Ep. 41 | Us vs. Them: Breaking Free from the System’s Greatest Con
Hey legends. How are you? Welcome back to another episode. Today's gonna be a little bit different. I feel like it's time for a bit of an update. Uh, where I sit even with the U S elections that were at the time of recording this, they were last week. Where I sit with the whole state of the world politically in every single way. Yeah, what my thoughts are. I also wanted to discuss my view on just stuff that I'm noticing and seeing.
And I think this will surprise a lot of you. I just even a bit of a life update. So yeah, different episode, this isn't one on a particular topic. Like, we're not doing a deep dive into a particular topic today. It's just more getting some things off my chest, having a bit of a chat, chit chat with you.
And. Yeah, discussing. That's state of the world at the moment. Uh, I wanted to start with, I have actually noticed, so obviously I have a controversial podcast. I discuss very controversial topics. I discuss things on my [00:01:00] Instagram accounts, on my social media accounts. So I have my. Controversial as fuck Instagram account, but I also have a Holly wild Instagram account.
And the reason why I separated them is because I wanted to be able to put all of the podcasts, clips and topics onto its own. You know, Instagram account. And then eventually when I relaunched my services with my business, I do like healing work in healing work. When I relaunched that I wanted it to be separate from the podcast.
So I have the two different pages, but. What I've actually noticed is I have some people. That stalk me and not in a bad way. You're allowed to stalk whoever the crap you want on social media that does not bother me at all. It's just, I notice people that don't follow me, people that I know of. So I'm not talking about like friends, like people that I know of. Uh, in Australia, especially in Perth that watch my stories rather religiously or at certain times. I've noticed, um, and that come and go, so [00:02:00] they don't follow me, but they are intrigued obviously whether that's for good or bad, whatever it does not matter. But I've noticed that some people that are popped off the radar came back on the week of the elections.
And I think it's because. And this is my own interpretation of it. Right? But I find that when you have a platform that is quite controversial and you speak on very taboo topics and you speak quite strongly, especially when you speak strongly against mainstream ideas, mainstream topics, if your views are quite different. You know, they garner a lot of projections.
That is a thing, right? We all project okay none of this is to put anyone down, like I project, we all do. to give an example we can hear somebody speak and somebody say something and a bunch of us will hear something different from what they've said, because it's not just what they're saying.
It's what we're implying that they're saying it's based off our worldview has nothing to do with that individual. It's all about us, how we interpret life, how we interpret the world and what our [00:03:00] interpretation of what we think they're trying to say rather than what is actually being said. Right. So because I have come out very strongly on topics.
Like for instance, You know, I don't agree with pushing, you know, the transgender movement on to kids and onto teenagers. Like I think if an adult, and I've said this very strongly, if an adult decides that they want to go and have a sex change and they want to now, you know, let's say it's a man who now wants to call themselves a woman.
They have every right to do that as a consenting adult, who's in charge of their own body. Right. Do what they want. Does that mean that I now believe that that man actually is a woman. No, of course not. There's still a man. But if they decide that they want to call themselves a woman, they have every right to do that.
I don't believe that they should now be allowed to use female bathrooms. And I don't believe that they should be allowed to compete in competitive women's sports. Like that is the biggest unfair disadvantage. If a biological male competes in women's sports. [00:04:00] I've said this, I stand strongly on that. That is not going to change.
Like I very strongly have said that. I've also come out and spoken about the pronouns, like the enforcement of pronouns. Again, if an adult decides that they now have gone from being a female into a male, for instance. And so they now want everyone to call them, he, she and their friends go along with it.
Who gives a damn, I don't care what people do in their life. Where I draw the line is don't force me to call you a man when clearly you are a woman. Right. And I just. I don't agree with that. Does that mean I'm going to be disrespectful to them? No. Does that mean I'm going to bully them? No. Does that mean that, you know, I'm going to put them down and make them feel small?
No, they can do whatever they want. What I'm saying is I now don't have to go onto my social media and put my pronouns just to make you feel comfortable. Right. I just, I'm very strong on that. I think that enforcing pronouns in schools, in workplaces, on email [00:05:00] signatures and all that kind of stuff, if someone decides they want to do it for themselves, that's completely different.
If it's being forced onto society, I don't agree with it. Right. So when you have. Have a platform. When you say strong things like this, that go against what is being pushed by mainstream ideology, right? I go against it very, very strongly. You do Donna, a lot of attention and a lot of projections because of that. And that's okay.
