Ep. 16 | 🍿 Comment Chaos: Followers, Feedback, and Fierce Opinions


16. Comment Chaos

[00:00:00] Hey legends. Welcome back to another comment. Chaos episode. I am so grateful to have you here again. So, this is obviously the, the follow-up episode to whatever topic we've got going on in the podcast. Whether this week, last week whatever's, whatever's popping and basically. And, you know, I like to comment on the most chaotic, controversial, the dumbest, the wonkiest, the most insightful. Pretty much every comment out there.

I like to see what's popping over on YouTube, on my Tiktok. on my Instagram. Any of my platforms, by the way, I'm on quite a few now. So yeah, I've got Instagram, Tik, TOK, YouTube. That'd be my main ones. I also push my content out to Pinterest now and two X, which was Twitter, but now called X.

So. I'm across the board. There's one comment in particular that I would like to discuss. And then we'll, we'll jump over to Tik. TOK has one of my videos, got quite a few comments on it, so [00:01:00] we'll discuss that. But first I actually wanted to take you back. Let's go back for a second. Back to when a man, a few weeks back now, I actually had a video, a Instagram real go viral.

You'll probably remember this from weeks ago. It was about feminist. The feminist movement, I should say. And. I'll show you on screen. This was the real, if you're watching this on YouTube, you'll see me there. So this was the real, it is now at 60,000 views or 60,500. Views right. When I first discussed this on a comment chaos episode, it was on, I think, 30,000, no more than 50,000 or 40,000 or something like that.

Okay. So it's just started going off again recently. Um, It goes in cycles. I found with rules that will take off and then there'll be a plateau and then they'll be taken off again. And. Especially if they're controversial, controversial, cause they keep people on the app. And so this one was all about how the feminist movement has [00:02:00] turned into the, we are better than need to be believed overpaid more than, and trusted over men movement.

That's what that rule was. Does that ring a bell? Probably remember this from weeks ago. Don't worry. I'm not going into all the comments. There's over 600 comments now. I'm not even going to bother, but there was one. Mind you, this has actually been on there for four weeks. So this shows you how long ago this real first went viral.

So this comment has been there for four weeks and I forgot to discuss it weeks ago. And I was like, Now that it's popping off again. I probably shouldn't say popping off. It sounds like I'm fighting over here. I'm not farting. I mean, popping off like popcorn, right? Comment, chaos, popcorn thinker, popcorn. Seeings, this reel is popping off again. Instagram.

I was like, Ooh, it reminded me of that comment and I really want to discuss it. So this guy who goes by model photographer, OTU, that's his IAG handle. He says, Ooh, and a whopping 654 followers. Exclamation mark. You must beat smart. L M a O, which means laughs. Laughing [00:03:00] my ass off. So you can see. It's going to be back to front.

Isn't it. Anyway, that's his comment here. I've just pointed at it on YouTube. Let's discuss that. Shall we? Good on you model photographer. Oh, too. So he's basically saying, so I've only got 654 followers. So I must be very, very smart. Let's just process that for a second, because I didn't think people still. That line of thinking in 2024. Like that was kind of like a. I don't even know what year, like a. I was about to say 1998.

I don't know. I don't even know what year, like years ago. Remember, remember a time. Let's go back. Remember a time. In social media world in the social media landscape. Where. You were judged based on how many followers you had, but as in therefore it came with a high reputation. Don't get me wrong. It's still a steamed.

Like it's still a great thing. I would [00:04:00] love, love to have a massive. I was about to say in some regards, some regards not, but yes, I want, and I am building and it will be one day a massive following across my social platforms. Right. For lots of different reasons. Especially as a podcast, I wanted to have people listening every week.

I want that to become huge. Obviously you don't want to podcast and have no one tuning in every week. What would be the point of that? You might as well just write in a diary to yourself again. So I want a big platform. And I do think, yes, having a big platform obviously comes with some level of, you know, being revealed to a degree.

But I think in this day and age it's changed to where we don't most people with common sense. Don't look at someone's profile and instantly think, oh, they've got 500,000 followers there. Therefore they must have something really worthwhile to listen to. Yes. I understand. I want to make this clear. [00:05:00] I'm not judging or mocking or trying to belittle people with big followings.

Cause that would. That would say more about me. That's not what I'm doing. I'm not doing that because I don't have that. That would just come across as like complete jealousy. So that's not what I mean. I'm talking about where you solely will only listen to people with big followings. Cause a big following is a stamp of, they have something good to say in the world or they have something that's worth listening to because you think about it.

