Ep. 29 | People love to buy, but my god we hate being sold to…story time


Show Notes

Here is a little story time of what went down for me at a gym and what completely turned me off from signing up. 

It all comes down to how much we hate feeling like someone is doing the hard sell on us, or like we can't trust our internal authority and we need someone to tell us what we should do.

When you are connected to your inner authority and are a sovereign being, you really can smell "used-car salesman tactics" from a mile away.

This is why I'm all about magnetic marketing and selling from a place of being obsessed with what you have to offer as opposed to giving off desperate energy that pushes people away.

Tune in as I explain the differences and how I'm able to magnetically attract dream clients to me and I continue to make sales without even feeling like I'm selling.


Ep. 30 | 🔥 Lines 1 to 3 in Human Design


Ep. 28 | Disrupt your industry with discipline, screw motivation