I'm not complaining about that. It comes with the territory, I'm in full acceptance of that. I am in full acceptance of the fact that no matter what I say, people will still choose to misunderstand me and that's okay. But also, no matter what I say, people are still going to fill in the blanks of what they think.
I'm trying to say. So, what I noticed is during election week, I had a lot of people that had kind of a, again, that don't follow me, but they come and go watching my stories that really were watching my stories like every single day during election week. I think, and this is my own projection. So let me make it clear.
This is my projection. This is not [00:06:00] truth. This is my projection. Right? So this is why I say I don't judge people. That project onto me because we all fricking do it. My projection is I think that because I speak so strongly on matters that most people would come out and say, oh, she's a Trump supporter.
Or. She is. You know, right. Leaning in politics, or she would have this stance on X, Y, Z, or she will be so vocal. About it, or she will be the type that'll Ram it down people's throats, you know, whatever. Right. This is my, my own projection of what I think people might think of me. Right. Could be, it's not factual. I don't know, it's a projection, right? But I think people were genuinely surprised that I actually didn't say anything.
And this is why I actually wanted to talk about it an episode, because I want to make it clear. When I speak up about topics, I am against the system, not the individual. Let me say that again. So it cannot be misunderstood even though it's [00:07:00] still will be and that's okay. I am against systems I'm against certain institutions.
I'm against certain authorities powers that be in this world, right? The system is I always call it. I stand strongly against the system that breaks down. Someone's self authority that breaks down individual self trust. The self trust we have in our bodies. For instance, big pharma. I'm very strongly against big pharma. Because I see the damage that it's having on every single human being that sells themselves to big pharma, right?
They've been sold a lie. Don't trust your body. Trust us. And every single individual that has gone down that path is. Has fucked up health. Like it's very clear you are reliant. If you take one substance you're then reliant on the next 10 that go with it. Right. So I am against the system. I not against the individual.
It's the same. When it comes to the transgender movement, I am against pushing it and [00:08:00] enforcing it on teens. And on children, but I am not against an individual who is transgender. I would be. Let me make this so fricking crystal clear. If I walked through, like I live in Perth, Western Australia. If I walked through the mall right there, the city mall, and I saw a transgender individual being jumped on by people and beaten up just because they were transgender.
Guess what I guarantee hand on heart, especially as an ex police officer. I would be the first person to run in and jump in and try to defend that transgender individual that is being beaten up. I am not against an individual. That person has every single fricking right. To decide what they want to do with their life.
As long as they do not harm somebody else. Right. I. I am very protective of children, as long as, as I said, if someone is a consenting adult and decides that they want to go and change their sex, even though I don't believe it [00:09:00] actually does change their sex. If they in their world believed that they can go from being a man to being a woman.
And then they dress, they now dress as a woman and ask to be called as a female. They have every right to do that as an adult, as long as they are not pushing it onto kids. That's where I draw the line. Right. And as long as we now don't have to bow down and go and change our pronouns in our bio's and our email signatures and in workplaces, right.
That's where I draw the line. But I will make it so clear. I am not against the individual. I would defend someone if I saw them being bullied or beaten up just because they were transgender. Just the same way I would, if someone was beaten up because of race. Or beaten up because of religion. I am not against the individual. And this is why my political views will probably shock some of you. I don't align with any party. [00:10:00]
If I was an American and I had to vote, I would put my name on the voting card. That may shock some of you. Let me say this to be fully transparent and honest. If I had to choose between Trump and Kamala, I think Trump is better. I genuinely think Trump is better. Does that mean that I am a supporter of Trump or that I am a supporter of the Republican party?
No. I'm just saying, when you look at them on paper, it doesn't take a freaking rocket scientist to work out that Trump would likely do a much better job than someone like Kamala, who wasn't even voted in. Okay. I will say that. Also for completely selfish reasons. Trump, in my opinion, would be better for my Bitcoin stash. Right because Bitcoin obviously increases in value.
When you have someone like Trump at the helm, who has people in his inner circle who are very pro Bitcoin. I love Bitcoin. I have Bitcoin. [00:11:00] I am an investor into Bitcoin. I believe Bitcoin is the answer for humans to break our money away from a fit fricking fake currency, where our money is in banks that are corrupted, where they have full control.