There are some utter wankers in this world, including celebrities, including, you know, people that are just famous on social media that have. Massive like they've amassed big followings, but they are at a douchebag. We're not contributing to society who are not contributing. Any good in the world and their sole focus is just self-preservation and. You know, it's all me, me, me, me, me.

Right? So this is why I wanted to address this because this has made me realize people still have this opinion. People still think, Ooh, A whopping [00:06:00] 654 followers you must is put must in capital letters. Be smart, laughing my ass off. I just want to encourage. I mean, these are the audience that listens to my podcast.

I always say, uh, highly intelligent individuals. I don't think you guys need to be preached to right now, but just across the board. I think it's highly important that we do judge who and listening to. And when I say the word judge, I don't mean in a nasty way. It's more like used discernment in, who were listening to. Based off more than just their following. Or the facade that they give off on social media.

Right. For instance. I only take advice. And I've said this on social media before I only take advice like life or relationship or whatever advice it is of people who have. What it is that I'm searching for in life or embody, what it is that I'm looking to achieve. For instance. I'm not going to take relationship [00:07:00] advice of somebody who can't exhibit, what it's like to hold a ho healthy relationship or who hasn't displayed at some point in their life that they can even hold a long-term relationship. Or. Caveat to this.

Someone who doesn't have lived experience with the pain and suffering of a relationship and can say, look, this is where I went wrong. I would encourage you not to go down this particular path. Right. But. Same with, for instance, I'm not going to take financial advice of someone who can't show me that they have some sort of financial stability in their life. I'm not going to take health advice of somebody whose body does not display health.

Right. Isn't that common sense? Isn't that kind of common sense? So here I am speaking about the feminist movement. Obviously it's just a real, this is not about this guy. I don't want to make it clear. This is not about this individual. I'm talking to this as a movement. I was creating a real [00:08:00] about feminism.

Obviously. I couldn't say everything about feminism in it, but he, as an individual is discounting anything I have to say on social media, because I have a small following. That's what I'm speaking to. I'm not speaking to this guy as a person. So, this is how I personally judge. And this is what I wanted to talk about.

This is how I judge, if I'm going to take. Advice off people in general. And this comes down to, obviously you don't know this about somebody that you're just seeing on social media. You can only have discernment of the energy that they give give off. So. If it's on social media, for instance, you can feel somebody's energy, right?

We're all made up of energy. This is not woo bullshit. We are all made up of energy. Every single everything in the universe is made up of energy. You can feel somebody's energy through the way that they speak through the way that you know, they're talking through what they write on social media, through the topics they discuss, whatever it might be, you can feel their energy through the screen. If when you're reading something, or [00:09:00] for instance, if you're listening to my podcast, if. You feel your body like lean in?

Like you want to know more like you're intrigued and your body's like it, your body literally pulls you. It pulls you forward when it's, something's like, it's good. It's like, Ooh, I want to know more. Trust that if your buddy repels. I've actually had this from having discussions with individuals and in a discussion, my body pulls back and it's like,

My body literally tells me, no, this is not for you.

This is not no something about either the individual or the way that they're speaking. It's the subtleties. It's not even what they're saying. It's what's underneath. Like my body feels it. Your body will feel it. The more you become more in tune with your body, this is going to sound so rude to some people listening, but it is a thing. Our bodies lean in when something is truthful or when something is captivating us or when our bodies are like, or just ask when, when we wanted to explore it more, we lean in, whereas we are [00:10:00] drawn away from something. And he just stopped pulling back from the microphone right now, but our bodies draw us away from something or somebody's energy when it just feels off when it just feels wrong.

And I've had this with discussions. With individuals and your body. Is repelled. It pulls away when something is not right for you. It'll be the same. Right. So I said with my podcast, it's the same when you listen to some of the episodes with guests or with myself. There may be topics that I discussed, that parts of it you're drawn towards and you're like, oh yeah, I agree.

Or, oh yeah. I want to explore that more or, oh, I'm not sure about that, but it's something about it. That's like pulling me towards it. There'll be other things that I say, or my guests say where you're like, nah, and your body's repelled and it pulls back. And I really think trust that this is why I say to everybody, question me, question me. Question my podcast episodes question.

