Ep. 56 | 🍿Comment Chaos: Overused Labels, Internet Outrage, and the Israel Debate
Hey legend. You know what we're here for. This is a comment chaos episode. We are going to discuss your comments and a lot of rounds of comments on different platforms, but relating to the episode that was titled, it was episode 53 antisemitism or accountability. Why Zionism? Isn't above criticism. This one was highly contentious on, I would say Tik Tok.
We're going to go through all the different comments. Let's start with Tik TOK. Let's just go straight there.
By the way I haven't actually looked at some of them yet. I have read some, but I've just gone back into the app because I only go into the app [00:01:00] every now and then. I've just gone back. And there's a whole bunch more comments, so this'll be interesting.
Okay. So one of the clips was taught with the dangerous dilution of anti-Semite meaning.
Obviously that word I said was thrown around like confetti these days. Everybody apparently is an anti-Semite. If you raise a single question about Israel's policies, about AIPAC or Zionism or just anything you're instantly labeled an anti-Semite.
So someone has written. Ah, yep. Burning shit down themselves. write Jew on toilet wall and 10 cops show up there being tongue in cheek. That doesn't actually happen. Sure.
Another one was anti-Semitism versus Zionism. And someone has said a hundred percent, all of this.
admin D has said, I mean, Zionists are currently the most anti-Semitic people on earth consider that the people currently living in Palestine, a semiotic. And many [00:02:00] Israelis are not indigenous to the region at all. There's a very good point there. Thank you for that point. School, this comments that need to be reviewed.
I find these every clip I put out. That's controversial, which is pretty much every clip. Tik Tok has comments that need to be reviewed. So I have to go in and review if I'm going to allow them or not. And normally they're like for the most random shit, I'm like, why is ticktock making me review these, go for it.
I allow freedom of speech. Say what you want within reason. Don't say you're going to.
Off somebody, but anyway, Someone said having an issue with the Israel government or questioning any government isn't anti-Semitic. The response has been wild to me. Yeah. Thousand percent agree.
Let me say these reviewed comments. Let's have a look at them.
Okay. First one, I'm literally reading this in real time, by the way, I haven't read these yet. Uh, Zionism equals depravity.
Okay. I [00:03:00] will accept that. The next one, the word Zionism is just an excuse to be anti-Semitic agree or disagree with what's happening in Gaza. All those people marching worldwide wanted to eradicate Jews worldwide, not just Israel. Got to disagree. I'm going to approve the comment. Cause I, again believe in freedom of speech, but yeah, I've got to disagree with you there.
I don't think it's about eradicating Jews. Can we stop with the nonsense? Obviously, yes, there are some people in this world who do think that, but that's not everybody.
Where has the other one gone.
Okay now I found it. So the video was titled no immunity from accountability.
the caption I put on it was it's true. Jewish people have faced horrific atrocities in history, but here's the thing that doesn't grant every Jewish person on the planet. Immunity from accountability in the present day.
This is why discussing radicals. Zionism is so crucial. The label anti-Semite has become a manipulative [00:04:00] shield to protect powerful individuals and movements from scrutiny. I stand by that this episode, dives deep into why accountability matters. And how questioning systems of power isn't hate. It's actually courage.
And then I put. What the title of the episode was so people could tune in. And this is what people have said. I'm sure there's going to be a whole bunch that we need to review. First one, is anyone holding the watermelon, idiots accountable for their disgusting behavior? I don't think so. I said, I haven't heard of watermelon idiots.
Can you help me understand? And then the person wrote yawn.
Yeah, I'm lost. I don't know what watermelon idiots refers to. I'm guessing it's something to do with Palestinians, but I actually have never heard of that. Someone else Stewart has said, oh, made up entitled buffoons. I'm guessing he's referring to Zionists. I'm not sure. This is the one that really got my attention and made me giggle. Someone by clear by 76 has written, this is anti-Semitic how [00:05:00] horrific.
Hm, what part of that was antisemitism?
Like, seriously, this is the whole point of this episode. So I said, ha ha. You should probably look up that term. You're sprouting their love. And then I wrote another comment and said, unless I'm misunderstanding because I, for all, I know they could have been tongue in cheek. Just having a joke with me.