Give you an example. My God, I'm already going off on tangents. Please remind me in a second to get back to the political party, but. You can't actually talk back to me. Can you, we're not actually having a conversation. I feel like we're in a cafe having a conversation. I'm on a rant. What was I saying? Bitcoin. Ah, yes.
So for instance, I had money coming to me recently, right? And it was deposited as a check into my bank account from this same bank, from one bank account into another. So the bank had, all they had to do is transfer a large sum of money from one of my banks, my bank accounts into another, and they chose to do it via check, which was very annoying.
Right. But it happened. And after the fact, I was like, can you please rush this through. Guess [00:12:00] what? They had three days to hold that money. I could not do anything about it. They had three days. To do what they wanted with that money. That was legally mine. That was my money, but because of their procedure, because they deposited as a check from the same bank from one of my bank accounts into another, but they had three days to then go and put my money.
That was rightfully mine onto whatever stock exchange they wanted invest into whatever they wanted and they could make money off my money for those three days. well actually was for four business days that it took for that check to clear, right. I rang them, put the money in my account right now. It is legally mine.
Put it in into my account right now. There was nothing. I tried everything right. Legally I had no access to my own money. That was very frustrating. They were able to make money off my money while I had no access to it for four freaking business days ended up being a full week because the weekend was included that I did not [00:13:00] have access to a very large sum of money.
That was rightfully mine. The reason why I share this with you is because the way that we are going, when it comes to. At the lack of free speech, especially with what is happening in Australia right now with laws that are being passed. On what we can, and can't say online, it is going to get to the point.
And I don't say this with fear. Right. I'm not here to push and, you know, propagate fear. I'm not a propagandist here. I'm trying to say this with full self authority in the fact that we get to choose what we do with this information, but hear me out. With laws that have been passed in Australia, especially for myself with a controversial podcast, it could get to the point, right?
Where, or we don't like what Holly has said online, especially if this platform booms, right. Let's just say this platform gets real big. And we get a lot of people listening in which I believe we already have a lot of people listening and looking at the stats. I'm so freaking proud of this podcast.
Thank you for tuning in, but if it blows real big, let's just say it gets really, really [00:14:00] big and people are really paying attention. Like it's well-known. It could get to the point where I say something that the powers that be don't like that could be the government big pharma, the system at large, the medical cartel or the Zionist regime, going to look into that one very soon. Let's say the Zionist regime and not happy with Holly and controversial as fuck.
Big math with big mafia, big pharma, the mafia. And not happy. The government, the Australian, government's not happy, whatever. They could be like, let's shut down her social media account right now. But they could also be like, Hmm. And I'm talking about in the future, let's stop access to her funds.
Like that is a way that this has going let's cut access to her bank accounts, and guess what? What could I do in that instance? This is why I'm a big proponent of having money outside of
The regular financial systems that we [00:15:00] all rely on. So the banking systems, the banking cartel, essentially from Fiat currency and instead having something like Bitcoin, and I'm not talking about the shit coins that are out there, by the way, I'm not a Bitcoin expert.
I'm going to have someone come on the podcast to discuss this with me because I'm not an expert at all. I'm a novice in the world of Bitcoin, but I'm talking about where we are in full control of our money and we are not reliant on some institution. That we have to ask for access to our money. You know, I was also asked, I wanted to transfer a large sum of money.
This is separate from the example I just gave. A large sum of money and the bank wanted to know what I was wanting to transfer the money for. And my response was nobody's business, but mine, why am I being asked this? Like, this is none of the bank's business don't ever. I actually said don't ever ask me that question again. What I do with my money is a hundred percent on me.
And it is not on anybody else. I understand you're following protocol and I was [00:16:00] not rude to the individual. I was saying this to the banking system. Don't ever ask me that question again. What I do with my money is on, is on me and it is my goddamn business and nobody else's. By the way I would never be disrespectful to someone in a service-based position just to make that clear before that projection gets cast my way, but to the banking system don't ever goddamn.
Ask me again, what I'm spending my money on. It is none of your fucking goddamn business. This is why I'm very strong about having money outside of the regular banking system. Anyway. So what I was saying was back to Trump. For selfish reasons. Having Trump in office is awesome for my Bitcoin stash, because I really do believe that that is going to skyrocket in the next 12 months and continue and beyond.
