Ep. Ep. 14 | 🍿 Comment Chaos: Gender Genocide - Reactions, Debates, and Fiery Feedback


Ep. 14 | 🍿Comment Chaos:

[00:00:00] Welcome legends. Welcome to another comment chaos. Now, before we dive into this week's comment section, by the way, we're going to a YouTube real. YouTube short, I should call it. I first want to say, if you're watching this on YouTube right now, Uh, you will see my hair and it is an utter shemozzle.

Let's all just admit that. I just want to quickly tell you what the crap is going on with this. Hair of mine. So I naturally have very curly hair growing up. I had lots and lots of curls in my hair. It was fricking gorgeous. If I do say so myself, I loved my hair. Big thick, curly boofy hair. And in my early twenties, I went very blunt. Tried to go very blown at fried my hair and it just stopped curling.

And over the years I just gave up on it. And now I want my curls back. So I've just started scrunching my hair. Sorry if you're a dude right now, this is going to bore the absolute shit out of you. Stick with me. We're about to get into the comments section of a YouTube. Uh, YouTube short, got to stop saying real, but anyway, I have decided I want to [00:01:00] encourage my kills back.

So no straightening, no blow drying. So no heat on my hair whatsoever. And I'm about to actually change the color of my hair. So I'm recording this on what's the date? The 21st we are in, we are right now, the 21st of July. So if you're watching this in the future, my hair is probably a different color by now, anyway, but I'm going to go back to my natural hair color of decided, and I'm just going to take good care of this hair. And encouraged the Kilz back because I saw some, um, before and afters of women who had natural curls when they were younger, who did the exact same thing, they stopped all heat. You know, really took good care of their hair.

No lightning, none of that. And their kills came back like massively. I saw all these awesome before and afters that have just given me so much hope for my hair. So guys, we're going through a bit of a hair shemozzle stage first. That means some of my hair. As you can see there's some real kills in there.

And then other bits are like stringy little, just got out of the ocean. Mess. [00:02:00] It's a bloody mess in there. So I'm going to have. Messy hair for a little while, until we get through this fugly stage. So stick with me and my shemozzle hair. Anyway. What I want to get into it. So I'm looking at, as I said, a YouTube short, I had a clip from another comment, chaos episode. one of our episodes that I did, where I talked about challenging gender norms and talking about, you know, biological sex, and what's the difference between sex and gender.

So I took a clip. From one of those podcast episodes and made it as a YouTube short. Excuse my voice. I'm going to play it for you. So you know which one I'm referring to. And here we go. Make sure it's loud.

If genitals don't define your sex slash gender. Then why does removing it? Your sixth slash gender, by the way now. I can never answer that.

No one can ever answered it. So let's have a look.

Right. So that is what we are going to be talking about today because [00:03:00] it went. You wouldn't call it viral, but it went somewhat. And in small scale viral. So actually let me bring up my YouTube account for a second. So just for context, at the time of recording this, I have 235 subscribers on YouTube.

Very small account. Brand new will actually have had this account for many years, just from watching YouTube videos. And when I had an older podcast, I briefly put up some of those as clips, and then I deleted them all so fresh, all new for controversial as fuck the podcast. So yeah, brand, brand new 235 subscribers.

And you know, most of my videos get like a hundred kind of views. Some have even had less than 20. Do you view as if they're shorts? You know, one of my episodes got a 1200 views, so like, I don't get crazy amounts of views at this stage, but this one YouTube short that I'm referring to today. Let me bring it up. Maybe I got 7,800 views.

So for me on a YouTube short, that's [00:04:00] actually a lot. That's a lot of use for me at the size that my account is right now. I want to go through this because obviously this is. Quite controversial. I am basically saying, and it is my worldview, as you know, if you're a long-term listener of the podcast, that gender and sex are not different, that. Our biology determines what sex we are And gender is not a social construct.