That probably was what they meant. That's what I thought. And then here we go, you are 100% spreading blood libel against an indigenous group. White privilege allows you to do this. It's always white privilege. I'm from another indigenous group. Be ashamed. Now let's just unpack that for a second. First of all, I am a hundred percent spreading blood libel against an indigenous group.
We'll get into that in a second. Because I had to look up what that meant. What privilege allows you to do this? It's always goddamn white privilege.
There is literally a script for this. And this is what is in there. It's normally something is [00:06:00] said to you, like maybe you are anti-Semite, you're spreading blood liable. Normally it's you are a racist or like with whatever topic, right. There's always one kind of label that gets placed on you first. They always add in the white privilege to back up their claims.
And then they always ending, like, this is literally scripted. You could no matter which, which way you look at it on any topic when someone really wants to have a go and like really try to drive the knife in, this is the script that you follow. You start off with. Labeling the individual with something that, you know, that. He's controversial, then you followed up with it's their white privilege.
And then you follow that up with that. You come from an indigenous group, therefore you're entitled to say this. And then finish it with, be ashamed. It's just left the icing on top of the cake. So let's just what, what the crap. Okay. So blood libel.
This is hilarious.
I'll get into my response in a second.
So what does blood libel main in reference to Jews? Blood [00:07:00] libel is an anti-Semitic. canard, which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christians in order to use their blood in the performance of religious ritual. So let me just break that down. So if I was spreading blood liable a hundred percent, apparently. Then it means I'm accusing Jews of murdering Christians in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals. What part. Are you saying. Like holy shit.
People were like screw loose. What part of me saying that? Yes. History was horrific to Jews, but that does not mean that now extreme Zionists. Can get away with atrocious things today. Under the guise of, but we were hurt. In history. So, therefore you can't question us and you can't call out our behaviors or our policies that we're trying to push or [00:08:00] whatever you're not allowed to because of history.
And I think that's ridiculous. I think that no matter what group protected group indigenous group doesn't matter what. Yes, we can acknowledge history was horrific to groups, but that does not remove accountability from present day. That was my message. What part of that specifically was referencing. Jews. Killing Christians and using their blood in rituals.
Help me understand.
So. I wrote.
OMG time to educate yourself. Which part of this clip is spreading blood libel specifically. And then I said, be very specific please. And they didn't come back.
They actually didn't come back with anything. I was just like, he can't, that's the thing you can't. If somebody genuinely has a question about something that I said, I would give them the time of day and answer it for them. But this was just, it's just [00:09:00] weird. But look, I want to say this. I had a giggle over, I genuinely have a giggle and I mean, you can tell by my demeanor, it's not, I don't find it offensive.
Like that's not offensive to me. Those kinds of things don't stick because like, obviously there's zero basis for it. I actually find it really humorous. I quite enjoy conversing with human beings. I just find that when someone comes out with the most outlandish claims like that, and you say, okay, okay. But show me specifically where that's happening.
They can't, there's no basis for it. My understanding is this individual comes from whatever indigenous group that she's claiming she comes from therefore, and this is very common. Therefore. They see it as their life goal. Now, again, this is just my own take on what they're saying. They see it as their life goal to now protect in their minds.
Every other it group out there that they think needs protecting. Even if their claims have zero basis. And even if that group [00:10:00] doesn't need protection, it's do we get life going to go and protect them? It's yeah. That's okay. You. You parade on my love parade on you're doing wonders for. One is for the world. Holy shit. And then we've got the wombat.
They've said you are right. They need to be accountable for their actions. Like how dare they defend themselves against genocidal groups when they didn't in the 1930s and forties. And look, that is one way of looking at it. I know that that is what I group of individuals. You may, you listening may agree.
You may say, look. They're defending themselves.
Yeah, sure. That might be one way. I think it's beyond that at this point. I don't actually think it is defense. I think they have the, the offense. I'm not talking about Jews. I'm talking about Israel. Talking about Israel and I'm talking about extreme Zionism. So I'm going to say. You need to separate Jews and Zionists.