But. Back to the political system. And the reason why I think people have been watching my stories in particular in the last week, since the elections. And since, you know, Trump was putting power is because I hold those strong views on don't enforce being transgender onto kids. Don't [00:17:00] enforce the pronoun usage.
I'm not a fan of the feminist movement. Like. God, what else? What else have I said? I don't believe masculinity even can be toxic that I don't agree with the hospital mandates and with the COVID mandates. Like it was such an overreach from the government and from big pharma and from the system at large. I don't agree with forcing vaccines on anybody. And I also don't agree with the current childhood vaccine schedule.
Like I speak so strongly on every topic. I don't agree with how the education system is today. I think that it is setting children up and by the way, not every school and I'm not against teachers again, I'm against the system, not the individual I'm on such a rant, but I think that is teaching kids to be obedient Compliant worker bees, which is what the original schooling system was set up for.
Right. To pump out factory workers. I don't agree with it. I think it [00:18:00] needs a complete overhaul. Complete overhaul, complete reform. And I think that there are so many incredible teachers out there that are calling for this. It's not just parents asking for this. The teachers are like, principals are, we need a complete overhaul.
So anyway, I call out so many different systems because I am a questioner at heart. In human design. My whole life theme is questioning institutions, authorities, and the status quo. That is literally what my life theme is. And the more that I go into that kind of energy in everything that I do. The more, I feel like very much like I'm living my purpose.
So this is what my whole life purpose is. Right. So the more that I questioned these systems, the more I understand projections will come my way where people think I'm against individuals and I'm not. I'm not against you. If you're trans I'm not, and not against you. If you have pronouns in your bio, I think it's a bit ridiculous, but I'm not against you. I think you [00:19:00] might be a bit of a people pleaser, but I'm not against you.
I don't hate you. I don't hate anybody on the planet. So that's why I wanted to do an episode about this. I don't align with any co any political party. I do think Trump was a much better candidate though, than Kamala Harris. Let me make that clear. Now do I think. That they're all puppets. Yes. And no.
Yes and no. I think that you don't get into a position of power without. Having some form of influence outside of you. But I do think Trump to a degree is an exception to that. And I want to explain what I mean. I think that he is a cowboy that shoots from his hip. I think he just says things like he you've seen him.
Right. Whether it was on Joe Rogan. Whether it's, doing interviews or doing press conferences or speaking to what do they call them? Those mass, whatever it is, whenever he's speaking, he just shoots from the hip. He is not [00:20:00] scripted. It's very evident. He's not scripted. And I naturally respect that more than someone who's reading from a script.
I naturally trust someone more than if that person is reading from a script. Right. And I think most people feel that way just feels more authentic. It's like you're getting more substance when somebody is just speaking from the heart. Then if they're reading a script like now, right. If it's evident, I'm not reading a script, right.
I'm getting animated. I'm saying. Words that maybe I wouldn't normally say if I was reading a script, I'm, you know, my, the way my, my tone is different and my, my timing is different. Right. You tend to trust someone who is being authentic and speaking from their heart. Then if they're reading a script, Especially when it comes to political candidates, because you know, that script is not written by them anyway.
So even more so. And I think that's why Trump was trusted more because of the fact that he's just a cowboy that is shooting from the hip. I think he has narcissistic tendencies for sure. But I actually am drawn to the guy. I find him very charismatic. I think [00:21:00] he's highly intelligent. I think he's great for the economy.
Does that mean that I now bow down and worship the guy and think he's the savior? No, I actually think. That no matter what, they all have some level of influence from the Zionist, I'm going to call him the Zionist mafia. i've been, going down a rabbit hole and I'm going to do a whole separate episode on Zionism and Israel, because I do think, and before anyone flings the anti-Semite word, my way, just big, deep breath. This is not about jews. Okay, this is not about Jews in particular. I think that there is a group of individuals that are Zionists that do have extreme. Power and control in this world to the point that any political candidate to a degree answers to them, including Trump, in my opinion, In my opinion now I've made it [00:22:00] clear.
I think Trump is a better candidate than Kamala Harris. If I had a gun to my head and I had to choose one of them, I, a thousand percent would've chosen Trump over Kamala Harris. I found 1% would have, I was happy that Trump won over Kamala Harris. Does that mean that I am a Republican? No. First of all, Australia, but also does that mean that I would have that I would have voted Republican?