Like they're trying to say that it is so. You know, if you're new to my channel, I encourage you to go and listen to episode two, where I talk about gender pronouns. I go deep into this topic about biological sex and gender. What's the difference? What does mainstream say? They are? What's my worldview.

I go deep into that episode too. I also go into episode four. I go through the transgender movement. So I, I talk about this at length. I don't want to turn this comment, chaos episode into me telling you what the differences between sex and gender, anything like that. I'm going to assume that you've listened to those previously.

You know, my views on these, I [00:05:00] believe they're the same. I believe that our biology determines what sex we are and that. If you're a man and tomorrow you say you're a woman, it doesn't make it. So. Yes. I believe that as an adult, you can go and have whatever surgery you want. You can dress how you want. As long as you're not, as I've said in episodes before flashing kids and all that crap, that's nonsense.

Get that out of here. But as far as you can present yourself, how you want, you can, as I said, have, you know, surgeries, remove things, add things, whatever you want to make yourself feel comfortable in your body. I think you have a right to do that. What I'm saying is it doesn't then change your sex?

That's like my clear stance on that. I think that when we pandered to this, and I think it is pandering when we pan it to this and say to a biological man or to a man. Oh, yeah, you're a woman now. Cause you've gone and cut your penis off. I think that's sick. I actually think that that's not healthy as a society.

I think it's dangerous as a society to go down the path of affirming delusions and of affirming what can be in [00:06:00] some cases, mental health issues or trauma. Like it's, it's often a reaction to stored trauma in their bodies through unprocessed emotional wounds from their past, whether that be from childhood teenage years or sometimes it with some.

And this is definitely not all, I'm not saying this at all, but with a small minority. It is for attention. And I think it's tragic when people are removing genitalia and body parts for attention. And again, I'm not saying, oh, there are some people who genuinely are very confused on what sex they are.

They, they have gender dysphoria, right? They genuinely are confused. And my heart just goes out to those individuals. I'm not against them at all. I have all the love and the care in the world for them. I just do not agree that by removing a penis that now you are a woman. I just that's utter nonsense to me. So, this is what I was saying.

It's crickets. Yes. I know people have come out to try to explain this, but just because you have given your perspective, just in the same way, if I give my perspective on it, it doesn't mean that it's necessarily right. This is [00:07:00] why I bring everything back to biology. Our biology determines this. Like, there is a way of determining what sex you are and it's not by removing things and adding things. I would like to go through this comment section because it got a lot of comments. Where people were trying to explain it to me and from their perspective, and I will admit most people were so, so respectful, so respectful, and I really appreciated it.

So let's go through it.

So we've got cinnamon roll. Arry has said, people have answered it for, and then there's a typer, I guess they mean answered it for me.

It's the same reason people would want a tattoo, or a different outfit because it makes them feel better and more comfortable in their body. The only thing that's controversial is you not knowing how to use Google and even then it's expected for your age. I mean a bit of a dimwit comment. So they're comparing, in my opinion, the way that I'm interpreting this, they're comparing someone removing a penis in order to make them feel more like a woman as the same as getting [00:08:00] a tattoo or wearing a different outfit to make you feel more comfortable in your body. I do try to understand.

I honestly have sat with a lot of these comments and have tried to understand from their perspective, I. I struggled to understand this when people compare it. So you're comparing, removing genitalia. That is irreversible. If you go and have a penis removed. You can't just go and get that penis put back and it be exactly how things were before.

Right? This is irreversible. This is long-term ramifications. Right? I get having a tattoo has longterm ramifications. Right. But you can actually get that removed. but it, just, to me, I struggled too, to be able to compare getting a penis cut off as the same as changing. Clothing, like that's absurd to, to reach for that.

To me is absurd. And I have tried to understand this person was a little bit of a wanker by trying to. Allude to the fact that I could just Google this and get an answer and it's showing my age look, of [00:09:00] course I can go on Google. And I have many times when I was researching for my pronoun episode of my transgender episode, what is the point of view from a trans person?