The stuff that I put out on social media do not take everything that I say as gospel, as correct as the [00:11:00] ultimate truth on all of existence in all of life. I'm just another human being, just like you floating through. Time-space reality floating on this fricking rock this earth through space, you know, trying to work out what the crap is, the human experience.

I'm just like you. So when I say things, it's not, because I think you have to believe the same as me and I really wanted to point that out. Don't judge me based off how many followers I have, which I don't believe you do as someone that listens to my podcast. But don't judge anyone based off their followers, whether it's a small following or it's a huge following judge, the fruits of what they say and their life.

And this is why it comes down to when I. When I choose who's going to be a coach of mine or whether I choose who's in my inner circle, like my closest friendship circle. And, you know, the people that I hold dearest to me, the people that I allowed to actually speak into my life. Cause I'm telling you, it's a very small amount of people, like tiny amount of people that I actually allowed to [00:12:00] fully speak into my life.

These are the type of people that will lift me up when I'm struggling, but will kick me up the ass. If I'm straying from who I truly am, like I trust their judgment. It's a very, very small number. But I, I have selectively handpicked these individuals based off their health. That might sound crazy, but if they don't display health to me from a physical body, It's hard for me to take them serious.

And that in itself is probably very controversial and very polarizing. I understand. And this is my little side tangent. I understand that some people have health conditions that really make them struggle with their health. Okay. I'm not talking about that. About that. Let's put that aside for a second.

Cause that's a minority. Most people who struggle with. Wait, whether that's being severely overweight or severely underweight, we'll try to say that it's a health condition. But really it's a very small minority that actually are, most of it is simply self abuse. Okay. That's a side tangent. But the [00:13:00] people that I have hand selected for me to actually truly trust what they're going to say to me about my life.

And I encourage you to do the same. If you don't already. They have to display a really good health. Because to me, it's not just about the physical body. It's not just showing themselves love and care. But it's also, it is a display of consistency and of discipline in their life. And it's a display of the fact that they have high levels of self-respect. You as an individual, when you take pride in your body and you take care of your body and you love your body enough to exercise, to eat well. To not giving into instant gratification.

Right. And to have, uh, you know, to, to have a handle on impulse control issues. Right. So they've likely done work to deal with trauma. It's not just a matter of, oh, they look good. I don't give a shit about that so much. It's it's, it's the character traits that are gained through taking such high care of your body and the level of [00:14:00] self-respect. That's that's really big.

What's the health like what's their relationships. Like I know, I don't mean that they kind of had breakups. I mean, coming from me, I've literally, I'm going through a breakup right now. I'm the last year. Okay. It's not about that. It's about. How do they handle the breakup? What were they like? Did they just trash their ex constantly?

Or do they have a level of self-respect that overflowed into how they dealt with their, with the breakup? Right. It's so much more like, I, I, I take so much into consideration when it comes to my inner circle or a coach. Right. Also, you know, how do they speak to people? How do they speak to people on social media?

How do they speak to waitstaff? If I'm in a restaurant with them or a cafe with them? How do they speak to people that are C as lower status than them? Cause that's a big one. You know, and I could go on for days. There's so many different things. How do they view the world? How they view life? Because if they have really rigid dogmatic views of life, it's hard for me to respect them.

It's [00:15:00] hard for me. To trust their level of judgment and their discernment, if they are the type that, and I'm not saying if they're religious, I'm not against religion, but if they're the type that have to be right, where if you, for instance, said to them, are. I don't know what God is. I'm exploring that for myself and instantly they're like, well, you just need to Bubba, Bubba.

Like my level of respect would drop because it's like, you have to be right. You're trying to force that onto me. So it's so much miners. I've just gone off in a big 15 minute rant about something as simple as, oh, you've only got 600 and something followers, but it's. This is what was on my mind. I was like, wow, people still genuinely in this world will look at someone's profile.

Doesn't matter what they're speaking on. We'll just look at their profile and be like, you only have X amount of followers. Therefore, no matter what you talk about, it's discounted. That is. A shit show of a way of looking at life. My opinion again, it's, I'm not against this individual. I wish them nothing but love.

Like I have no, [00:16:00] no malice in my heart towards him whatsoever. It's the concept. It's the concept that this is still how people look. At social media and at life in general, I'm just like, wow, that's fascinating. I don't encourage that way of viewing life and viewing the world just saying. All right.