No, I, as I said, I would have put my own name down on the ballot paper. Right. I. Yes. I think he's a better candidate, but what I'm going to make clear is I still think he answers to someone, right? This is my opinion. I still think he answers to someone. Even with, for instance, Bobby Kennedy. Right?
So RFK Jr. I think he does incredible things against big pharma. I think he does incredible things for children's health, for our health as adults. I think he's incredible at fighting against the system. I can see that, but I still think he answers to the Zionist regime. I still think he answers to Israel.
I [00:23:00] do. I think he has ties with Israel that are a little bit concerning. Does that make me anti-Semite? No. It does not. I just want to talk about it. I just want to hold space for it. And the more I'm going down the rabbit hole, the more I, as I said, I would do a whole separate episode, but let me make it clear.
I did not talk much. In fact, I didn't talk at all on my stories about. You know, the election week and election day, because I am an observer. I love to just observe. I think that. It was a great outcome. As far as out of the two candidates. I do think it was a great outcome. I think that there is a lot of propaganda being pushed about abortion.
That is not factually correct. I think that there I've seen even friends on Facebook I've actually noticed on people's stories. People screaming and saying like, oh my God, if anyone voted for Trump, then it means you are anti-woman, that's ridiculous. Like use, some of your brain cells and actually look into it for yourself. Actually look into it for yourself.
He's not [00:24:00] actually anti abortion. If you actually read, like some people have said, oh my God, I had a miscarriage. And if I didn't have a DNC done, when I had my miscarriage, I would have died. And now that he's in power, it means that women are all just going to die. Like use your brain cells. Don't be so ridiculous.
Calm yourself. Don't just believe what is being propagated on by mainstream media or on social media, and actually look into the facts and actually go. Go down the rabbit hole for yourself and you realize you actually sound really fucking ridiculous. Like I'll say that first and foremost, I'll do a whole episode on my views on abortion.
That may surprise you. They may not surprise you, but I think that's ridiculous to say that Trump is anti woman. Like let's just. As I said, I would have put my own name down on a ballot paper, but I still think you're being ridiculous. If you just believe what is being pushed by mainstream. Like you are being a puppet, essentially.
You're not actually reading what is actually being said and what the actual laws actually are. So anyway, there's that. But what I was saying is I do believe that all [00:25:00] candidates still answer to Israel. I think all candidates do answer to the Zionist regime. Trump included. To a degree. I think he holds a lot of charisma.
I think people respect him more. I think that the economy will be much better under him. I think that there is a bit of hope being put back into humanity. But my message above all as I've said is I am not against the individual I'm against this system. And what I found is that makes me sick. And it could have gone either way.
Is that wince when someone is very so far aligned with a political party, no matter whether it's left or right. Or in between. That when they won. They mock who lost. And this could have gone either way. It would have been the same. Right. So I saw it a lot with Trump's supporters, absolutely mocking.
Those who would have voted left, who would have voted Democrat, the democratic party. [00:26:00] It would have been the same if the democratic party won. If Kamala Harris won, right. They would have mocked because it has done. It's happened in history. Would have mocked all the Trump supporters, right. This is where I think the issue lies.
If you are so heavily aligned with. A identity that is made up of an ideology, right. For instance, You see people pretty much go to war over your football team. And I don't mean that in a joking way. I mean like literal. Like brutal murders have happened because you are so identified with a football team and if your football team loses or if your football team wins and the other team loses and you guys end up in a fight, people have died for that kind of shit.
Right. I think it's the same that when you are so far aligned with a political party, that your entire identity is. Is based on that. It's dangerous ground. And this is where I saw a lot of us versus them. This year has been a massive wake up [00:27:00] call for me to pull myself out of. And I'm still in it. I'm still in it.
I'm still learning. I'm human. Right? I am not acting as though I'm some advanced human being. I'm not, I'm far fricking from it. I am extremely fragile at times. Like I have a lot of humanity, a lot of humility in me and a lot of grace in me because I have felt the depths of pain this year in a way. That I likely have not felt at any other point in my life.
I want to make that clear, like I'm coming to you, not as some enlightened awakened being who has transcended 3d human reality. And I'm now living in five D I am fucking not like I am the most flawed human being on the planet. And I'm so aware of my flaws every single day. And I'm so aware of my humanity and my realness and my brokenness.