What is the point of view from the medical field? What's the point of view from this that right after I did my research. That doesn't mean that it's been answered though. That is somebody's answer, That doesn't mean it's the truth, right? This is why I bring everything back to biology.

Just because someone has provided a response does not mean that that is the truth. That is their truth. And I'm not saying that what I'm saying is true. That's why I always bring it back to basic fricking human biology. Human biology is truth. Right? You can't argue with human biology. That is the truth.

That is what didn't. Determines it. And so I came back with. Those back and forth between other people on that comment. I didn't bother with that. I just said. So it's to make someone feel more comfortable in their body, it doesn't change their sex. Slash gender. I can understand that. Also no need to be rude and bringing age into it.

That [00:10:00] comments is more about you than me. I enjoy discourse and welcome discussion. So I'm saying, look, discuss it with me. Let's go back and forth. I'm fine with that. You don't need to bring my age into it. That's just utterly ridiculous. Someone else, a pinky sherbet, 74 9 said I was terrified of this comment section and I'm so happy to see the vibes are immaculate.

And then someone said it's heavily censored go to most recent comments. I was like, nothing has been censored by me. I never removed comments and yes, I agree. The comments section has mostly been very respectful and I agree. Most people honestly were really, really great and just sharing their, their feedback. And then we've got Rachel Hanson 3 0 7, 6 genitals.

Don't define the gender for a person by existing. As a CIS person. What I was born with affirms who I am personally. But if I didn't like them, they wouldn't definitively decide how I identify. They wouldn't affirm my personal [00:11:00] identity. People answer this kind of question all the time. Again, this is where we come down to.

Yeah. People may comment and people may provide their point of view, but it doesn't mean that it's answered human biology answers it. And this is where I think, cause I have genuinely tried to understand. I think it's going to be hard for the two sides to understand when one side believes that sex and gender are the same, which obviously I'm in that camp that our biology decides our sex and our gender is not separate from that.

That gender is not a social construct that you can just, you know, change. Like you change your underwear, it's your sex, determines your gender. It's the same thing. Gender was never a thing. That's become a thing. You know, in more recent years by people pushing this, this gender identity confusion, bullshit.

Right? So that's one side of it. The other side of the camp is those that believe that yes, sex is one thing, but gender can be completely different. So when you have those two sides, it is hard to understand when they say things like my genitalia, doesn't determine what. I [00:12:00] am. It's hard to fully understand that when we believe that sex and gender are the same thing.

So. I can understand where people are coming from when they say things like removing my penis makes me more comfortable in my body because I believe I'm meant to be a woman. Okay. So if you're doing it purely to feel comfortable in your body, First of all. I think that's terribly sad. That is so drastic and that's not something to rush into, but. If a fully grown adult who is developmentally ready for such a decision makes that decision for themselves and chooses to go and have their penis removed. To make themselves feel more comfortable in their body.

They have a right to do that. Right. And I'm not going to tell them. No, don't do it. That's like they can do that. Okay. My thing is though that does not then change their sex or people say, yeah, but sex and gender are different. Well, obviously my worldview is no, they're the same. So it does not change their gender.

That's where. [00:13:00] Obvi, obviously. We're not going to understand, because I choose to believe in human biology. Whereas other people say it has nothing to do with human biology. So. I get the idea of making ourselves feel comfortable in our bodies. I get that. I understand that. And if that was the narrative that was just being pushed all the time, I could comprehend that. If the world hadn't gone mad where they said you can just change your sex and change agenda.

However you feel as often as you want. Right. That's mad to me. That's bonkers. That's like. Mental. Okay. But if people said you can remove your penis to make yourself feel more comfortable in your body, but we know it does not change our sex. We know it does not change your agenda. I understand that.

