Ep. 15 | 👽It all goes down in the Splenic centre-intuition, fears, and health; Let's chat


Show Notes

👽The Splenic centre is the oldest awareness centre in our bodies

👽It governs fear, intuition, and physical awareness and It's linked to the lymphatic and immune systems in the body. 

👽The body is much more intelligent than we can even comprehend, and this holds our understanding of what is healthy and correct for us.

👽It's fascinating to me that the same centre that deals with intuition also deals with fears and we discuss how we may have talked ourselves into situations like relationships and jobs where they have sucked our very soul but we have suppressed our intuition and ignored it and instead allowed our fears to take control of the situation purely as we have been seeking security and safety.

👽Tune in and listen as we discuss what it's like when your Splenic centre is defined or undefined and how that can play out with it being in alignment or out of alignment.


Ep. 16 | Being un-fuckwithable; from an ex-cops perspective


Ep. 14 | 🧲 The G Centre -The magnetic identity centre and its impact on where you're heading in life