So let me make that clear. But one thing I have felt very pulled to come away from as much as possible is any us versus them thinking. I came out of that with religion, right? When I left religion. [00:28:00] And decided that I don't want to align with a particular religion anymore. I was like, awesome. I've broken away from that us vs them, but I actually hadn't. I just flipped sides.
I'd gone from being this religious person that felt like I had to save the world to a non-religious person that was poo hooing anyone that was religious. It was still an us versus them. Right. I felt the same. You know, when I've come out of.for instance, big pharma. I used to just, if, if a doctor told me I needed a pill, I would've taken it 10 times over. Right.
Just trusted. I took every vaccine under the sun. I just trusted everything. And it was like a us versus them type thing of like, you know, And this would be subconsciously, but like, yeah, I trust the government. Yeah. I trust the medical system. It's almost like a, you're a weirdo. If you're a bit of a hippie that doesn't trust the medical system, like it was an us versus them. I thought parents that didn't vaccinate their kids within most selfish parents on the planet.
Right. And then I flipped [00:29:00] over years. I started to be like, Ooh, And I do still fall into the us versus them because I am very critical of systems. I'm very critical of big pharma. I'm very critical of the government and I've got to check it in myself all the time of hang on, you're still in the us versus them.
You've just flipped what flipped sides. Right. I'm so acutely aware of this and I can see it when it comes to political parties, right. Versus left left versus right. The problem that I see with that is they are keeping us divided. And this is my message. As I've said, I'm against the system, not the individual, the more that we see sides, the more separate we are and the more the system is winning. The system wins. The system is set up to keep us separated, separated from ourselves and separated from each other. That is literally what it's there for, because. One when we're United as one big group, we are powerful, but when we are United within ourselves and trust ourselves, And have self-responsibility.
We are so freaking [00:30:00] powerful. This system does everything it possibly can to keep us separated from that every single day from those two things. Keep us separate from ourselves. Keep us relying on big pharma for our health. Keep us relying on an education system for our, you know, intellectual capabilities. Keep us reliant on the government for handouts and keep us relying on the government for answers.
And, you know, we just have to obey whatever the government says. You could do this with every system, keep us reliant on the financial system for our financial autonomy. Whereas really we have no financial autonomy. They can cut off access to our banks at any point, if they really wanted to like it's happened, if there's wifi malfunctions and we can't get to our bank accounts, we're screwed. What do you do?
What if you can't get your money out right. And then it's the same with keeping us separate. Right? So the more that we look at, oh, which political party are you with you? Right? Or left? We're separate. We're not United.
So I have no issues discussing individuals. [00:31:00] I have no issues discussing, for instance, political candidates.
I will sit and talk about Trump, or I will sit and talk about Kamalah. I have no issues talking about families in power. Like I've said, you know, big families, I believe wield a lot of influence behind the scenes. I have no issues talking about someone who's in government or, you know, maybe someone who's at the head of big pharma.
So I will discuss them as individuals and the power that they hold. But what I'm saying is at the end of the day, I'm not against an individual I'm against the system that they are representing. So I do believe this is why people were watching my stories, quite heavily, people that come and go and people that kind of do a little bit of a stalky stalk on Instagram. During the week of
The election. And I think that we'll let down by the fact that I didn't buy into it. I'm not buying into us versus them. And when I do, by the way, I'm going to make mistakes. But when I do. I check it in myself really, really regularly, because the more that I am in a us versus them. I think the system is winning. And I did see that, like there's people that [00:32:00] hold a lot of influence that I follow on social media.
Uh, there's people that, you know, I respect, I don't respect everything they say, but I respect them as individuals for having the gonads to actually stand strongly on their views. But I didn't like how they then rubbed it into other people's faces because their political party lost or because they're, you know, the person that they wanted to win lost.
I. I don't think you have to do that. I think that shows a lack of character when it comes down to, you know, mocking someone just because their political party lost or mocking someone because the person that they wanted in power lost, I think that's, that runs the risk of getting into like childish games and it just shows a lack of maturity in my opinion. So that's where I sit on it.
I would have put my name on the ballot paper. I actually would have done that. And I think that. Yes. You've heard the saying of what is it? The two wings of the same bird. It's like an airplane. Yes. They might be two separate wings, but they're all attached to the same bird. I think there is truth to that. I do think Trump was a [00:33:00] cowboy.