I understand that I can be more on board with Stuart. I recommend you go and cut your penis off though. Just to, yeah. Then we've got Bodhi 4, 3, 7. Hi, trans person here. Just wanted to make a comment, sort of trying to answer this question. Some [00:14:00] people want bottom surgery. So that's what they refer to from my understanding, like getting a penis removed is bottom surgery.

They don't actually mean having surgery on your asshole. Um, and some people don't, it is completely a personal decision based on what position you are in within your life and transition. Trans people that do get bottom surgery, usually usually get it because they want to. And because it will make them happy.

The answer to this question will be completely different depending on who you ask, because trans people are not a monolith and we all have different views regarding our bodies, transitions and dysphoria. It's all really just about feeling comfortable in your own skin. Hope this helps. I thought that was such a beautiful comment and a beautiful explanation.

And I really appreciated. And I said, thank you for your respectful response. I really appreciate you. I. I think they worded that. So, so well, Then we've got Milos. HP nine FW. I can answer this question as a trans guy, having a female body doesn't make me [00:15:00] any less of a man. I'm a man before surgery and I'll be a man after surgery. I'll just have a body that fits me more. Gender is not determined by genitals, but genitals are a pretty good indicator of what somebody's gender will be. It's not 100% accurate, which is why trans people exist.

Many trans people want to have surgery that so that they can match the typical sex of their gender. Uh, trans person's gender does not change after surgery. If gender were fully dependent on genitals, it would. If you were to wake up with a penis tomorrow, you would still be a woman. It would probably distress you because penises are associated with men. Having one, wouldn't make you a man though.

You might want to get surgery to fix it because having a vagina is associated with women. I hope I explained this well. It's pretty easy question to answer. You just need to ask a trans person. So I said, thank you for being so respectful in your [00:16:00] response. And I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to respond because I thought, look, they put a lot of effort into responding.

They took the time out of their day to comment on a complete strangers YouTube short, when they didn't need to. And they were respectful. They didn't. You know, come at me or try to be rude. And I really appreciate it. I said, I can see where we see it very differently because to me, your sex slash gender is determined by a mixture of your chromosomes. Reproductive organs, sexual organs, et cetera. So if someone is born a male with a penis, no matter what operations occur, they are still a biological male. I get that people are trying to say that gender and sex aren't the same, but to me, they absolutely are. Saying I'm a woman one day and a man, the next changes.

Absolutely nothing of reality. I'm still a woman. I think adults have every right to do whatever they want to their own bodies. What scares me is how much this is being pushed on to kids and teens these days as the latest fad or cool thing to do again. I appreciate your comment though. And I want it to [00:17:00] make that clear, that person was really respectful and I'm grateful for that. And then Kippy IPS said, because when you have visible genitalia like breasts people, don't treat you the way you identify or are intentionally transphobic when they can be. So I said, so it's purely to make you feel more comfortable in your body question, mark. We can agree it doesn't change their sex question, mark.

I can understand that. And again, like, I, I genuinely am trying to understand from each person's perspective, like I really, really am. I'm not trying to just have my own biases, obviously. I will always come back to biology and I believe sex and gender at the same thing. That's not going to change.

Like to me, that's, it's not a social construct. It is human biology. But when it comes to people saying, look, we changed things because it makes us feel more comfortable. As I said before, That makes sense. I understand that if you're doing it to make you feel more comfortable and you're not doing it. Because you're trying to tell everyone that you can just change your sex and gender whenever you feel like it, then.

Yeah. I can understand that where that [00:18:00] person's coming from. And then password past 6, 6, 6 said because that's like saying if you're cute, despite an ugly nose job, why would you get a nose job? Or if you're a jacked person, why get tattoos to look bad-ass because it feels right. No hate at all. And I said, so we can agree that it doesn't change their sex slash gender.

It's done just to make them feel more comfortable in their body that they're in. I can understand that again, this was like a common theme. It's about being comfortable in their body.

