Ep. 19 | 👊🏻 How to not be consumed by people's opinions of you


Show Notes

Here's another gem from 2020 – the audio snippet from my second YouTube video. This one was born out of a deep conversation with my dad right before hitting the record button.

While you won't catch me on camera (audio only, my friends), my hope is that you feel the sincerity in every word.

I transformed from a chronic people pleaser, molded by a strict religious upbringing where our projected image was seen as of the highest importance. Constantly managing how others perceived us was the norm. Stepping out of that and shedding my people-pleasing tendencies is a massive milestone for me, something I take pride in.

My dream? To witness others break free from people-pleasing and the shackles of others' opinions – it's a game-changer.

So, enjoy the audio xx


Ep. 20 | 🎤 The greatest advice for your Human Design Type


Ep. 18 | 🤯 It was time to face some hard truths - audio I found from 2020