Ep. 10 | Comment Chaos: Pronoun Pandemonium - Roasts, Reactions, and Gender Debates


Ep. 10 | Comment Chaos: Pronoun Pandemonium - Roasts, Reactions, and Gender Debates


Welcome back to comment chaos. Legends where your opinions pop like kernels in a hot pan. Yes. I just said that. Can we get any more corny? Today, we're going to look at all different posts of mine, specifically on Instagram. Instagram is the place where it tends to go off the most. That's because I spend the most time on there, but I am branching out.

As I mentioned in last comment, chaos episode, I am also on Tik TOK. I'm on YouTube. I've got a Facebook page. So we're branching out your girls trying to get on all different platforms. And why not because we want to be across the board. Okay. So I would like to talk to you about. [00:01:00] A couple of my posts.

We're going to start with.  

A post on Instagram. So this is a reel that is a video of me laying back next to a pool. And the caption the hook says at this point, if you're a woman with she, her in your bio, I'm going to assume you transitioned dot, dot, dot. Obviously that's going to get attention, right? That's the whole point of pudding a hook on a, on Instagram.

reel. You want someone to look at it? You want them to keep reading, you wanting them to stay on your page, right? So it's got to get attention. You've got, like they say the first three seconds, it's going to be attention grabbing. Otherwise people literally scroll on. And you know what we're like, we do the same.

We find on Instagram or Tik TOK or whatever. If someone is not getting my attention quickly, I'm moving on real quick. So that's what it said at this point, if you're a woman, but she, her in your bio, I'm going to assume you transitioned. And then the second prompt pops up on the screen and it says, and if you're a dude with he him, it's probs time to take your balls back, brother. Now, obviously this is in relation to pronouns.

I did a [00:02:00] whole pronoun episode. It is episode two of controversial as fuck podcast. If you haven't listened to it, definitely go and have a listen. It's quite a controversial topic, but I go very in-depth over why I don't agree with the whole push for gender pronouns, so this links back to that episode. And I said in the post I'm against the system, not the individual, when you bow to this work charade, that is a cute cover for disempowering you as an individual and teaching you to be a perpetual victim in life dot.

Then it's only you who suffers when the system teaches you to continually outsource your mental health strength, acceptance, and validation, you will be forever seeking it. And when individuals bow to this BS, you are essentially saying you're easy to manipulate when the carrot of being seen as a decent human is dangled in front of you, pronouns help no one, but the woke agenda and they disempower individuals by suggesting they need to. They need the world to bow [00:03:00] and play along.

Otherwise they won't be strong enough in their own identity. I'm all for actual resilience, not this faux. Crap. Make the world great again. So obviously it's attention grabbing it's controversial. I'm speaking what I believe very strongly. And the hashtags are like, #wokeagenda #antiwoke #wokememes #awakenotwoke #pronouns, #genderpronouns, right?

So let's look at the comments by the way this Instagram reel got at this time, 4,112 views. And there, it says 31 comments, which includes my comments back by the way. So people were like, you know, agreeing with it. , Nikki Weaver said, ah, the forced pronoun thing for people who aren't transgender is so annoying and pointless.

I refuse to use it. And we went back and forth. She had some really great points, eight crew designs. By the way, if you guys are listeners of this podcast, hello. Hello. If I ever say your name, like hello, thank you for tuning in [00:04:00] each week. But eight crew design said I've had numerous intense conversations at work because I refuse to have my pronouns in my email signature.

My name is Kate, obviously I'm a, she, her for fuck's sake. Yeah, great point, but there's two, there's two main comments that I really wanted to point out that made me laugh. One in particular is by lizard pudding now lizard pudding, and I actually have had messages back and forth since our interactions. He's actually a bit of a legend, so. He wrote. Hi, I'm a cis dude with pronouns in my bio and evidence that contradicts your statement.