And I said a hundred percent. That's what this episode was all about. They said, sorry, I didn't hear the word Zionist at all. I said, no need to be, sorry. This is a very short clip from a 30 [00:11:00] plus minute episode. They said, no worries. We have to be careful. The Nazis are always co-opting good messages for their own narrative.
Yeah, I'm definitely not, definitely not a Nazi and no Nazis.
Co-opting. Trust me, no Nazis are taking my clips and. Spreading them. Someone else has said, IDF soldiers need to be held in detention until their war crimes are investigated. Yep. They have a point.
All right.
Let's pop on over to we'll go to YouTube quickly. I can't remember if we had comments there or not.
Oh, yeah, that was that's right. So another one,
So this was a clip that was also the one that went to Tik TOK. This was the dilution of a serious accusation. So someone has said, yes, questioning violence is not being an anti-Semite. Calling it out is being a caring, human being hate and naked aggression should not be tolerated by any country or race or religion. And I love, how did they comment?
Someone else has said, so you would take God's name in vain that easily. Ha [00:12:00] let me ask you this. Would you say the N bomb? No. Do you really want to have that conversation on judgment day that you worshiped politics more than you worship your creator? It's because I said, God damn. So I said, God damn in the video clip. So it was a very short video clip, but I said that the term. You know, anti-Semitic is being thrown around like goddamn confetti. And that's the response from these persons.
So I said, try listening to a message in full, instead of getting caught on one word that hurt your precious feelings. I don't think God would give a flying fuck, to be honest, he's bigger than that. Cause I used the word goddamn. So he said,
Ah, I love getting preached to the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride, an arrogancy and the evil way, and the F. Froward mouth do I hate that was Proverbs. Eight verse 13, by the way. And then it's got another scripture for me, but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give [00:13:00] a count.
There are in the day of judgment. That was Matthew chapter 12, verse 36. For reference. If you're following along at home, you mock your own message and ruin it. So I said,
God bless you. My beloved brother.
Now, listen, I. It's not up to me, how somebody receives what I say, they get to receive it in any way they want. It's only on me, what I say. So I say, God bless you. My beloved brother. And he said, God bless you as well. There we go. In a conversation. It was just like, I don't, I don't need scriptures.
And one of the other clips was about questioning power courageously. Again, they didn't have context. I didn't even speak about what topic I was referencing. I'm just saying question like let's use our voices. And. I mentioned in the caption, it does say the episode that I'm referencing, but obviously people don't always read the caption.
So somebody said, oh, where's it gone? Oh, I [00:14:00] hate it. When YouTube removes the comments. Like it says two comments, but then we can't actually read them. So I'm going to have to try and go into my YouTube studio to see if I can actually still read them just so you know, if you ever write something on YouTube and it's not there, it's not me removing it.
I don't like say what you want. I will not remove, remove anybody's comments. I've got to try and see if I can now see them in the back end though. That's so annoying. Okay. I found it. I found it here. I think they didn't even say anything wrong. I'm not sure why it was removed. It was probably because of my response actually. Anyway, they S this guy, Damien Scott, he said, that's right, man. It's time to get your equality. He probably thought that my message of speak up.
We need more people to speak up was probably about women's rights or something. Wasn't it was about anti. The antisemitic word, getting thrown around. But anyway, he's like, that's right, man. It's time to get your own quality. And I said, ha ha. This was about the term anti-Semite getting thrown around.
If you simply raise a question about Israel's policies or extreme Zionism, et cetera, but sure. [00:15:00] You can relate it to anything with the little emoji like this. Yeah, I thought that was funny again. I always say people don't have context and they don't. This is why I don't like I don't, I try not to judge someone's comment instantly.
Cause I'm like, they don't know what I'm talking about. Unless they take the time out of their day to go and listen or watch the full episode. They don't know what I'm referencing. So they probably think I'm. Champion women's rights in that. And no, it was actually. That's something completely different. But God, I love the comments.
I love reading the comments section of a lot of these clips and videos, and there's more, but it's just getting too long. I'll leave it there. So thank you for joining in the conversation, guys. What were your thoughts about that video? What were your thoughts about that podcast episode? About the word anti-Semite getting overused these days?
Do you agree? Do you disagree? What is your take? Let me know. I love you have an awesome week. Legend by.