And then. For N Y three OB. D Y which is for anybody, I guess. Said genitals defined sex. If gender differentiates from your sex, then removing them affirms it. How hard is it to differentiate between two terms really now, by the way, I don't respond to everyone. I don't have the time of day for that. And that would just be annoying. And then user with a whole bunch of [00:19:00] letters and numbers.

After I said, as a CIS person, I understand the confusion. This person faces with what I assume trans people. What I'd recommend is asking trans people questions, because if they're okay with it, then maybe we could understand why it is this important to have surgery. Well, thankfully. Trans people have commented in the comment section. And then we've got someone called queer V art said I'm nonbinary. And got top surgery years ago. It changed my life. My partner is a trans woman on hormones, but they are not going to get bottom surgery. And obviously they are still okay. Hang on. Hang on. I've got to wrap my head around this one. Hang on. I believe this is a woman, right? I'm nonbinary.

So they don't go by male or female and they've had top surgery years ago. Okay. So this was from my understanding a biological woman. Who's had their breasts removed. They don't call themselves a male or a female now, but so their biological female, right. [00:20:00] And they're saying that by getting their boobs removed, because they don't believe that they're male or female, they don't go by either that it it's changed their life. Cool.

That's perfectly fine for them. Their partner is a trans woman, so that would be a biological male. So a man who is identifying themselves as a trans woman. Who's on hormones cases as a man taking hormones to try to be more like a woman.

And it says, but they're not going to get bottom surgery. Okay.

So. Again, we've got a woman who's had their breast removed who says they're not male or female. Their partner is a man who's on hormone therapy. Who's keeping their penis. And they're saying, but obviously there's still a woman. Everyone has different surgeries to feel the best in your body. Aye. I struggle.

I struggle with this one because your partner again, who's a man. [00:21:00] Who, or as they've called them a trans woman, who's on hormones. Who's keeping their penis. There's still a man, like this is the thing biology says, there's still a man. If we bring it back to human biology. They're still a man. Um, but again, Each to their own. 13 Cheshire cats 19 has says because they don't define it.

The human in charge of their own body does see. I disagree again. I think human biology actually defines what sex you are.

There was a couple of messages that, you know, agreed with me, but I actually don't even feel the need to read those ones out. I'm. I want to get different perspectives. So. Blueberry 2 0 7. One has said body part does not mean the whole body. You can like most of a meal but want to swap zucchini. For cucumber. I was like, you did not just relate, removing a penis to swapping zucchini for a cucumber in your meal, you in the internet today. So this person is basically saying, look, yes, you may be a [00:22:00] man.

You've got a penis, but that penis is not the whole body. Right. So they're saying sure that penis may be part of a male anatomy, but your whole body doesn't necessarily have to be a man then. Yeah, I decide I do disagree. I disagree.

And then beep P boop has said these types of people referring to me, don't care about the answers. No one can ever answer this one. They've put in inverted commas, swipe quoting me. People have, there are people right now in these comments explaining it. Crickets. They've put an inverted commerce again. They're quoting me. No, you just don't care about people answering you.

Don't pretend you care about the answers I actually do. That's the thing I actually do. I actually want people to explain it to me that. And see, one of the things that I've learned from this is it's purely done to make people feel comfortable in their bodies. There we go. We can agree on that. What I won't change my stance on is the biology side of it.

Okay. I'm [00:23:00] not going to change my stance on the fact that human biology declares, what sex or gender we are. Okay. I'll start even saying gender. It's not a thing. It's your sex, right. So human biology determines what sex you are. But one thing that I've learned is that to make someone feel more comfortable in their body, if they go and have, you know, a penis removed and it makes them feel more comfortable.

Okay. Sure. Do whatever the heck you want. So, no. They're actually incorrect to say that I don't care about people answering. So this was my response. Bullshit people responding. Doesn't equate to an answer explaining something doesn't mean it's right. No matter what side of a debate. So they're saying, look, people have answered me.