And I do think that he, that there were attempted assassinations on him for a reason. I think that he is a threat to the system to a degree. A thousand percent. But I do think he still has to answer to there's something behind it that I want to understand. At this point, I sit with it's Zionism.
It's the Zionists. Israel was something about Israel. There's something there I want to look into. No, I'm not pretending I'm some detective or that I'm going to find all the answers, but they're just, there's something fishy about the Zionist. Cartel we'll call them. And I think there's something fishy about Bobby Kennedy's connection with that rabbi schmoley guy or God, he seems like a train wreck.
If I've ever seen a train wreck, there's just. Something fishy about it all. And so I do think they still, no matter who's in power, I still think the answer to someone and I want to know who the crap that someone is. Or who those people are. Maybe I'll never get the answers, but I'm always going to try and find it. So that was one thing I [00:34:00] wanted to catch you all up on.
The other thing is I've been going deep down the rabbit hole of self-healing. And I actually fly in a couple of weeks across Australia, actually at the end of November, to do a training course in a modality called spinal energetics. I'm training through a chiropractic doctor.
Sarah, I've just forgotten her last name. It's escaped my mind, but she, she created the modality spinal energetics, and I'm going to learn it. And I'm so fascinated with this modality and I'm going to be bringing it as a component of my services into 2025. So for those that knew me before I even launched controversial as fuck I was doing self healing services.
I'm certified in root cause therapy. I was doing root cause therapy sessions with my clients. I put all of it on hold earlier this year, just as I navigate some stuff in my personal life. And I wanted to focus solely on this podcast and dedicate my time to this podcast. Uh, as a priority. So with the intent of bringing my services back in 2025, so that is [00:35:00] still happening.
I've been getting messages. I still regularly get messages of people that are wanting to work with me, people that are waiting for me to bring my services back. And that will be happening, but I'm also going to be adding in spinal energetics as a service as well, which is incredible. I am very woo woo.
I love like spiritual esoteric topics and modalities. Anything that, that deals with like energy, not just what we see on a physical matter, but what we can't see. but I think the reason why people are intrigued to work with me, that I'm finding is because I'm the real deal. And I can say that with full confidence, I'm the real deal.
I don't. I speak in some overly soft pretend spiritual voice. I don't wear all the spiritual clothing thinking I have to dress like I'm in some weird spiritual cult. You know, I don't have particular words that I say all the time that are just so bizarre that no one knows whatever the crap I'm talking about.
I'm not always talking about my twin flame and my, this and my that. I don't know. I just, look, I [00:36:00] sound mocking right now. This is me going into us versus them, but I see some real issues within the spiritual community of just over the top fakeness that is honestly repelling the everyday human being.
We just want realness. And again, this ties back to Trump. I think that's why he won. I think he came across as a very real human being flaws and all he was not politically correct. He did not say all the right things all the time. He did not. always portray himself as this polished professional politician, because that's not what he was.
And I think people warm to that. I think that when we pretend and when we act like we're something that we're not, we actually aren't. It is so. Palpable people feel that they feel that there's something not worth trusting. There's something that's off. And I think People felt that with Kamala Harris, she could not get substance from her.
You could not get a feeling of like, who is this woman? Like, let's just let's. I really wanted her to do the interview with Jo Rogan. [00:37:00] And I actually wanted to hear her speak for three hours, just to get a sense of who is this woman? Is there actually anything there? Is she just fake? Is she just phony?
Is she just acting people want substance? And I think the more real that we are and the more that we actually just are ourselves. People feel it so strongly. So that's my update. My update is
I'm flying in a couple of weeks. I can't wait for this training course. I'm pumped to bring it to you. I am very, very excited for what is to come with my services that I will weave back in, in 2025.
And. I'm pumped for this podcast. I love where it's going. That's my update for you guys. So yeah, I hope that helps to bring clarity. I'm against the system. I'm not against the individual. I'm very much constantly checking myself to not go into us versus them. Although I just did it before. You you'll hear me.
I'm not pretending that I have arrived and that I am now perfect at this. I'm not at all. But, yeah, I hope you enjoyed my little catch up rant. I hope you have an incredible week. Legends. I [00:38:00] love talking with you and thank you for being here. We are hitting some really cool milestones with this podcast.
More and more people are listening in every week and every month. The next exciting. So thank you. Thank you for being here, whether it's listening on one of the podcasting platforms or watching on YouTube. I so appreciate you and have a great week. Legends. Bye.