What specific challenges or issues led you to seek out my services?
Be as specific as possible including any health, emotional or mental challenges at the time of enrolling.
Can you describe your experience throughout our sessions together? Were there any moments that stood out to you as particularly impactful?
What tangible changes have you observed in your daily life, health, wealth, relationships, or any other area since starting the program?
How did the outcomes of the sessions align with your initial expectations?
Were there any surprises or outcomes you hadn't anticipated? Were you skeptical to begin with?
What did you find most valuable or beneficial about our time together?
Are there any aspects of the program you feel could be improved or adjusted? Your honest feedback is crucial for enhancing the experience for future clients.
As you continue to integrate the insights and changes from our sessions, what further improvements or developments do you hope to see in your life?
If you feel comfortable doing so, could you provide a brief testimonial about your experience and results? Your story could inspire and encourage others to take things to the next level.
Or alternatively, I could put all your previous answers together into a testimonial, just let me know below.
Do I have your permission to share your feedback and testimonial, in whole or in part, with potential clients on social media and my website?
Please let me know below how you would like your name to be written (eg full name, initials, or first name and initial for your surname etc)
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience or any further feedback you have for me?