Should I be worried that my balls will fall off? I was like, oh, what a legend now. I didn't know. At first, if he was going to come at me, if I comment back or if he, like, he seemed like this guy has a good sense of humor. I liked this guy. We'll see how he goes. So I just responded with, yes, that's all I wrote.

Right. Being a bit of a smart ass back. Cause I like, I like. Like banter. [00:05:00] I enjoy banter. I honestly can take someone taking the absolute piss out of me if they do it in a really funny way. If someone takes the piss out of me and they're just angry and they're just antagonistic and they just want to prove me wrong, I'm like, fuck you, motherfucker.

I've now shut down. And I'm not listening to a word you're saying, come on. Like every human being on the planet is like that. Right. You can have the piss take, well, not every, some people are very insecure or just want to be victims, but I'm sure you listening, you intelligent human being listening.

You're probably the same. If someone takes the piss out of you, you can take it when they have a great sense of humor or you can take it when they're lighthearted about it. You know, they're a bit of a jokester it's like, yep. You know what? I give it pretty good. I can take it back to. And so I appreciated this guy.

So when he said, should I be worried that my balls would fall off? I just said yes. And I was like, let's see what he's going to come back with and he cracks me up. He goes, oh, geez. I'm really stressed out now. Do you think if I take the pronouns off, I will be [00:06:00] okay. And I just said, bahaha, you made me giggle.

Enjoy your day. Your artwork is fantastic by the way. Cause I looked at his profile. That he's a guy from Seattle. He's got he, him in his bio which I obviously am very vocal about. I think if you have he/him in your bio, I typically think you are a bit of a weak guy. Like, I think you're either pandering to women.

Maybe you're pandering to the feminists in your life. You know, that type of thing to me, it's just like, I just could never imagine my brothers, my dad, like my male friends ever having he/him in their bio to me, I'd be like, That makes me want to barf. It makes me want to vomit. But Ian, this guy Lizard pudding.

I was like, nah, he seems like a bit of a champ and we've had some good messages back and forth because we see the world. Like pretty much polar opposite on everything. And I think that's kind of cool you can still have a common ground. So I said, you made me giggle enjoy your day.

Your artwork is fantastic. Cause his artwork is really good and he goes, sweet mission accomplished. I [00:07:00] appreciate that. Wish my balls luck with the like. You know, peace sign. And I said, ha ha. will do you have a great sense of humour I appreciate you, sending your balls luck. And then I said in brackets. That's got to be amongst a list of things.

I never thought I would say to a man on the internet. So yeah, we, we enjoyed our back and forth and that wasn't the last time that he commented. So before. He actually started following me. And then we started messaging each other. There was one more time that he commented on a different post. So I had another Instagram reel that had about 1300 views on it.

And I said equality would actually be a step down for most women in first world countries. And then the next pop-up said, cause then they would have to assume more risk and responsibility, work harder, earn more, spend less lose custody, lose assets, lose sponsorship and scholarships. Be conscripted for war.

Pay 50 50 on all dates.

Work in jobs that are physically and environmentally harder [00:08:00] dot, dot dot. And then the next pop-up said,  

But of course we're not allowed to discuss that. Or we're instantly labeled as a pick me boomer.

So this, obviously, as I explained in my last comment, chaos episode, if you're not familiar with is, you know, the algorithms of social media, the more that you comment on someone's content, the more that you like their content or. Um, you know, just commenting, even if you're disagreeing with the post, the more that you interact with posts of a particular topic, or from a particular creator or business owner, coach, whatever on social media, the more you're telling the algorithm that you actually liked, that style of content that you liked that topic, or you liked that creator.

And the more the algorithm actually pushes that kind of content to you. Right? So lizard Pudding this funny guy. wrote. Oh, Hey, it's you again now you're out here. Pretending to be a boomer question, mark. Nice. Try tiger. Now I, at that point, because [00:09:00] I'd had, I'd had a viral feminism post that had, you know, hundreds and hundreds of comments that have been going over days, I actually forgot who this lizard pudding was.