Let's pop on over to Tik TOK. So I had agenda identity post, um, the, the caption on it was bold stance on gender identity and kids. Actually, I might just play this quickly for, let me turn my volume up for the sake of the video. When you are saying. But having my Peters for mood. I am now. That's where I will flat out the like, Don't try and teach that track kids into our teenagers. But doing push that sheet onto them. It's basic biology. Everything comes back to basic biology on this debate on this topic.

Okay. And you cannot just decide what you want to be on the day and then expect the whole world to bound down to. To agree with it and to affirm it. And if we don't. If we raise questions [00:17:00] about it, then we must be. And we must be hiatus. Okay. That is just, I refuse, refuse to bow down to that. Idiotic ideology because. That is genuinely how I see it. Right. So that was the real, so obviously that went on Instagram, Tik, TOK, YouTube shorts. Pinterest and ex Twitter. But it went off the most on Tik TOK. So it's, it's only had like 3000 views. Okay. But you gotta remember, I've got a small account. We're at like 65 followers now and Tik TOK. So this is a brand new account. Um, but yeah, 43 comments. And the reason why I bring this up is overwhelmingly in support.

That's a first for me.

Honestly most it's hilarious. Most of my rules or YouTube shorts. Most, not all, uh, overwhelmingly like when I, when it goes viral or my newly viral. I'm using that word loosely because I don't get many things go like viral, but most comments [00:18:00] will be pointing out the flaws in the way that I view the world or that particular real, you know, the topic, whatever it might be. This one surprised me, but the reason why I think it is, is because we currently have the Olympics going on.

And obviously there was that big discussion about. The boxes where one of them. Um, You know, it came out that apparently one of them was actually a male. That had transitioned to a female, or it was a female that was actually, it came out that, you know, they had the different chromosomes that they weren't a female.

It was just a bit of a shit show. You guys are know what I'm talking about, right. That boxer. So it became world news. It was like the hot topic of the week where it looked like a mailbox. So was beating the shit out of a female boxer and it. You know, if that's the case. I didn't talk about this on social media. I commented on one person's post about it, but I didn't put anything on my own page.

And this is the reason why I don't want to [00:19:00] say this first. I actually wasn't sure. Right. So I had seen reports where some had said, no, this actually is a woman. It's actually not a man. It, she was legitimate born as a girl it's illegal in their country to transition to a male. It's just someone who maybe there was like some genetic thing or their testosterone levels were crazy high.

Cause like they did kind of have like their, their body looked extremely masculine. Right. Very muscular, definitely an at an advantage, but there were reports. That this actually was a woman that it wasn't someone that had transitioned to a male. Then there were reports on the other side that no, it was a woman that had transitioned to a male, or it was, you know, a man masquerading as a woman type thing in the Olympic sports.

And so I didn't say anything about it on my own social media pages. On any of them, any of the platforms, because I was like, I don't actually know yet when I saw someone else that I follow someone that I really like and respect had put a post up on their own personal. Instagram [00:20:00] page. I commented on that saying, no, man should ever be allowed to, you know, something along these lines.

I can't remember, but no man should ever be allowed to. You know, beat up on a woman or, or be in women's sports, no matter what they're identifying as, or masquerading as, and I still stand firm on that. Right. So if that is a biological man fighting a biological woman, no, that's disgusting. I still stand by that. I still don't know and look it'll unfold.

I still don't actually know if that is the case or if this is actually a woman. Who just has really high testosterone levels or something's going on. That's making them look very, very masculine to the point that they didn't pass agenda test. Apparently. So, I'm not sure. I still don't quite know it.

And that just so you know, is the only reason why I haven't gone on my pages to discuss it is because I actually don't know. And I really liked to be factual on my podcast and on my social media platforms, before I heavily discussed things. So, but I think that's why this went off on Tik TOK, because this is right when this was being discussed heavily [00:21:00] on social media and overwhelmingly, most people were in support. To the point that people were like saying, thank you.

Like, thank you for posting this. So just in the comments, for instance, I'm not going to read them all, but you're absolutely right. Was one. Um, another one was you are spot on with the truth. Actually, this one was interesting. This was by hit the nail that was there, their name on Tik TOK. I actually wish most try, do spirituality, spirituality to find out why they feel like this. So I think they're saying, I wish that they would do some spiritual work to find out why they're feeling like they need to change gender.