Just read your comments. Yeah. People have given their version, people have given their worldview. People have given their explanation all through their own life experience. But it's not the solid answer is in the truth. Again, I always come back to human biology on topics like this.

And then AC E D underscore Asher.

This is a fair question. My understanding is it's a matter of being personally comfortable. Again, this is a [00:24:00] common thing that I'm seeing part of it is a legal thing as well. That's a good point, actually. I didn't think of that side of it. Um, and most people don't see that genitals don't define gender.

So there's stigma behind identifying and presenting as something other than the sex, your Gentles match, which publicly there's more to it. And it's a case by case situation.

But that's the main part that is seen as social pressure. So others see you, how you want to be seen.

I said, thank you for being so respectful in your response. I really appreciate you.

Actually, this is what I wanted to read. So I drag them place 3, 5, 3, 0. I think it's similar to the way that clothes don't inherently have gender, but they do invoke gender dysphoria and euphoria for a lot of people, or a lot of people feel specific connection between their gender and their hair.

Stereotypically that's long hair for women. And short for men. But it could be the other way round in the end. Everybody's different. And what makes one person happy will make another miserable? I said, thank you for your [00:25:00] respectful comment and for joining in the dialogue, I'm really trying to understand your point of view.

I really am. I struggle on the comparison of irreversible surgery, like removing a penis with something like trimming your hair, which grows back. Or. Clothing choice. I understand that you're referring to something, making them feel more of them and that I can understand. I guess I'm not questioning if getting a penis removed makes them feel more of them, but rather that it doesn't change their sex or gender.

So this is something that I came to understand again. It's to, you know, If it's purely to make someone more comfortable. Makes sense. And then. Okay. This is a part where I was like, Ooh, I could have probably worded this a little bit better. Okay. I will admit it. I could have been a little bit kinder.

So Carolyn Chuck said, why do I always get ignorant people or straight up bigots on my feet?

And by this point, I'd commented to quite a [00:26:00] few people. And I was a little bit over it at this point. And I was, so I said, 'cause you keep commenting fuck week now I will admit that's not the kindest way to treat someone that you don't know on the internet. Okay. I'm going to learn from this. One of the things that I am is myself.

I genuinely am myself. Whether that's online, behind closed doors, with friends, with family, I'm. It's something that I've worked on for years of just always being myself and the way that I comment and reply to people is how I literally think in my head. It's how I would speak to friends. So hear me out for a second. If you're not from Australia, you might be like, what the crap. In Australia, we really love banter.

We really love taking the piss out of each other. It's like a bonding thing. By the way I'm not suggesting I was bonding with this chick. I wasn't, I was being rude to her on purpose, but we do so like I've called friends fuckwits before I've called them rankers. Like we say it to each other. It's like, oh, come on your wine.

Cause, oh, that was a wine can move. Like, that's just kind of how Aussies speak, especially the males, but even females do right. Okay. It's a, it's an Aussie thing. [00:27:00] But. Just because I think it in my head doesn't mean I need to type it, literally how I think. So when this person said, why do I always get ignorant people or straight up bigots on my feet?

I was just like, oh, cause you keep commenting fuckwit. So I literally wrote that. And then I was like, oh, I could have worded that a little bit better. So that was just something for myself to learn of. Like, just cause I think it doesn't mean I necessarily have to say I can be a little bit blunt sometimes. So. Just letting you know I'm working on it.

And then I don't want it to be here anymore. That says a lot about this individual, by the way, if your, if your name. On YouTube is I don't want to be here anymore.

That's sad actually. So they said girly, if you were planning on being transphobic, at least learn the basics. So I said, get a life. Nothing transphobic about saying, getting genitals removed, doesn't change your sex or your gender. I don't hate or fear trans people. I actually hold a lot of love for them and their confusion and pain.

Your ridiculous [00:28:00] comment shows your lack of welcoming discourse kind of ironic because I deleted just called someone else a fuckwit, which probably wasn't very nice.