And I thought it was someone from that viral feminist post. So I just said, not sure if you realize, but the more you comment on my stuff, the more it tells the algorithm you want more of it. Morning, lizard pudding with a smiley face. I was just being a smart ass, like a funny, smart ass. And he goes, I get it.

Trust me. My algorithm changed in a funny way, a few months back. Instagram stop supplying the content. I enjoy. Art nerd culture leftist memes gay stuff, et cetera. So this is all the kind of stuff he likes. This is what I mean. We are polar opposites, right? He's a gay man. He's like leftist kind of stuff.

. his like views of the world, literally complete opposite of mine. But then he said, and started only offering up the opposite. alt right memes sigma alphas misogynistic. humour Bible bangers, et cetera. He's putting me in that camp by the way. [00:10:00] For months, I followed all the steps to revert it.

Unsuccessfully. Now I just try to make the best of this window I've been given. It's been fun in some ways, depressing in others, C'est la vie!.

And then I looked at his profile and I'm like, oh my God, that's that guy with the funny sense of humor, the one who I told, you know, I hope your balls are okay.

Cause you've got he/him. In your profile. And I was like, ah, that makes sense. Well, I hope our interactions have been on the fun side rather than depressing. Even if you think I'm bonkers. And he said so far so fun. I don't agree with most of the points I see you sharing, but that doesn't mean you're crazy.

Right? Right. which cracked me up again. I said. he he define crazy. No, I'm joking. I said, PS, that's a drastic difference in what you enjoy to what is being shown in your feed. Instagram is confusing as heck sometimes. And then he responded with a funny little GIF thing and yeah, and then we ended up as, as I said, we [00:11:00] ended up in, um, messaging each other, you know, I think about it.

He's a gay man. He's got he, him and his profile. Our worldviews are completely the opposite, but yet we can enjoy banter. We can enjoy taking the piss out of each other and literally mocking each other, but in a fun, respectful way, I'm here for that. And I want to point that out. Come and comment, come and join in the conversations.

Even if you see things differently to me. I do not. And I've said this before. I will never, never delete someone's comment if they disagree with me unless it got dangerous. Right? I'm an ex police officer. I did have a minor stalker issue in the very last, very minor. It was someone who was in prison who got out of prison and kind of had this little love thing with me.

He thought. I was the only female police officer in that particular town at the time. And he just kind of, you know, obviously the only option, I guess he thought he liked a female police officer and I was it. Right. So I know what it can get. Like when things get a little bit dicey, it wasn't dangerous by the way.

But [00:12:00] if someone ever got dangerous with me online, if someone started attacking me or people in my life, so say my private life, family, friends, Then yeah, I will put in place, whatever is necessary to protect myself or my family. I'm not going to just let them shit all over my social media pages and just let them. You know, get completely disgusting or dangerous or evil. Same with any of my guests on my podcast.

If someone really comes for them, then yeah, I'm going to filter their speech. But it's different. If you can come onto my social media pages and disagree with me, but in a respectful or a funny way, my God, I'm here for it. Disagree with me as much as you want.  

Now I also want to point out a post that went viral, but this is something that I learned about social media.

So I had an Instagram reel that has had an 109,000 views. And zero comments. And I want to talk about this because I was like, what the crap has this been like as the comments being shut down. And I just haven't seen [00:13:00] them, but when I go through this, it'll make sense. So this is what the reel says. I don't fully trust people who say you can change your gender just by saying, so dot, dot, dot, and then the next caption pops up.

And it says, cause they don't even trust their own God damn eyes. So I'm saying I don't fully trust people who say, you know, can change your gender. Let it be whatever it is because you. You aren't. Trusting. what you're seeing, like Clearly, that's a man dressed up as a woman.