Right. And they've said as a clairvoyant, I have some clue, but so be it, think of your spirit as you do not know why, but most stay unhappy. So I think English might not be their first language for this individual, but I think what they're trying to say, what I can interpret is. I wish that if someone is really confused on what [00:22:00] gender they are, or if they're considering. You know, Changing gender changing their sex. That, you know, they would do some sort of work to try to find out why.

So, in other words, in my opinion, I think they're saying get to the root cause of it. And I agree. I actually agree. I think that most that transition stay unhappy. To the point that a lot are trying to detransition, which is a very hard road to walk. Someone else wrote amen. A hundred percent best thing I've heard all day bang on a hundred percent, right.

Was another one. Another one said as a Canadian born citizen male, I agree with you a hundred percent. Uh, another one, totally agree with you. There's like heaps of, you know, emojis, you know, saying thank you or a hundred percent, um, the praying hands, someone said the world is of everything, but God, someone else had true.

Um, yeah, it was overwhelmingly support. And I actually think that. People that normally are scared to discuss this kind of stuff or scared might not be the right word. People that normally kind [00:23:00] of like stay away from these topics on social media probably felt a bit more empowered to because of how much it was being discussed with what was going on with the Olympics.

And I think that it gave a lot of people hope in the fact that we are uniting mostly. It is the majority that are actually saying we don't agree with this. Okay. Again, whether we, whether the facts were right on that, let's. Let's just say it is in any sport in any case, right? A man masquerading as a woman in female sports, right. It's dangerous and it's also cheating.

Okay. Cause you have an unfair advantage as a male. And I think most people realize we're actually the majority who think like this were not the minority. The minority is fricking loud, which makes it seem like it's the majority, but it's not. And yeah, I really appreciated the fact that most people felt like, oh my gosh, it's not just me.

It's not just me. That things like this. No, it's the whole fricking world to be honest or majority of the world. Uh, someone else, Naomi, to, to be [00:24:00] wrote, if we don't believe their bullshit or bow down to their ridiculous agenda, then we are labeled as bullies, haters, racist, et cetera. Getting so boring with this crap.

Keep it to themselves. Nobody cares. Someone else wrote it's the same. Oh, it's the old saying? Misery loves company. Leave the kids alone. I agree. Leave the kids alone. I think I've said this a million times. I'm not going to go on about it every single week, but adults have a right to do what they want to their bodies.

Right. I agree. If you want to transition, you can. And it's the a G it's not individuals I'm against it's the agenda. Okay. It's the system, it's the pushing of it onto kids and on to teenagers and even on to adults, like, you know, there is a push for it. These medical companies make a shit ton of money from all of these surgeries, from all of these, you know, hormone, blockers, and shit that is getting put into young people and into adults.

You think that this is not a money-making industry. You think this is just, let's just be kind, it's a decent thing to do. No, it's a massive money-making. [00:25:00] Agenda, but also it's a way to break down society. So yeah. Anyway, I just thought I would bring that one up because that one popped off popped off.

Here we go. With the fight joint jokes again, it popped off this week for sure. Anyway, I'll leave you with that. I want to make this episode too long. I just wanted you to know that if you do think like this, and if you do think it's scary that, you know, there is a push for the change with genders and all that kind of stuff.

You're not alone. You're absolutely not alone. And don't think that you just have to be silent. You use your voice. Obviously we always show care and compassion to an individual. But to the movement at large, I stand very strongly against the agenda and what they're trying to push onto teens and onto kids. And I won't stand for it.

I just won't my daughter's not going to be raised in a world where that is just norm where I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure that that's not the case. So anyway, I love your guts and make sure you continue to comment every single week guys, because the more that you comment, the more I am able to comment [00:26:00] back and give you my controversial opinions. We have some very interesting, um, episodes guest episodes the next two weeks.

So strap yourselves in for those, they're going to touch on religion and spirituality and. They are controversial and they're topics that I bloody love. Two very different ways of looking at things one eyeline with more in their way that they view spirituality or religion than the other. And I'll make that clear as we go through.

But as always, I make it very clear that no matter what the conversation or the topic, my opinions are here to be questioned as well. And I don't think I have the answers on everything. And this is why this platform is not just for what I think of the world. But also what, you know, other people think of the world, even if it contradicts the way that I see it.

So strap yourselves in for those. It's going to be fun. Anyway.So remember to keep your comments popping and I will keep my replies popping too. Have a great week legends [00:27:00] by.



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