting out into the world helps to get to the root cause.

Because the work that I do, so for instance, I do spinal energetics, [00:30:00] and I'm launching Calibrated as Fuck, which is my one on one 12 week program in April, which is a whole recalibration of our nervous system. The reason why I'm doing this, yes, this would be seen as quackery work. Yes, this is seen as, I don't doubt that there are people probably in my friendship circle and even family members or just acquaintances or people that I haven't had contact with for a while who probably see what I'm doing and think I've lost the plot.

I probably think I'm nuts, but I don't give a flying fuck. And the reason why I say that is because I know this work actually is impacting people at a cellular level and at a nervous system level, it gets to the root cause. It's not symptom management. I'm not here to try to encourage you to just suppress a symptom that is trying to speak to you, that is trying to get your attention.

Follow the money. Who profits from the studies that you read? Are those exact studies that you read being funded by the pharmaceutical companies? And that study is promoting a pharmaceutical [00:31:00] like bloody oath. This is happening all the time. Look for contradictions when science changes overnight, who's actually benefiting from that.

One of the things I really encourage is to not outsource our health. What happens when we actually take control of it again, that doesn't mean that we never touch modern medicine. That doesn't mean that we never take a pharmaceutical drug. My God, sinus infection over the weekend. I was spending time with family.

We were out, we're in a shopping center. I had the worst sinus pain and it was that clogged that massaging it was making my nose start to bleed a little bit. When I was blowing it, there was like blood in my tissue, sorry for the depiction. I was trying to massage it through to try to help to unclog it.

And because I knew we're going to be out for hours, I was like, I just need something right now to help with the pain and to help to try to clear this up. I walked straight into a chemist, spoke to the chemist and was like, please, can you help me? Like there is a time and a place for modern medicine. I'm not shitting all over it, but here's some [00:32:00] examples of where people have been waking up and it excites me to my core.

People are actually reversing chronic illnesses through food, through movement, like for instance, movement could be exercise. It can also be spinal energetic sessions. It can be so many different modalities out there, but also through stress management and not management as in band aiding, but actually getting to the root cause of why you're feeling so stressed.

Another way is cognitive benefits of meditation, breath work. These are things that have been mocked, still mocked today, but they're being proven effective. There's alternative treatments, and I bloody hate saying alternative, because remember, this used to be the main thing. Alternative treatments that were called quackery are now actually embraced.

A lot of people that I know actually go to a naturopath before they'll go to their doctor. Because they will see their doctor as their absolute last point of call because they know it's not going to get to the root cause, but it will help me with system management whilst [00:33:00] I'm working with my naturopath to get to the root cause.

Some refuse to go to doctors unless it's an absolute emergency. That is now me. I will not go to a doctor unless it's an emergency situation. I've done this for years and I am honestly, apart from this bloody sinus infection, which could be linked to the death of a family member, and there's been a lot of grief coming up, but.

I honestly have been in the best health that I've been in many, many years. And I do believe that when we outsource our health and our healing onto somebody as well intentioned as they are, like a doctor, if they're only trained to manage symptoms and to prescribe pharmaceuticals, I don't see the point in that.

I just don't see the point in it. And I do want to talk though, about where science does save lives, where there is the middle ground. Cause I do think it's important to bring balance to this episode. Rejecting big pharma doesn't mean rejecting medicine. It means reclaiming your right to choose. It comes down to choice, Being a rebel doesn't mean being reckless. I consider myself a rebel. [00:34:00] I'm a rebel against big pharma. I'm a rebel against modern, narratives of just suppress and just symptom manage. I'm a rebel against mainstream media that just wants to sell a particular narrative. I'm against. Science now being a dogma and basically a religion.

I am, I'm a rebel against a lot of things, but I'm not reckless. Skepticism doesn't mean denying every single medical tool that's available. It means using discernment, know when to go to one thing over another. For instance, and I mentioned this before, but balancing holistic health with practical preventative care.

So maybe you naturopath and a doctor. Maybe you have both knowing when to use medicine as a tool, but not as a belief system. It is literally a bloody dogma. I look at it as this way. I'm not rejecting medicine. It has its place,but I'm actually rejecting the manipulation because modern medicine absolutely is incredible. Emergency surgeries. Bloody oath. They are there for a reason. Trauma care, life saving [00:35:00] interventions.

This is not about rejecting medicine. I think I've made that clear. It's about knowing when to use it as a tool, but not as a whole belief system where you just worship your doctor as the know all of everything. The problem isn't the medicine. The problem is the blind trust, the outsourcing of self governments, the automatic doctor knows best mindset that strips people of responsibility for their own health.

That's what the problem is. It's not reject or obey, right? It doesn't have to be that black and white. To me, it's about learn, research, discern, and choose with your full authority what is right for you. And that could be different to somebody else. This is why I said I'm not shaming you if you take medication for something.