It's not actually a woman. It's someone saying they're a woman, they're still a biological male. Right. So if you're saying, oh no, that definitely is a woman. When really, you know, that's a biological man. You don't even trust yourself is what I'm saying. So it is. Very controversial. In, as I said, he got 109,000 views and I was like, why is there no comments?

Why are people not coming for me? I'm so confused. When I actually, when I go into the insights on it, It breaks down where those views are coming from. I didn't know this was a thing. And now it makes sense. When I see other people's posts that look like they've gone crazy viral, but there's no comments. So, as I said, [00:14:00] 109,000 views. 105,850 of those views came from Facebook. So, I don't know if you can see on the camera there for those that are looking at this. Uh, on video form, but comes from Facebook and they don't comment on the Facebook.

They would have to then come onto the Instagram to actually comment on it. So these were all played on Facebook, probably because boomers. Facebook. I realize I've joined the boomer camp. A lot of my traditional views fall into the camp of being a boomer. I'm not a boomer by the way. Definitely not a boomer, but yeah, that was interesting.

So, no. Comments on that. I was like, why aren't people coming for me? It's so funny that some of the posts where I'm like, oh, this one's going to cost me big time. As far as like, I'm going to have days of people, like coming for me hard and it's like, crickets. You're like, what the crap what's going on.

Another one that I recently did was another Instagram, reel where the caption was.

If genitals don't define your sex [00:15:00] slash gender. Then why does removing it affirm your sex slash gender by the way? No one can ever answer that.

Crickets on that one. No one can ever answer that. So let's have a look at some of the comments.

We've got laser artistry says right. Makes no sense. I was like none whatsoever. There's not many comments on this one, by the way, then biz men works has said, oh, the TV emoji and the popcorn emoji. And I said, but if you even dare to ask this question, you're instantly a bigot.

And he says, yes, this is called a kafka trap. And it's brilliant. I don't want to be guilty of mansplaining, but it goes like this you're a racist. No, I'm not. Your denial proves you are. And of course we haven't seen any of that since the spring of 2020. Have we. And I said, ha ha, don't worry. I don't automatically make it mean something negative about myself.

When a man has to explain something to me, I legit had no idea what kafka trap meant. Interesting. [00:16:00] Don't know if I've pronounced that very well.

Then I have an Instagram reel, which was actually, from the gender. Podcast episode. So episode two of controversial as fuck was all about gender pronouns. And so then I ha I converted some of the audio of that into an Instagram real. And, you know, it was just talking about the fiery debate between gender and sex and examining whether the push for pronoun visibility is empowering or is it merely cosmetic? And so just a couple of comments on that one.

So we had the real emgee, who's a legend high Em. She said, Ooh, now I'm all in on your poddy for life. This is a big, bold topic. And I fucking love that you're sharing this. I said, thanks, legend. I so appreciate you joining in the convo. It is a bold topic, but it's funny because years ago it wasn't how times have changed.

Hey, and then Holly Loxton coach. Hey Holly. Another bloody legend. She said if only there was a scientific way to determine this. I said, right. I can't wrap my head around this topic topic. I've [00:17:00] tried. man have tried. And then Holly says for reference I'm a toaster.

Love you guys.

 Thank you so much for contributing. Thank you for being a part of the conversations. I love you guys so much. Please continue to come and join in. Whether you are roasting me or I'm going to roast your ass. It's all done with absolute love, even people that are just utter wankers.

I still hold no form of like animosity towards them whatsoever. It is a free world. I believe in freedom of speech, no matter what way you view the world, no matter what, way you view life, as long as you're not, you know, spitting, absolute hate and nastiness towards people. I absolutely allow you to be on my social media pages and to be part of the conversation.

And I just want to make that clear. So, yeah, come and join in, come and join in the fun. Be a part of the conversations, be a part of, you know, the different episodes every week we have different conversations. [00:18:00] And I love your guts as always.

So thank you for popping in for comment chaos. We'll see you next week with a fresh batch of opinions. Remember, keep your comments popping and I'll keep the replies popping too. Bye.



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