And this is the last one I'll raid. So this is from blitz noodler. Oh. Three, because gender is a construct. Therefore it can mean different things to different people. For some, It makes them extremely uncomfortable in brackets dysphoric. As it feels like a false representation of yourself. And then you combine this with society, making a huge deal about it.

This isn't true for everyone. People aren't the same. We don't think or process the world in all the same ways. We don't experience the same things. We don't have the same amounts of chemicals, brain patterns, and so much more. I hope this helps you understand that just because you don't experience something doesn't mean it isn't real. By the way I've never said that just because, you know, I haven't experienced being trans that I don't understand a trans individual.

I do understand well, not from personal experience, but I understand why they would want to feel more comfortable in their body. Okay. So. Just because I [00:29:00] raise questions about it and about the fact that I don't think we should be pushing on kids and teenagers, that you can change. Agenda changes, sex, like the frickin wind.

And one day you can be a boy in the next day. You can be a girl and it be true, right. Just because I questioned that doesn't mean that. You know, I don't understand what it would be like for a trans individual or, you know, I don't care or any of those things that, you know, people often say you. You just blatantly get called transphobic, which I'm definitely not. So I said, thank you for your comment and for taking the time out of your day. I appreciate it. I think this is where it divides a lot. Those that see gender as a social construct and those that see it's the same as sex.

And that's the thing. I think this is what divides it. This is my conclusion with this from genuinely wanting to understand individuals is if you. Have. Surgery to have genitalia removed, to make yourself feel more comfortable in your body. And you are an adult of developmental [00:30:00] age. Go for it. That makes sense.

Okay. I understand. I don't agree. I don't think that doing something that is irreversible is a healthy thing to do, but they don't need me to agree. Okay. They don't need my permission. They don't need me to agree with them. Go for, go for gold. On the other hand though. When you are saying that by having my penis removed, I am now a woman.

That's where I will flat out be like, no. And don't try and teach that to our kids and to our teenagers. Don't push that shit onto them. It is basic biology. Everything comes back to basic biology on this debate on this topic. Okay. And you can not just decide what you want to be on the day and then expect the whole world to bow down to it and to agree with it and to affirm it. And if we don't or if we raise questions about it, then we must be bigots, then we must be haters.

Okay. That is just, I refuse, refuse to back down to that. Idiotic ideology, because that [00:31:00] is genuinely how I see it. So I've learned a couple things from this. Yes, people can do what the crap they want, but I didn't learn that. I already knew that, but often they will do things just to be comfortable. Go for God. The other thing I've learned is just because I think something in my head doesn't mean I have to say it.

Okay. Yes. I just get a little bit sick of seeing an, all my comments section about what platform I'm on, I'm on things like, why, why do I keep seeing bits? And why do I keep seeing transphobic people like this on my feet? And it's like, well, fuck wait, stop commenting. Like that's basic. Isn't it.

If you keep commenting on their content, You're going to keep seeing it pop up. It's just basic algorithm knowledge, but anyway, I must be due for my period. I'll go check the date.

We'll leave that one there. Legends. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I love your guts as always. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for joining in the conversations. Thank you for your comments, your messages. Thank you for everything. I'm seriously loving this podcast. I'm having the time of my life. [00:32:00] Oh, actually, I wanted to give you one fun fact about popcorn. Did you know, I didn't know, this popcorn is actually apparently over 5,000 years old. Archeologists actually found popcorn in New Mexico. That dates back to around 3,600 BC. That just blew my mind. I'm not going to lie. I thought popcorn was like, I don't know, at least in this decade, like yeah, no, not decade century. At least in this century. Holy shit.

Keep commenting legends, keep your comments popping and I'll always keep my replies popping too.

Love you have an incredible week by.



Ep. 15 | The CIA, the Cold War, and Feminism: Who’s Really in Control?


Ep. 13 | AI, Trump, Aliens & Andrew Tate: Deep Dive with The Real Em Gee