Ep. 14 | 🧲 The G Centre -The magnetic identity centre and its impact on where you're heading in life


Show Notes

Welcome to another episode where we dive into the significance of your self-identity, particularly when it comes to the G centre.

Understanding who you are and your life's direction holds a unique power that emanates from the G centre. In this discussion, I explore the distinctions between a defined (coloured in) and undefined (white) G centre and how each manifests in your life.

We'll explore the nuances of alignment and misalignment with your G centre, prompting you to consider whether you resonate more with a steadfast sense of self and life direction or if your self-concept is flexible, adapting to various environments and social dynamics.

Take a moment to reflect on these questions as you listen, and don't forget to check your Human Design body graph chart to identify if your G centre is defined or undefined.


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