If you are symptom managing at the moment. That is your sovereign right to choose what you want to do for your body and what is right for you and nobody else gets a say in that. Like I really want to make that clear. I am not against you if [00:36:00] you take a pharmaceutical drug every day of your life. You get to decide what is right for your body, and it's none of my goddamn business, and it's no one else's business.

I'm not shaming you. God, this makes me emotional. I'm not against you if you symptom manage, and that is all that you have the capacity for right now. You don't want to get to the root cause because it's too scary for you, or it feels too big of a hurdle. Maybe it's not for you right now, but it will be for you in two months time, or it will be for you next year.

I'm not here to breed fear. I'm here to encourage you to use discernment and to do what is right for you, even if that looks different to somebody else, but it's about not outsourcing your sovereignty and just blindly trusting. That is my message. Obviously, if you break a bone. You don't meditate on it.

You get it set. My young daughter broke her bone as a two year old. I didn't sit there and get her to meditate and all of a sudden it was better. We went straight to the emergency. This is why I'm grateful for modern medicine. I'm grateful for the emergency part of [00:37:00] hospitals. Like they're there for a reason.

If you're in a car accident, God forbid, if you are, let's just talk about a hypothetical person. I don't even like saying that because I'm not wishing that on anyone. This hypothetical person in my head's in a car accident. They're not going to sit there and start sipping on herbal tea. And just think that that's going to make everything better.

No, they're going to get straight to an ER, right? They're going to want emergency care. If you need medical intervention, you take it, you take it because real power is knowing when to leverage every tool that is available to you. But what you don't do, and this is key, is you don't hand over your long term health to a system that is designed for lifetime customers.

That is so different. You also don't trust blindly just because an expert said so just because someone wears a lab coat or has a Certificate on a wall or works in a hospital or a doctor's clinic does not mean that you trust them blindly That's where it becomes dangerous. You know your body better than they do.

I guarantee you that you know The [00:38:00] nudges that your intuition tells you about your body that they don't hear. Yes, they're trained In in the human body. Yes, they're trained in pharmaceutical drugs. I understand that and there is a time and a place for the medicine, but they don't know your body to the level that you do. What else we don't do is we don't just numb symptoms long term instead of asking, why are they there in the first place? Why is this symptom popping up in your body continually? What is it trying to tell you? And as quack as it may sound, you can actually ask your body, you can actually ask that part of your body.

What are you trying to tell me? What am I not hearing? What am I not understanding? Please tell me. You ask that part of your body and listen. I'm not kidding you. It will tell you if you listen. It will tell you. Your body speaks to you every single day. So my message is about owning both worlds, but not as a follower, as a sovereign operator in full control of your choices.

I love the word sovereign. We are [00:39:00] all sovereign human beings. Sometimes we just forget it. We are sovereign. We don't have to hand over our bodies to medical systems that don't fully understand us and that may not even have our best interests at heart. We are sovereign and we get full choice over what it is that we do with our bodies, and I'm just encouraging you to explore, if you don't already, explore what that means for you.

Question science. That is science. It is asking questions. You don't have to blindly trust. If something doesn't feel right in your gut, believe it and trust what your gut is telling you.

Sothat's my message for today. I'm really Really like passionate about this topic because oh my god Health I've said this before is my number one value in life I know what happens when people don't have their health and it affects every single part of their life It affects their day to day.

It affects their relationships. It affects their outlook on life It affects their quality of life when we [00:40:00] don't have our health It is hard to actually enjoy life. Like truly, I see this a lot in so many people. Health is my number one value for that reason. I still, like even now talking about it, I want to go and finish my naturopathy degree and maybe one day I will.

I would also love, like this is truthfully, I don't know where the crap I'm going to get the time to do all this. I would love to study Chinese herbal medicine. I just think To understand all of it would be such a skill to have and such a knowledge base that my God could transform so many lives. If you've gotten anything out of this episode, whether you're listening to this on your podcasting platform or you're watching this on YouTube, please share it.

Please share it with someone that you know and love or someone that you think that could really benefit from this conversation. And start having these conversations with friends and family, if you don't already, not in a, trying to tell people how to live their life way, just like this episode, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life.

I'm bringing a different perspective that maybe some people haven't heard before, because I think that when you [00:41:00] hear an episode like this for someone that's only new to actually questioning systems and institutions and the status quo is like the biggest permission slip to be like, Oh, So we can think differently.

We don't all have to follow like a herd. Like, it actually revolutionizes someone's world. It's like, I grew up trusting the medical system and giving them my full faith. And over years, that started to change. And it changed the trajectory, god that's a big word, of my entire life. So start having the conversations with friends and family and people that you know, even if it is an uncomfortable conversation, again, it's not about ramming our beliefs down people's throats, but it's about just raising questions.

Raising questions is I think where the magic lies in understanding each other and bringing more understanding to conversations. Anyway, I love you guts. We're going to leave it there. Hope you have an incredible week and we'll chat soon legends. Bye.



Ep. 66 | You Don’t Need More Coping Mechanisms, You Need More Capacity