Ep. 07 | 🔥 It's time to feel seen by Human Design-Thanks to the Head Center


Show Notes

Today let's delve into a topic that affects us all—the Head Centre in Human Design.

We've all got some conditioning going on, whether it's defined, undefined, or open.

Tune in as we explore:

🔥 The ins and outs of the head centre

🔥 Surprising ways this centre can shape our lives

🔥 How the head centre manifests physically

🔥 A side-by-side look at living with a defined, undefined, or open head centre

🔥 Spotting signs of unalignment for both scenarios

🔥 Painting a picture of what alignment could look like

Curious about your Head Centre? Let's dive in!


Ep. 08 | 🤯 Do you really know your mind and how it plays out in your life?


Ep. 06 |🔥 Live a revolutionary life through your Human Design